How to throw a top-notch party

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024


Do you want to have a great time? Throwing a party is a great way to relax and just have fun with your friends! You will learn how to choose the right topic for your party, what you may need for it (food and drink), as well as the plan itself. Start with the first step to have an unforgettable get-together that will leave only good memories.


Part 1 of 3: Think about who, what, when, where and why.

  1. 1 Think about why you want to throw a party. Are you going to celebrate someone's birthday or some kind of international holiday (New Years, Halloween, etc.)? Perhaps you just wanted to gather some friends at your place on Friday to have a good fun with them. You should think about the following things before arranging it: the age of the participants, the scenery, the theme of the dress where it will take place, the food and snacks, who you are going to invite, and the number of people you invite.
    • Birthdays: most often it is arranged for people aged 10-12, 16, 18, as well as 21 years old.
    • Holiday parties: such parties take place the day before, or right on the day of a national holiday. New Year, Christmas, Halloween and many other holidays that can be celebrated with a noisy campaign!
    • "Continuation of the banquet": a type of party that smoothly flows into another party, or some event, such as a concert.
    • Lonely Hearts Parties: parties created to ensure that single people find a soul mate.
    • Sports gatherings: these get-togethers usually take place in a noisy campaign, during a major sporting event. Especially often they take place during competitions or cups.
    • Home parties: house parties are simple enough, with no unnecessary preparations - just to gather friends at home and have a good time. These parties usually take place on Friday nights, or Saturday to Sunday nights.
  2. 2 Think about how old people will be at your party. In the case of any party, it is very important to understand the age of the people who will be present at it. For example, a 16-year-old's birthday celebration will be very different from a New Year's Eve party for "lonely hearts." If you are organizing a party for children under 18, try to make it qualitatively, without hints of sex, and also come up with a variety of contests for holding it. Or, even better, set it up in a place that is likely to have a lot of children, such as an amusement park, pizzeria, or your local bowling club.
    • Almost everything determines the age of the participants. It is best to invite fewer children (can you imagine 20 screaming eight-year-olds running around the apartment?), You need to think carefully about the contests and the timing of them, and the length of the party should be shorter than the younger participants.
  3. 3 Think about the location of the party. According to the definition of a party - think about where you will arrange such a noisy event. You can do this at home, or at your friend's place, somewhere on the street, in a bar / club, in a cafe, etc.
    • If there are neighbors around, then first of all make sure that they will not mind loud music, as well as a large number of people, especially if you will arrange it at home at your place, or at a friend's.
    • If you are hosting a party in a public place such as a club, bar, restaurant, or amusement park, or any other place that you have booked for the time of the event, call before arriving to find out if there are vacancies at the right time and book it.
  4. 4 Decide on a guest list. Do not forget to indicate your close friends in it first, and only then your acquaintances. If you're going to throw a huge party, automatically add +1 to each friend, because they might bring more friends you know or don't even know with them. It can be a little risky in that you don't know who is coming with whom, but it can be a great way to meet new people.
    • If you have family members at your party, try to keep them close to your friends (in case those family members are not in your age category). You are unlikely to want to explain to your grandmother who these strangers are.
  5. 5 Determine the maximum number of people in your party. If you don’t know a huge number of people, your party’s guest list will not be too long, and then you just have nothing to worry about. If you know a large number of people, say thirty, or you just decided to add a "+1" item to your guest list, then think about it carefully before hosting such a party. Parties with more than 30 people have a tendency to get out of hand. To resolve this situation, ask a couple of your friends to help you with it.
    • The bigger your party, the more help you will need - especially if you are shopping for drinks, food, and entertainment yourself. Ask your friends to help you with setting up everything, arranging, or cleaning, or invite them all to chip in with you so as not to take on such a big burden.

Part 2 of 3: Planning a Party.

