How to get a guy back if he dumped you

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 20 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
He Dumped You? This Reaction Will Have Him CRAWLING BACK
Video: He Dumped You? This Reaction Will Have Him CRAWLING BACK


When a guy dumps you, the first thing you might want to do is call him, tell him how you feel, and hope he wants to come back. You may feel the need to bombard him with pleas for the relationship to be rebuilt, but first of all, consider whether the reunion will benefit both of you. If you really want a guy back, give him some space, get better, and finally make friends with him.


Method 1 of 4: Think about why he broke up with you

  1. 1 Try to understand why the relationship ended. Was there a quarrel, betrayal, or did you feel that he gradually lost interest in you? Knowing the reason why the guy left you can help you figure out if it's worth returning.
    • Analyze his behavior in the weeks leading up to the breakup. This will help you determine if the relationship can be saved.
    • If it was a sudden breakup due to a difference of opinion, he may just need a little time to cool down.
    • If the relationship has gone awry for months, consider whether trying to get it back is really worth the effort.
  2. 2 Analyze the cause of the dispute. If the breakup is due to an argument, understanding why it happened can help you fix it.Was it your first fight or were you constantly fighting? People swear, disperse and reconcile all the time. However, if it has become a habit, it already indicates larger problems in the relationship in general.
    • If physical abuse occurs during an argument, understand that this is never the norm. It's not a good idea to go back to a relationship with someone who uses physical violence against you.
    • And vice versa: you should never use physical violence against a partner. Seek help from friends, family, and possibly a doctor if you have or have thoughts of harming your partner.
  3. 3 Decide if you can forgive cheating. If the breakup was due to infidelity, consider whether a healthy relationship is possible. In most cases, you shouldn't return a relationship that ended due to infidelity.
    • If he cheated, decide if you can truly forgive him. If the breakup is recent, you may react emotionally.
    • If you cheated, consider whether trying to come back will be fair to the guy. Most people find it difficult to forgive betrayal in the form of betrayal.
    • Perhaps the betrayal happened for a reason. Probably, the one who did it did not feel satisfaction from the relationship.
  4. 4 Find out why he lost interest. If a relationship has faded due to a loss of interest, think about the reason. Perhaps you didn't have time for each other, or you were going through a difficult period, or this is simply not your person.
    • He might have cooled off to you because one of you has changed. You may have gone through a temporary change due to difficult circumstances, or you may have become better. Sometimes people grow up individually.
    • If the relationship ended because one of you changed, you might both be better off moving on.
  5. 5 Admit your mistake. If you think you did something wrong, you should accept it and prepare yourself to admit your wrongdoing. Understand that if you hurt your boyfriend, chances are your actions hurt him.
    • Be sure to try your best not to commit this act again. If your boyfriend takes you back, it's important not to repeat your mistakes.
  6. 6 Understand your intentions. Think about whether you really want to be with him again or whether you want to get along with him just because he dumped you. If your self-esteem has fallen after the guy left you, you may feel the need to prove to yourself that you can get him back. Or the breakup made you realize how much you value this person.
    • Don't try to get the guy back if you have no genuine intentions. It will only lead to broken hearts on both sides.

Method 2 of 4: Give it space

  1. 1 Be patient. You may be able to get it back quickly, or it may turn into a lengthy process. Either way, you need to give the guy some space.
  2. 2 Define a period of time without communication. You can stop contact for a week, a month, or even a few months. The amount of time depends on the circumstances of your relationship and breakup.
    • Try not to get in touch for a week if you think it is better to be silent for a short time.
    • If the breakup was particularly difficult, avoid communication for at least a month.
    • During this period, make every effort not to answer his messages or calls if he contacts you. Communication can be restored after a while, but complete silence will help renew his interest.
  3. 3 Stop calling and texting him. If you call or text your ex over and over again, you need to stop it. By cutting off contacts, you give the guy a break to cool off. It also gives him the opportunity to wonder if he’s made a mistake.
  4. 4 Don't contact him on social media. You might want to remove him from your friends, but this is not necessary. However, it is important not to leave comments or likes under his posts. And don't write to him.
    • Remove him from friends only if it is too difficult for you to avoid contact with him or look at his publications. Otherwise, it is best to leave this form of communication open for the future.
    • Don't check what he posts on social media. It will be even more painful for you to see him having a good time without you.
  5. 5 Try not to meet him in person. Do not go to his favorite places and do not go out with mutual friends for a while. Don't change your life drastically, but at the same time try not to communicate with the guy in person.
    • If you work or study with your ex, be friendly and professional, but don't talk to him unnecessarily.
  6. 6 Sit back and relax. Don't make too much effort to avoid your ex. Better to concentrate as much as possible on other things that bring you pleasure. He may appreciate your value if you don't react to the breakup in a desperate or annoying manner.

