How to remove stains from jeans

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Remove Any Stain From Jeans | Your Going To Have To See This Life Hack
Video: How To Remove Any Stain From Jeans | Your Going To Have To See This Life Hack


Unfortunately, stains will make your jeans look bad and old, no matter how new and expensive they are. However, removing stains may be easier than you think. Are your jeans stained with sweat and blood? Come on, wipe the tears - the savior is in front of you! Read on for helpful tips and tips to remove the most common stubborn stains on jeans.


Method 1 of 7: Prepare

  1. Resisting the natural reflection is to immediately remove the stain with water. This is especially important if the stain is greasy. Oil is inherently hydrophobic, which means that pouring water on the oil stains can make the stain stick permanently and almost impossible to clean.

  2. Do not wash jeans before handling the stain. This is a common mistake you should avoid. Once in contact with water, the stain will be even more difficult to remove if the washing process cannot be cleaned.

  3. Spread your jeans on a surface you are not afraid of getting dirty. It is important to find a place to spread stained jeans. It's okay to make sure that the surface is dirty. Sometimes while removing a stain from the fabric, the fabric's color can come off and stick to whatever is placed under it. You might consider taking a bath.

  4. Find an old, but clean rag or cloth. Depending on how much or how little the stain is, you will need to use some absorbent material. Old socks, old t-shirts and / or kitchen towels are okay, provided they are clean. It's best to use a light-colored rag or cloth, as the color of the rag can seep into your jeans and become a spoiler.
  5. Find a medium-sized plastic tub. You may have to soak your jeans before washing them, and a plastic tub is a good choice for this purpose.
  6. Treat stains on jeans as soon as possible. The longer it is left, the more difficult the stain is to remove. While you can't change your jeans in the middle of a restaurant dinner, do your best to handle it as soon as you get home. advertisement

Method 2 of 7: Remove blood stains

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt in a cup of cold water. If the blood is new, use soda water instead of cold water. Stir the mixture until the salt is dissolved.
  2. Dip a rag / cloth in the saline solution. Make sure to soak in salt water.
  3. Gently blot and wipe until the stain is gone. Try blotting first. If you don't see any results, scrub the stain. Alternately blot and rub until the stain is gone.
    • You can also turn the left over and remove the stain from the left side of your jeans with cold soda and salt.
    • If that doesn't work, try the next steps below.
  4. Pour 1 liter of cold water into a cup or bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of table salt or an equivalent amount of ammonia. Stirred. If the blood stain is already dry and no new, pour the salt / ammonia solution into a plastic tub and soak the stained portion in the basin for about 30 minutes or overnight. You can check the stain from time to time to see how it has progressed.
    • Do not use lukewarm water as it will make the stain stick instead of removing it.
    • If the steps above did not remove the stain, try one of the following methods.
  5. Soak the stained part in cold water for about 1 minute. This method will work well on old or stuck stains. After soaking your jeans in cold water, wring out the water and put in a plastic bag with 2 cups lemon juice and half a cup of table salt. Soak jeans for about 10 minutes, then dry. Once the pants are dry, put them in a normal washing machine.
    • Note that lemon juice can lighten the color of the fabric. Ideally, you should use this method only on light-colored or white jeans.
  6. Make a paste from meat tenderizer. Due to its ability to break down proteins, meat tenderizer can be used as an effective blood bleach. Use 1/4 teaspoon of meat tenderizer, add some cold water and mix well into a paste. Apply the mixture to the blood stain. Wait about 15 minutes, then rinse your jeans.
    • You can buy meat tenderizer at grocery stores.
    • If none of the above doesn't work, give the last one below.
  7. Use some hairspray. Hair spray can be an effective product for removing blood stains. Spray the stain with hair spray soaked in it and wait about 5 minutes. Then use a damp rag to gently wipe the stain. advertisement

Method 3 of 7: Clean grease and oil stains

  1. Use a dry paper towel to gently blot the stain. Especially if the stain is new, your first instinct will be to clean it with water. However, as mentioned, water only makes stains stick because oil is inherently hydrophobic. On the contrary, a dry paper towel works to absorb excess oil.
    • This method is not enough to remove large and deep stains.
    • Try the following if the paper towel cannot absorb all the oil.
  2. Sprinkle baby powder or baby powder over the grease stain. This method works for new and old stains. Chalk is oil-absorbing and can remove most oil-based stains, especially if they do merely oil. Just sprinkle baby powder on the stain and let the powder do its magic for as long as possible - up to a day. Then gently brush off the chalk (using a dry tissue or toothbrush), and wash your jeans at the highest temperature indicated in the instructions.
  3. Use dish soap. Due to its high level of surfactants, dish soap is especially effective at removing grease and oil stains. Dab a drop or two on the stain and add a little water. Use a rag / cloth to gently wipe the stain until the stain is gone. Then put your jeans in the washing machine and wash as usual.
    • If you're busy, the next step below should be easier.
  4. Use artificial sweeteners. An artificial sweetener works to clean grease stains. Simply use a dry paper towel to dab some of the powder on the stain.
    • Artificial sweeteners are especially useful when you're out and about.
    • If none of the above works, keep trying the last option below.
  5. Use white vinegar. Pour a small amount of undiluted white vinegar onto a paper towel. Blot the stain right before washing your jeans. This method is most effective when dealing with old stains. advertisement

