How to swallow bitter medicine

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Swallow Bitter Medicine
Video: Swallow Bitter Medicine


No one likes to take medicine, and if the medicine is also bitter, then the process of taking the medicine becomes even more unpleasant.So how do we swallow these nasty drugs that make us feel better? You can read the following tips to help you take your bitter medicine properly. Remember that not all tablets can be crushed before taking. If you crush a drug that is supposed to work slowly, you could interfere with the slow absorption of the drug. Some medicines should not be mixed with milk. Some should not be taken with juice. Talk to your doctor before taking any medications.


Method 1 of 6: Jam and Honey

  1. 1 If the drug annotation says that the drug can be taken with food, then you can improve the taste of the drug by mixing it with jam or honey. The sweet taste of food will overpower the bitter taste of the medicine.

Method 2 of 6: Bread or Butter

  1. 1 If you are unable or unwilling to crush the medicine before taking, you can insert the tablet into a piece of bread and swallow it. Bread and nut butters cause salivation, so it will be easier for you to swallow the medicine.

Method 3 of 6: Milk or Juice

  1. 1 Take the medicine with a glass of milk. It will also help you kill the taste of the drug.
  2. 2 Put some juice in your mouth before taking the medicine. This will improve the taste. Remember that some drugs cannot be taken with certain types of juice (for example, grapefruit juice). Before using this method, check with your doctor.

Method 4 of 6: Medical Flavor Enhancers

  1. 1 If your child cannot swallow a bitter antibiotic suspension or bitter cough syrup, try medicated flavor enhancers in drops. Many children will happily swallow the medicine if it tastes like strawberries, grapes, or chewing gum. Mint-flavored Zantac can be given to a child along with medicinal grape-flavored drops. Mix the medicine with the flavor enhancer before giving it to your child. This will make the medicine taste better for the child.

Method 5 of 6: Another brand

  1. 1 If none of the above methods helps, you can ask the doctor to replace the medicine with the same one, but from a different manufacturer. Just like a bun bought in a supermarket will taste different from a bun bought at a bakery around the corner, medicines from different manufacturers will taste differently. You may want to take the medicine as a pill rather than a suspension or syrup if you don't like the bitter taste of the medicine.

Method 6 of 6: General Help

  1. 1 Try covering your nose while taking the medication. Your olfactory glands and taste buds work in concert, so this method can give you the opportunity to swallow the bitter medicine without actually taste it.
  2. 2 Try placing the pill or liquid as far into your mouth as possible, close to the root of your tongue: if your tongue doesn’t taste the medicine, you don’t taste the medicine either.
  3. 3 Brush your teeth after taking the medication.
  4. 4 Swallow as quickly as possible to avoid vomiting!
  5. 5 If none of the tricks works, then take courage and swallow the medicine. Health must be protected, so the medicine must still be taken.


  • Take a spoonful of honey after taking the medicine. Or take a drink as soon as you swallow the medicine.
  • Put some of the drink in your mouth (juice will work) and then put the pill in your mouth. Many people put the medicine in their mouth first and suffer from an unpleasant taste until they drink the medicine.


  • Check with your doctor before using the above tips. Food can slow down the absorption of the drug.
  • Never take medications that have not been prescribed for you.