Method 3 of 4: Focus on yourself

  1. 1 Give yourself time to be sad. It is quite normal to walk with your eyes in a wet place after a break. Don't try to suppress the sadness. Once you release your emotions, you can approach renewing the relationship with a clear mind.
    • It's okay to feel sad as a result of a breakup. If experiences affect all areas of your life and over time you do not get better, seek help.
    • Seek help if your sleep, appetite, and concentration have not recovered within two weeks. Be sure to seek help if you have thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
    • Don't let self-pity crush you. Give yourself time to feel sad, but don't forget the positive things for yourself.
  2. 2 Express emotions in creativity. Try writing down thoughts in a journal, drawing, or even composing songs. Writing and art are healing ways to deal with thoughts and feelings.
  3. 3 Make time for friends and family. Sometimes a breakup leaves a feeling of loneliness, and very often people lose contact with a couple of friends during a relationship. Spend time away from your ex by making connections with friends and family. Being around loved ones is a healthy way to build self-esteem and heal mental wounds.
  4. 4 Make positive changes to your appearance. There is nothing wrong with your outfit right now, but often making changes in your appearance is a quick way to boost your self-confidence. The change can be minor, such as whitening your teeth, or dramatic, such as a new hair color.
    • Get new clothes. New clothes will highlight how fun, sexy and stylish you are.
    • Start exercising. Helpful lifestyle changes will benefit you, and your ex may notice the change.
  5. 5 Try something new. Now is the time to try something that you have long wanted to do. Taking new classes is a good way to distract yourself from a breakup and prevent yourself from getting in touch too soon.
    • Take yoga lessons.
    • Take a trip to a new location.
    • Take a cooking class.
    • Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  6. 6 Remember who you are. If you are dumped, it does not mean that something is wrong with you. Use this time to remember which traits made your ex fall in love with you in the first place.
    • Consider your strengths and weaknesses. Don't get hung up on flaws. Better think about how to fix them.

Method 4 of 4: Make Friendship

  1. 1 Get in touch when you're really ready. Try to adhere to the allotted period of silence. Don't convince yourself to connect with a guy in a short amount of time just because you have an overwhelming urge to do so. Getting in touch with a clear and sober head will benefit both of you.
  2. 2 Start small. As a first attempt to get in touch, you can like his posts on social networks.If you are not subscribed to each other, send him a short message.
    • If you are sending a message, do not initiate too long a conversation. Say that you hope he is doing well, or that you saw something that triggered a memory of him.
  3. 3 Send him a message. First, greet him or ask how he is doing. Try to have easy conversation.
    • Don't say at this stage that you miss him, love him, or want him to come back.
    • Don't write again if he doesn't answer. Wait at least a couple of days or weeks before trying again. If he doesn't respond in any way, stop contacting him.
  4. 4 Call him. As soon as he starts responding to messages, try calling him. Hearing your voice some time after breaking up, he will remember how much he misses you in life.
    • Don't try to talk about relationships just yet. Tell us what happened to you new, and ask what happened in his life ..
    • Don't cry or get angry if at first he doesn't react the way you want him to.
  5. 5 Offer him to go somewhere. It's too early to ask him out. Just offer to go for a walk or do something.
    • Invite him for coffee.
    • Suggest going on a hike or walking together.
    • Suggest going to a movie or event that interests him.
  6. 6 Don't rush things. Don't expect to rebuild the relationship once you've established contact with your boyfriend. Understand that he may still be in pain or confusion. Spend time together as friends, and don't try to force him to do anything else.
    • Tell us about new things you've tried during your breakup.
    • Use the confidence you've gained during this time to remind him how funny and friendly you are.
  7. 7 Gradually approach the reunion proposal. Tell him that you enjoy spending time with him, let him know that you would like to be in a romantic relationship again. Don't beg him to come back as soon as he begins to feel comfortable in your company.
    • Don't ask for a reunion right away. Tell them that you are thinking about getting together.
    • Let him know that you would like to return everything by saying that you think you spent enough time apart to start over.
  8. 8 Discuss this. You probably want to start from scratch, but understand that it will be difficult for you to reunite if you do not talk about the past. Listen to his feelings and concerns. Calmly express your point of view.
    • Discuss your differences carefully and come to an agreement. Don't jump into a relationship without solving the problems that led to the breakup.
  9. 9 Respect his decision. Perhaps he will agree to come together, or maybe he will think that it is better to stay apart. Don't get mad at the guy if he doesn't want to come back. Understand that this is not in your hands.
    • Don't bring up past grudges if you get along. Talk about the past before deciding to start a relationship.
    • There is no need to react negatively if he decides not to converge. He may not be ready yet. Don't ruin your chances for the future by getting emotional.
    • Ask if his decision not to reunite is final. Resign yourself if you are no longer with him.
  10. 10 Remember that the other person does not determine your value. Whatever the outcome, your value or significance is not set by the romantic partner. Remain independent and confident no matter what decision he makes.


  • Take photos of your adventures and post them on social media. Show him that you are having a good time without him.
  • Bide your time between calls, messages, and appointments. Don't rush the reunion process.
  • Remember to be yourself. Don't try to change yourself, even if you think it will attract the guy.
  • Understand that reuniting will not guarantee that you will stay together.Some relationships just aren't meant to be. Therefore, once again: reunification will not guarantee that you will stay together.


  • Don't threaten your ex that you will harm yourself or commit suicide.
  • Don't contact your ex too often. And while you may feel like you can't live without it, understand that over-communication is not going to benefit either of you.
  • Respect his decision if he doesn't want to communicate with you. Bothering to connect with someone who doesn't want it is unhealthy behavior.