  1. 1 Consider if you need a theme for your party. Themed parties help your guests to quickly join the atmosphere of the party, as well as feel more comfortable in a group. Sometimes, if a person does not know at all what to wear for a party, he may feel a little uncomfortable at it. Theme parties are fun! If you are celebrating a holiday, ask your guests to dress appropriately for the celebration. Ideas for a themed birthday party or a simple get-together: 1980s, Greek, black and white, masquerade, jungle, or Western.
    • If you are over 18, you can offer a "sexy" costume party. Most adults simply call it "costume party."
  2. 2 Think about the food. Food at parties is not very healthy, so most often it is sweet, fried, salty, cheap, or simply very easy to prepare. It can be cake, ice cream, chips and croutons, sauces, sweets, muffins, or pies. But, of course, you can choose the food that suits your party. Be creative!
    • For many people, the party is an excuse to relax. If you are having a more or less formal celebration, none of the above snacks will suit you. Only premium cheeses, bread, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits will decorate your evening properly.
  3. 3 Don't forget about drinks! When you think about what people will drink at a party, you are most likely thinking about alcohol, but it doesn't have to be. Stock up on fruit, soda, and other foods while you shop. For alcoholic beverages, beer will be the cheapest, so find a suitable container considering the number of people at the party. This way, you will have less garbage after the party (you may have had to collect a huge amount of beer cans after a big party). You can stock up on beers like Heineken, Guinness, Bud, Miller, or any of the other brands. You may also need something stronger, such as liqueurs, wine, and cocktails.
    • If alcohol is present at your party, then your guests are under your responsibility. You need to make sure that they will be able to get home, and that you have sober drivers. Prepare to take keys from people if necessary. Prepare plenty of water and other soft drinks to help people drink more than alcohol.
  4. 4 Buy jewelry. Usually decorations are associated with the theme of the party. Most of these jewelry can be obtained at the nearest gift store, or the nearest holiday store, or online; such jewelry is very inexpensive. Make sure you prepare the setting for your party well, in line with the theme. The more decorations there are, the better. If your guests really feel like in the jungle, or plunge into the spirit of the dashing 90s, then your celebration will be a success.
    • If the place where you are hosting the party is difficult to find - make signs so that your guests do not get lost. Balloons, or simple pointers, catch the eye, just like light music or flashlights.
  5. 5 Get everything you need ready. So we already have drinks, snacks, decorations, what else is missing?
    • For the snacks, you will need containers in which you can store them until the holiday. Have food in prominent places - on huge trays, plates, and bowls for easy access by guests.
    • You want to keep your drinks chilled and easy to get to. Get out a portable ice box for storing bottles of lemonade and beer. Stronger drinks are best kept away so that you can keep an eye on how fast they are being drunk. You may have the option of purchasing a dedicated wine cooler.
    • If you have a special keg (beer keg), you can put your close friend to it to serve beer to guests.
    • Don't forget to stock up on disposable tableware: cups, plates and bowls. Don't put your mom's favorite Chinese china on the table, because it will surely break.
    • Also, buy plastic knives, forks and spoons so that you can safely throw them away after the party.
    • What else you may need: a large trash can and several cans of water for cigarette butts (otherwise, in the morning you may find a huge number of them in your backyard, or right in your apartment), or simple ashtrays.
  6. 6 Plan your party. Once the guests arrive, they will surely be amazed by the huge selection of drinks and snacks, along with incredible decorations, but after that they will want to do something. Here are some ideas to start your party with:
    • Billiards (of course, if you have a billiard table)
    • Darts
    • Table tennis
    • Birpong
    • Music and dance floor
    • If you have a pool or sauna - prepare them
    • There are other entertainments that don't require special equipment (games, for example) that can be played throughout the party. Save a few for last, in case there is a lull.
  7. 7 Choose the right music. One of the main questions at a party is what kind of music to choose for it? You can invite a DJ to your place, or if you have a friend who knows how to choose the right songs, appoint him as a DJ, but now is the age of high technology, therefore, you yourself can become a DJ! You can use special programs on your computer, or simply connect your player with suitable music to the speakers.
    • Think about who will come to you and what kind of music they might like. Or, play a wide variety of music genres throughout the evening if your guests have a variety of musical tastes. Most often, rap, hip-hop, dance music, electro, house, and any other genre in which there will be a rhythm that you can dance to, is played at parties.

