How to care for a potato tree

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Care for Potato Plants : Potato Planting
Video: How to Care for Potato Plants : Potato Planting


The potato tree is a perennial shrub - meaning you'll see the plant return year after year to bring flower to your garden from summer to fall. Once the fragrant purple flowers disappear, the plant will produce attractive red berries. This article will show you how to plant, care and help overwinter a potato tree - just see Step 1 below to get started.


Part 1 of 3: Planting a Potato Tree

  1. 1 Grow this shrub in zones 8-11. The potato tree will grow well in the US in zones 8-11. Be sure to choose a location in your garden where the shrub will have plenty of space - about 101 cm on each side. This plant usually grows up to about 1.5 meters tall, so take this into account when planning your garden.
    • Zones indicate the location of where you live, as outlined in the climate map of the US zones. This map divides North America into 11 zones, according to the average annual minimum winter temperatures. Each zone has an average winter temperature of -12 ° C warmer (or colder) than the zone adjacent to it.
    • To find out which climate zone you live in, go to the National Horticultural Association website and enter your zip code.
  2. 2 Choose a sunny, well-protected area for your plant. It's important that your potato tree gets plenty of sunlight, so make sure to choose a sunny spot in your garden for planting.
    • This plant is native to warm climates, so in colder climates it is important to plant it indoors to help it survive the winter. In front of a red brick wall - from the wind - this is ideal.
  3. 3 Plant the shrub in well-drained soil. The potato tree is favored by well-drained soils, so planting should be avoided anywhere where puddles form and linger after rain. If drainage is a problem in your garden, consider adding more organic matter or sand to the soil to improve drainage before planting.
    • The plant prefers soil with a pH that is either neutral or slightly alkaline, but this is not critical.
    • If your garden soil is sandy, it may be wise to add lime when planting. This will lead to improved flowering.
  4. 4 Add some organic matter to enrich the soil. When you plant your potato tree, add organic mulch to enrich the soil, retain moisture, and protect the roots. Add 8 cm of well-rotted manure or leaf humus to the soil when planting.
  5. 5 Keep the plant watered. Keep the plant well watered until it takes root. This usually takes about a year.
  6. 6 If you live in colder climates, consider planting your bush in a pot. If your area has particularly cold winters, consider planting a potato tree in a container that can be moved indoors during the worst winter frosts.
    • Since this is a large plant that will require a large container, it is advisable to use a container that is equipped with wheels to make it easier to move around.
    • Move the plant to a less cold place in frosty weather: a greenhouse or conservatory is ideal.

Part 2 of 3: Caring for a potato tree

  1. 1 Water the plant throughout the growing season. It is important to keep the potato tree watered during the growing season, especially if the weather is dry. However, you should avoid over-watering as this inhibits flower production.
    • You can cut back on watering during colder months.
    • Once rooted, the plant will tolerate drought, but it is still best to water it during dry periods, especially if the soil becomes dry below the surface.
  2. 2 Replace the mulch layer annually. The potato tree prefers moisture in the soil, so keep a layer of mulch on top and remember to replace it annually. This will help keep moisture in the ground.
  3. 3 Feed the plant with a high phosphorus fertilizer. In the spring, feed the potato tree with a high phosphorus fertilizer and continue to do this every few weeks during the growing season.
    • If you're not sure which fertilizer you have, check the ingredients. The amount of phosphorus must be higher than the amount of nitrogen in the mixture. Nitrogen stimulates leaf growth instead of flower growth.
    • If you prefer a more organic fertilizer, bone meal is a good choice with a high phosphorus content.
  4. 4 Watch out for pests and diseases. The potato tree is vulnerable to pests and diseases. Watch out for aphids and use insecticide if they appear. Other hazards include plant disease resulting in stunted growth and death of a part of the plant without rotting and mold.
  5. 5 Prune the bush in mid to late summer. When flowers tend to develop on fresh shoots, pruning the plant after each wild bloom helps encourage more flower formation. To prune a potato tree, cut the stems about a third (cut just above the leaf node) in the mid to late summer flowering period.

Part 3 of 3: Wintering the Potato Tree

  1. 1 Apply a fresh layer of mulch before winter. Potato trees planted in the ground will benefit from mulch before the ground turns cold. This will help protect the roots during the winter months.
    • If you're fortunate enough to live in a frost-free area, your potato tree can bloom all year round.
    • In other areas, you can expect it to die in the winter, but will start growing and blooming again next year.
  2. 2 Really severe frosts will kill this plant completely. If you're expecting a cold snap, you can try fleece protection with a special plant cover from the garden center.
    • Some gardeners recommend wrapping the plant in garlands suitable for outdoor use and then wrapping it in an old shower curtain or similar material.
  3. 3 Move the pot of planted trees indoors. If you are growing a potato tree in a pot, have it overwinter in a shed or conservatory where it will be protected from the winter frost. However, this is only necessary if you live in areas where there is a lot of frost.
  4. 4 Prune the dormant plant in December or January. You should prune the potato tree during the dormant season in winter, December or January. Prune about a third at this time, although you can prune more aggressively if you want to limit the size of the plant. ...
    • To prune the stems, trim to a point just above the leaf node. Any diseased or damaged shoots should also be removed.
    • Also remove any shoots - shoots that form from the rootstock - if you don't want the plant to spread.
  5. 5 Check to see if your plant has survived the winter. To test if your potato tree has survived the winter, try picking bark from the trunk at the base of the plant. If it's still green and fresh on the inside (rather than woody), your plant is still alive and should be growing soon.


  • The potato tree can also be guided in the shape of a tree - if you are doing this, try cutting the bottom third of the stems towards the main stem.
  • The plant is not propagated by seeds.If you are looking for how to breed plants you should take a coniferous stalk.
  • The potato tree or "Solanum Rantonnetii" Grandiflorum "is the most common form of the blue potato tree. You may also have heard other names for Lycianthes rantonnei or Paraguayan nightshade.


  • You have to remember that all parts of this plant are poisonous - don't expect edible potatoes from it, despite the name. Take care that animals and children do not swallow any part of the plant.