How to comfort a very sad person

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Comfort Someone Who Is Sad
Video: How to Comfort Someone Who Is Sad


Sadness is a normal and very common human emotion. Your desire to comfort a sad friend, relative, partner, or acquaintance will be a very natural manifestation of participation.To comfort a deeply saddened person, you can show concern (sympathy, warmth, understanding), help the person feel better, and invite them to have a good time.


Method 1 of 3: Show concern

  1. 1 Find the right approach. To comfort a sad person, you should walk up to him and strike up a conversation. The rapprochement options always depend on the nature of your relationship.
    • Walk up to the person and start a conversation. You could say something like “Hello. How are you?". If you get a short “Normal” in response, then say “You look sad. Do you want to talk about it? " In case of refusal, it is necessary to respect someone else's decision. Say “I understand. If you want to talk, then I am always ready to listen. " If you want, you can again suggest talking about this a little later.
  2. 2 Show support. Let them know that you are always ready to support your friend or acquaintance.
    • Tell the person that you are very worried about him and are always ready to help. Offer your assistance. You can say something like “I see that you are very sad, and I want to say that you can always count on me”.
    • Ask how you can help. Say, "I want to help you in some way. Can I do something for you? If you want, we can talk about it."
  3. 3 Show empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand the state or emotions of another person. If your friend is sad, then you should also look worried. Try to feel and reflect other people's emotions. You won't smile or laugh at someone who is crying or very sad?
    • Show warmth and understanding. If it is appropriate and helpful, then use physical touch (you can hug the person or take his hand). You can even ask a direct question: "Do you mind if I hug you?"
  4. 4 Confirm the naturalness of the feelings. Sadness is often caused by the vicissitudes of fate. This is a normal reaction to a very difficult situation. Recognizing the appropriateness or naturalness of a sad state makes it easier for a person to accept their own emotions.
    • Say the following: “I understand the reason for your sadness. This is fine. This is a very difficult situation. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. ”
    • Don't ask the person to suppress their emotions. Never say the following: "Don't be sad." This can tell the person that the feelings they are experiencing are abnormal.
    • A second way to bring a person's feelings back to normal is to provide insight into feelings of sadness, grief, and loss. It can be explained that in such situations it is quite natural to feel denial, anger, and other reactions to grief.
  5. 5 Let the person cry. Tears improve our well-being as they cleanse and release pent-up emotions. Invite your friend or relative to cry if they feel like it.
    • Just sit next to your crying friend. You can offer her your handkerchief, pat her back (if appropriate), or say, "Don't keep it to yourself."
    • A little later, you can say “Tears are normal. Sometimes you have to give vent to feelings. "
    • Do not say the following phrases: "Please stop crying." So you let your friend know that she must restrain her emotions, and her sadness weighs on you.
  6. 6 Become an active listener. To actively listen to the other person, you should focus all your attention on the other person and their experiences. Don't try to think about what to say next. Just listen to everything they tell you.
    • Ask clarifying questions to show that you are attentive. For example: "Are you sad that your dog is missing and you want to find it?"
  7. 7 Provide freedom of choice. Respect the privacy and desires of your friends. If they are reluctant to discuss an issue that worries them, then focus your efforts on making the person feel better. Come up with an enjoyable activity together.
    • Show that you understand the situation and respect the personal space of your friend: "I will understand if you do not want to discuss this or you need to be alone. I am always ready to help, so you can contact me for any question."

Method 2 of 3: Help the person feel better

  1. 1 Be optimistic and positive. The sadness of others shouldn't unsettle you. Learn to control your own emotions and control yourself, otherwise you will not be able to help your friend.
    • Stop the conversation for a minute if you need to pull yourself together. Tell me what you need to go to the restroom. Breathe deeply or vent your emotions.
  2. 2 Make a gift. According to the theory of five languages ​​of love, many people like to receive gifts as a sign of love and support. A gift can cheer up a sad person and help show support.
    • The gift can be flowers, a card or a box of chocolates.
    • If you have money problems, you can write a touching letter to your friend or make a gift with your own hands.
  3. 3 Help fight negative thinking. Sometimes people have negative (and false) thoughts that increase sadness or guilt. For example, some people take situations or events too close to their hearts, which can generate unnecessary negative emotions.
    • As an example, you can cite the following words of your friend: “It is my fault that my friend ran away”. Help your friend redirect such thoughts by offering a different perspective and calmly disagreeing with her. Say the following: "You are very fond of Druzhka, and he knows it. Perhaps he just ran out for a walk and cannot find his way home."
    • Negative people may try to predict the future in dark colors. It's as if your friend said, "He will never be found." These are wrong thoughts, as no one knows what will happen in the future. Try to say this softly: “Why are you so sure you can't find him? I think he will be back soon. "
    • Don't blame others. Encourage your friend to think about how she can fix the situation instead of trying to find the culprit. If you blame others, then the person becomes angry and incapable of logical thinking.
  4. 4 Help solve the problem. When a person is sad, it is sometimes difficult for him to think rationally and find a solution to the problem. Suggest looking at emotions as a source of information. So sadness always tells us that there is a certain problem that needs to be solved. Then help find suitable solutions and implement them.
    • If your friend loses her dog, say, “Let's solve the problem together. Where do you think we should start? "
    • Suggest possible solutions. For example, say the following: “Have an idea: let's call the nearest animal shelters? Perhaps someone has already found Druzhka and brought him to them. "

Method 3 of 3: Do something together

  1. 1 Positive overcoming of difficulties. Help your friends approach problem-solving sensibly. Coping skills - the ability to deal with negative feelings and situations. This will allow your friends to express their emotions or bounce back without further harm to themselves.
    • Some examples of positively overcoming sadness include spiritual or religious practice, creativity, outdoor activities, exercise, mindfulness, or meditation.
    • Do not consume alcohol or other substances. Such actions will only do harm, not help to cope with sadness. To dissuade a friend from using drugs or alcohol, provide additional information and suggest alternatives: "I read that alcohol does not solve problems, but only creates new difficulties and reduces the ability to cope with your emotions. Let's better watch some comedy?"
  2. 2 Distract the person. It is not uncommon for people to return to negative thoughts over and over again and become obsessed with their current emotions. Help your friend get away from dark thoughts.
    • There are the following ways to distract a person: watch a kind movie, listen to cheerful music, dance, name colors or objects in the room, play board or logic games.
  3. 3 Have a nice time together. Spending time with your friend can help you comfort her and provide her with the social support she needs. Support is a critical factor in overcoming sadness.
    • Try creative activities such as painting, playing musical instruments, writing a song, or making candles with your own hands.
    • Relax in nature. Enjoy a picnic in a scenic spot. You can also go to the beach and sunbathe.
    • Start exercising. This can be hiking, jogging, or hiking.