Write an essay or paper

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Papers & Essays: Crash Course Study Skills #9
Video: Papers & Essays: Crash Course Study Skills #9


You passed with a six, but only a ten deserves a place on your grandmother's fridge (or your own fridge). Have you toiled in your courses, but are you only getting mediocre results? Well, tell Grandma she can get the magnets ready: just follow these steps and make the best papers or essays.

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Method 1 of 1: Write your own paper

  1. Choose your topic. Try to be as creative as possible; if you get the chance to choose a topic for yourself, take advantage of it. Choose something that you are particularly interested in, as this will make it much easier to write; try to choose the topic with urgent questions that you know you would like to know the answers to. Once you've picked a topic, narrow it down to a topic to do; a subject is often too broad at first, and therefore impossible to complete within the constraints set by the time and space. Limit your topic to something that can really be worked out within the confines of your paper or essay. If the topic has already been chosen for you, start by exploring the unique viewpoints that can distinguish your content and the information, in addition to the more obvious approaches that many others have likely taken. Finally, however you approach the subject, it must be both original and insightful; something that will attract and fascinate the reader.
    • Be careful not to choose a topic and be so keen on completing it that you are no longer open to new ideas and ways of thinking while developing the paper. This is called "premature cognitive commitment" within the academic world. It can ruin an otherwise good paper because a predetermined result, regardless of the research results, is altered in your head to match the outcome, rather than the result reflecting a real analysis of the discoveries made. Instead, keep asking questions about the topic at every stage of your research, and write and refer to the topic in terms of a "hypothesis" rather than a conclusion. This way you will be prepared for a challenge, and you can even change your mind while you are developing the paper.
    • By reading other people's comments, advice, and mentions on a topic, you can often sharpen your own, especially where they have posted as comments, "further investigation is required," or where they pose challenging questions but leave them unanswered.
    • Check out wikiHow for more help on identifying a research topic.
  2. Do your research. It is pointless to start writing before doing your research. You need to understand the background of the subject and current thinking about it, as well as figure out what future research is considered necessary in the field. While it may be tempting to reuse old information that you already know really well, don't do this, otherwise you won't learn anything from the research and writing process. Approach the investigation with a sense of adventure and an open mind about learning things you don't know yet, as well as a way to discover new ways of looking at old problems. Use both primary sources (original literature, documents, court cases, interviews, experiments, etc.) and secondary sources (other people's interpretations and explanation of the primary sources) in the research. There is also a place to discuss the topic with like-minded students and even seek out online discussions on the topic if you are comfortable with this, but these discussions are there to exchange thoughts and develop your ideas, usually not as credible sources. For more information, here are a few helpful resources to check out:
    • Write a research report.
    • Take Notes, Take Good Notes, Take Notes From a Textbook, and Take Cornell Notes.
  3. Refine your thesis. After you have done the research, you reflect on the chosen topic. At this point, it is essential to point out a single, strong idea that you are going to discuss, the statement that you think you can defend in the paper and make it clear to the reader what they are going to learn, along with an informed conclusion. Your thesis is the backbone of your paper or essay, the idea that you will defend in the paragraphs that follow. Serve it half-baked, and the rest of the paper will be tasteless. Construct a dissertation that your research has proven to be of interest to you - that way, substantiating it won't become a terribly boring task. Once you are satisfied that your topic is correct and clarified, proceed to write your first draft.
    • Remember, the research doesn't stop here. Nor does that have to be the case for the proposition. Leave room for flexibility while researching and writing, as you may want to make changes that match your ideas and the discoveries you keep making. On the other hand, be careful not to become a continuous seeker who never wants to commit to a single idea for fear of limiting oneself. At some point, you will have to say, `` This is enough to make my point! '' If you are so preoccupied with a topic, there is always the option of a postgraduate study, but remember that the paper has a fixed has a maximum number of words and a deadline!
  4. Develop one text scheme (an overview) for your paper. Some people can work on a paper without this step; however, this is a rare battle that is always short of time. It's much better to outline so you know where you're going, just like a roadmap helps you know how to get from A to B. Like the entire paper, such an overview is not set in stone, but is subject to change. However, it gives a sense of structure and provides a framework to fall back on if you get lost somewhere in the middle of your paper, and it also serves as the skeleton of your paper, allowing you to just fill in the rest of the details . There are several approaches to creating an outline, and you may even have your own personal preferred method. As a general guide, the outline of a paper should include some of the following fundamental elements:
    • Introduction, paragraphs / paragraphs for discussion and a conclusion or summary.
    • Descriptive or explanatory paragraphs after the introduction, to provide a background or theme.
    • Analysis and argument in paragraphs and paragraphs. Using your research, you will write down the main idea for each paragraph of the body of the text.
    • Outstanding questions or points you are not sure about yet.
    • Read the article Create a text schema for more information.
  5. Make your point clear in the introduction. The introductory paragraph is challenging, but don't shy away from it. This is the part of the paper that is likely to be rewritten most often, if you notice changes in direction, flow, and results as you develop your paper. So think of it as a starting point, and remind yourself that you can always revise the introduction. This approach gives you the freedom to make mistakes, but also to correct things where necessary. Also use this as an opportunity to control the general organization of your paper or essay by explaining the format; something the reader should also know from the beginning. Try to organize your introduction with the help of HIT:
    • H.angel the reader in with the help of a question or a quote. Or link it to a curious anecdote, which will ultimately make complete sense to the reader, within the context of the thesis.
    • I.Introduce your subject. Be concise, crisp and clear.
    • T. hoarse. This should have already been clarified in the previous step.
      • Don't forget to define the words in the question! Words like "globalization" can have a variety of meanings and it is important to mention which one you will be using as part of your introduction.
  6. Convince the reader with the paragraphs in the core of your text. Make sure each paragraph supports your argument in a new way. Are you not sure that the essence is complete or that you explain your thesis correctly? Then put the first sentence of each paragraph in a row; read together as a list of evidence proving your thesis.
    • Try to relate the actual topic of the essay (eg, Plato's Symposium) to a related issue that you happen to know about (eg, the growing trend of casual sexual encounters within sororities). Slowly move the paragraph to your actual topic, and give some generalizations about why this aspect of the book / topic is so fascinating and research worthy (such as, how different expectations were about physical intimacy then compared to now).
  7. Make a strong conclusion. If necessary, try to apply the RNCN method:
    • R.ecapitulate your thesis.
    • N.oem an important detail, usually from your last paragraph.
    • C.exclusion - summarize everything.
    • N.thinker - where you give the reader something to think about.
  8. Show which style you use. Using external sources? Find out which citation style your instructor prefers (MLA, APA, or another style). Each has an exact notation system, so if you're unsure of the rules, check the manual for that style (online versions are available at owl.English.Purdue.EU). Making the text more vivid with quotes in your text is certainly a good way to help in making your point, but don't overdo it and avoid using so many quotes that it becomes the epitome of your points, basically let other authors make the point for you and write the paper.
    • Avoid cutting and pasting other people's arguments. Be free to refer to eminent thinkers in the field to support your own thinking, but don't say anything other than "A says ... B says ...". The reader ultimately wants to know what you have to say.
    • It is helpful to keep the reference list from the beginning to avoid a lot of last minute stress: Read more about this in Writing a bibliography, and other articles on writing a bibliography in APA and MLA style.
  9. Leave out superfluous things and stick to the core. Space is scarce in a fixed-length paper, so it is always a sensible approach to look for ways to limit the number of words.Are you using the correct sentence constructions? Study each and determine if you have used the fewest possible words without losing meaning.
    • Exchange the weak "doubting" verbs for stronger "action verbs". For example, "I was writing my paper" becomes "I wrote my paper."
  10. Don't be a sloppy fox. Spell checking is just the first step of proofreading your paper! A spell checker will not notice errors such as 'how' instead of 'hat', nor will it detect doubled words ('the de') or grammar problems (unless you are using MS Word, which can be configured to check grammar, and double word trapping). Small mistakes like these probably won't impress the teacher - if you work so carelessly that you haven't proofread, then chances are you haven't put a lot of effort into your paper either. Deal with the mess: Ask a friend to read your essay and flag any mistakes.
    • Decent grammar should be a given. You need the teacher to give you the benefit of the doubt, not to correct your use of an apostrophe. A few mistakes too many and the message is soon buried under the irritation about all the mistakes.
  11. Think of a good title to get the reader's attention, but don't make it too long or too short! Some people come up with a great title right at the start of writing a paper or essay, while for others this only becomes clear after having worked out the text in its entirety. If you're still stuck, brainstorm with a friend or family member; you'll be amazed how a fresh mind who knows nothing about the subject can come up with a snappy title in the blink of an eye!


