How to know if a cat is neutered or not

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 11 June 2024
How to Tell If a Cat Has Been Neutered
Video: How to Tell If a Cat Has Been Neutered


Since the world's cat population is already too large, every responsible owner, unless he is a professional breeder, should neuter his cat. Many owners do not castrate their cats, as they believe that since their cat will not have kittens, then this is not necessary. However, your cat may mate with neighbors or stray cats, thus contributing to feline overpopulation. Moreover, he will cause you more trouble, marking the territory and trying to run away from home. If you have adopted an adult cat and are not sure if he is neutered, you can check it yourself.


Part 1 of 2: Self-examination of the cat

  1. 1 Take the cat. In order to self-examine the cat, you will need to access his buttocks in order to look at the genitals. Turn the cat back to you. After that, lift his tail straight up to see the genital area. You may need an assistant to hold your cat if he is unhappy with the inspection and starts to struggle.
    • You can pet the cat on the back and talk to him so that he gets in a good mood and lifts his tail himself. This way you don't have to hold him and he will be more relaxed.
    • Since you will be feeling the cat's genitals, it is a good idea to wear latex gloves. The main thing is that the gloves are thin enough so that you can feel something through them.
  2. 2 Remove wool if necessary. If your cat is fluffy, you may need to brush the extra fur to the side to be able to see the genitals. Remove fur to get a glimpse of the genitals. Parting the fur between the paws, you will see the cat's penis and anus.
    • Be careful not to press too hard, or you may hurt the cat.
    • If you have a shorthaired cat, this step may not be necessary, as you will not have to remove the fur to see the genitals.
    • If your cat is quiet and obedient, then you can examine him by laying him on his back.If you want to do this, grab the cat by the scruff of the neck and turn it over. This will help keep him in place and protect your hands from his claws.
  3. 3 Check the testicles. When a cat is castrated, its testicles are removed. Therefore, examining this area will help you understand if he is neutered. Find the scrotum, which is located under the tail and anus and above the penis. There should be a small pouch here. Take it in your hands and feel it carefully. If you experience hard testicles, then your cat still has testicles and has not been neutered. If the sac is soft, chances are it was recently castrated. In this case, the scrotum of a cat is usually shaved.
    • If there is no bag at all, it may have been castrated more than a month ago and the bag was simply deflated.
    • If you find one testicle, then your cat has not been neutered.
    • All this does not give a 100% guarantee that your cat has been neutered. If your cat is still young, his testicles may not have descended yet. There is also the possibility that your cat has cryptorchidism, a condition in which the testicles do not descend into the scrotum.
  4. 4 Measure the distance between your anus and your penis. There is another way to check if a cat has been neutered. Lift his tail and measure the distance between his anus and penis. If the distance is more than 2.5 cm, then most likely your cat has been neutered.
    • If your cat is still young, the distance should be slightly more than 1.3 cm.

Part 2 of 2: Alternative Testing Methods

  1. 1 Search the notes. When you buy or take a cat or kitten, find out if he has any documents. This can be a certificate or a receipt from the veterinarian, where the castration of the cat is confirmed.
    • Don't be afraid to ask these kinds of questions. If you are buying a cat from the previous owner or taking it from a shelter and you are not given any documents, ask if the cat has been neutered. This is not an immodest question and you will look more responsible as a future owner.
  2. 2 Take a look at his ears. If you don't have any information or find a stray cat, check its ear for a brand. A stigma is usually placed to confirm that the cat has been castrated. However, this practice is not very common in our country.
    • There is a label that does not mean that the cat has been neutered. If you see the M-shaped stamp, it means that the cat has a microchip.
  3. 3 Take a look at the fur on the lower abdomen. Pick up the cat and take a look at its fur in the lower abdomen. If the coat is shaved or looks shorter, it is possible that the cat has been neutered. Veterinarians shave the hair at the site before castration, so this may be a sign.
    • This method is not unambiguously correct, so you should try other methods in addition to it.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the smell of urine. The urine of non-castrated cats gives off a particularly strong and persistent odor. If your cat has very foul-smelling urine, it may not have been neutered or was neutered very recently.
  5. 5 Ask your veterinarian. If you've tried every possible method and you're still not sure, ask your veterinarian if your cat has been neutered. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you this for sure, as he is better at understanding all the signs.
    • Bring the cat to the vet and ask your question. If you find out that your cat is not neutered, make an appointment as soon as possible.