Method 4 of 7: Clean cosmetic stains

  1. Stay away from water. Most cosmetics like lipstick or mascara are oil-based, meaning that water can make stains stick and make it harder to remove.
  2. Gently brush the stain. Some cosmetics are non-liquid, meaning you can sometimes lightly brush to remove the stain of your lipstick or mascara before the stain gets deeper into your jeans.
    • If this is not enough to remove the stain, continue to try the next steps below.
  3. Use shaving cream. Shaving cream is especially effective with stains of foundation stains. Simply spray shaving cream on the stain and put your jeans in the washing machine.
    • As an alternative to this step, you might consider using the next one.
  4. Use hairspray. If you're dealing with lipstick stains, hairspray can be quite effective at removing stains and stains. Spray the stain with hair spray soaked in it and wait about 15 minutes. Then blot with a damp rag or cloth until the stain is gone.
    • If the hairspray makes you uncomfortable or you can't stand the smell, skip it and move on to the method below.
  5. Use dish soap. If you are dealing with stains caused by a colored moisturizer or spray to brown your skin, mix a mixture of warm water and a little dish soap in a cup. Soak a sponge in the mixture and gently blot the stain on your jeans until it's clean. advertisement

Method 5 of 7: Eliminate sweat stains and yellow stains

  1. Use vinegar. Mix a mixture of two parts white vinegar and one part water (cold or warm). Pour the mixture over the stain and soak it overnight, then wash as usual.
    • Some people can't stand the smell of vinegar. If so, skip this method and choose one of the following.
  2. Use baking soda. Make a paste with baking soda and warm water. Use only enough baking soda and water to make a paste. Next, use a toothbrush and rub the dough over the stain. Gently rub again and again, then let sit for a few hours. Finally wash the stain.
  3. Crush three aspirin pills. Place in cup, add two tablespoons of water until mixture becomes a paste. Place it on the stain and let it sit for an hour. Wash the dirt.
  4. Use lemon juice. Sprinkle a little salt on the stain. Then squeeze one lemon until it is soaked with water. Rub until the stain is gone, then wash.
    • This can also be used as a preventative measure. You can apply this mixture to a shirt if you know you're going to sweat (like a sports shirt).
    • Remember that lemon juice can lighten your jeans.

Method 6 of 7: Clean wine and food stains

  1. Use white wine. This may sound paradoxical, but white wine actually does a red wine stain (they neutralize each other). Simply pour white wine over the stain just before washing it. Then wash as usual.
    • If this method didn't work, try one of the steps below.
  2. Use table salt. Sprinkle a little salt over the stain and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Use a rag or cloth to scrub the stain and rinse cold or cold soda water. Repeat the process until the stain is gone. Then bring the laundry.
  3. Use eggs. Egg yolks are particularly effective at removing coffee stains. Mix one egg yolk with a few drops of rubbing alcohol and warm water. Use a sponge to apply the mixture to the coffee stain. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse. Wash your jeans as usual.
  4. Use soda water. Mix a teaspoon of salt and soda in a cup, then pour it directly onto the stain. Soak overnight for best results.
    • As mentioned above, avoid using all types of water to treat grease stains.
    • Soda water and salt are especially effective for coffee stains.

Method 7 of 7: Clean dirt caused by dirt

  1. Should handle dirt stains with a simple way. Turn the jeans back, rub the stain from the left side. Just use a rag / cloth soaked in warm water until the stain is gone.
    • If this is not enough to remove the stain, try one or more of the following.
  2. Use shampoo. With stains old and stuck, you need to put your jeans into a plastic tub filled with warm water. Pour a little shampoo on the sponge and scrub the stain vigorously while soaking in water. Repeat until the stain is gone.
  3. Add vinegar to normal laundry detergent. Pour a cup of white vinegar into the detergent and run the washer. White vinegar is similar to bleach, but is milder.
    • Note: This tip applies to white jeans only.
  4. Gently brush the dirt with a toothbrush. If the stain is new, and most importantly, not liquid, you can gently brush the dirt off your jeans. Be careful though, as vigorous brushing can cause stains to stick to jeans. advertisement


  • Always stay away from bleach.
  • Always treat the stain before washing your jeans.

What you need

  • Washing machine
  • Sponge
  • Old toothbrush
  • Medium-sized plastic pots
  • Old but clean rag or cloth
  • White vinegar
  • Soda water
  • Salt
  • Ammonia
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Lemon juice
  • Egg