  • Give yourself enough time to complete the paper. Obviously, the sooner you start the better, but if for whatever reason you start later than recommended, you have no other choice:
    • At least 2 hours for 3-5 pages.
    • Minimum of 4 hours for 8-10 pages.
    • At least 6 hours for 12-15 pages.
    • Double this number of hours if you have not done homework or attended classes.
    • Add about two more hours to the suggested time for a research thesis (although you will need to know how to conduct research quickly and effectively, which is beyond the scope of this short guide).
  • The best papers and essays are like the grass on a tennis court - the argument should be smooth as in a "rally", where you come to the convincing conclusion.
  • If you get stuck, consider a meeting with your teacher. Whether you're still struggling with a paper or want to finalize the conclusion, most instructors are happy to help and will remember your initiative when the grades are going to be handed out.


  • If you use external sources and do not name those sources, you have committed fraud (plagiarism). You will not pass and may not be able to continue your studies. Don't cheat; it is not worth it from the standpoint of losing your opportunities to keep studying and it is hardly useful in helping to preserve the knowledge and develop the analytical and in-depth understanding necessary for applying your knowledge in the rest of your career. The effort you put in now will make the acquisition of knowledge much easier later in life.
  • Remember that writing your paper or essay is an important part of your academic career. Make sure it includes title page, table of contents, core and reference page.
  • Never submit a paper written for another course. The only time this is allowed is when you have asked for and received permission. Don't forget that your teachers consult with each other and have seen everything before.
  • Don't forget to check the final version for errors and omissions. These small misses can add up to reduce the number of points you get in total.