Part 3 of 3: Collect Your Thoughts

  1. 1 Prepare your party location. If 30 people come to you wanting to take part in a beer pong tournament, then this is a great reason to put your collection of ancient vases away. Anything that you want to keep, or that is not worth touching, should be removed out of sight. Close and lock doors you don't want to let guests in, clean your bathroom, and get your home ready for a party.
    • It's best to have your trash bags and cleaning supplies ready in advance - this will make it much easier.
    • Prepare various games and music tracks just in case you need to shake things up a bit.
  2. 2 Customize everything. Invite your friends to prepare the house for the party.This will be great for the guests who arrive first; after all, when they appear, someone will already be at the party, which means that you will avoid an awkward situation. Show your guests where you have all the necessary places for drinks and snacks. You want them to feel comfortable right away?
    • Chat and meet people you don't know well. If you have alcohol at your party, make sure everyone's glasses are full. Make the music louder, but so that you can calmly communicate and hear what is being said to you.
  3. 3 Take care of your guests. Make sure your guests don't get embarrassed - introduce people who don't know each other yet. You can start playing right away and turn up the music to warm up the party faster. Watch out for strong drinks so people don't get drunk very quickly. For groups of people who are not familiar with each other, you may need to strike up a conversation between them. You are the master here!
    • If you feel like the party is starting to die down, feel free to end it. Just start cleaning and thanking people for coming to you, and they'll take the hint right away. If not, just tell them the party is over! They don't have to go home right away, but they can't stay here either.
    • Make sure everyone gets home. Do you have their phones? Can they drive? Do you need someone to give you a ride? If they can't get behind the wheel, do you have a place to put them overnight?
  4. 4 Ask others to help you clean up. If your room has turned into a mountain of aluminum cans and neatly scattered plastic plates, you have every right to ask guests to help you with cleaning. This is their mess too! If this pisses you off, just ask your friends to cheer you up before they leave. You will repay them in kind when they have a party at home!


  • Make sure you enjoy the party yourself - that's what matters most.
  • Invite good friends so that they can help you with conducting, as well as looking after guests.
  • Lock doors to rooms that you do not want your guests to enter.
  • It is best to clean up trash or spilled drinks right away.
  • Stay sober, or ask your friend to stay sober so you can keep an eye on the party in case it gets out of hand.
  • If your party is themed - dress up! If you are in a suit, your guests will feel much more comfortable in their incredible outfits.
  • Make sure you have some drinks left in case the keg runs out or runs out of soda.
  • Make sure that the room in which you are hosting the party is sufficiently cooled. Since there will be a large number of people there, they will need more fresh air.


  • Alcohol reduces the sense of danger and responsibility, so a party that has alcohol can get out of hand.
  • Inviting strangers to a party is a risk because you have no idea how they will behave.
  • Loud music and alcohol may not be pleasant to your neighbors if you have not warned them in advance about your party. In this case, the police may come to you with a request to make the music quieter, or even fine you. If there is alcohol at your party, try to remove it from prominent places so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

What do you need

  • Home, friend's house, party place
  • Party Decorations
  • Snacks
  • Drinks / alcohol
  • Paper / plastic plates, bowls and glasses
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Large waste basket
  • Several cans of water / ashtrays for cigarette butts
  • Huge bowl
  • Containers for drinks and snacks
  • Large fridge with ice
  • A lot of ice
  • Computer, or player with speakers
  • Ample room for a dance floor
  • Billiard table (optional)
  • Table tennis / beer pong table (optional)
  • Darts (optional)
  • Swimming pool / sauna (optional)