How to ripen an unripe pineapple

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
03 Methods How To Ripen Unripe Pineapple at Home 🍍
Video: 03 Methods How To Ripen Unripe Pineapple at Home 🍍


Almost all pineapples gain sweetness in a few days if they are ripened on the plant itself. But if this fruit is cut, then it will no longer become sweeter. On the other hand, these unusual fruits can sometimes reach ripeness even when cut completely green. If you're lucky, unripe pineapple will become sweet and flavorful. If not, then there are some simple tricks on how to make unripe pineapple softer and tastier.


Method 1 of 2: Bringing the pineapple to ripeness

  1. 1 Smell the pineapple to see how ripe it is. Most of the signs of ripeness found in fruits do not apply to pineapples. Instead, it is best to sniff the base of the pineapple. A strong and pleasant aroma means the pineapple is ripe.If you don't feel anything, then most likely the pineapple is unripe. Pineapples never give off a strong flavor when kept cool, so leave the pineapple at room temperature for a while.
    • It is best to choose pineapple with a yellow peel rather than green, however, this does not always guarantee the choice of the best fruit. Some pineapples ripen better when they are completely green. However, pineapples with golden or red skins can remain hard and unpleasant to the taste.
  2. 2 The pineapple will soften, but don't expect it to get sweeter. Pineapple will not ripen properly if it has already been cut. You can ripen unripe cut pineapple so that it is softer and juicier, but you can never make it sweeter. Pineapple gains sweetness thanks to the starch contained in the stems of the plant. Once the fruit is cut from the plant itself, it is unable to accumulate sugar.
    • Green pineapples usually turn yellow-golden in color.
    • When stored for a long time, pineapple can even become sour ..
  3. 3 Place the pineapple upside down (optional). If there is still starch in the pineapple, which can turn into sugar, then it is stored in the base of the fruit. In theory, sugar should be better distributed throughout the fruit if placed upside down. In practice, this effect is difficult to notice, but you can always try it.
    • The color of the peel also changes from the base to the top, however, this does not apply to the ripening of the pineapple after it has been cut.
    • If you find it difficult to put the pineapple upside down, then unscrew the green top and place the broken end on a paper napkin.
  4. 4 Leave the pineapple to sing at room temperature. The pineapple should soften in one to two days. Most pineapples will ferment and spoil fairly quickly if stored for longer than this.
    • If the pineapple is cut unripe, it will be less tasty. Read on to find out how to improve the flavor of unripe pineapple.
    • If the pineapple has already ripened, but you do not want to eat it yet, then put it in the refrigerator - there you can keep the pineapple for another 2-4 days.

Method 2 of 2: Eating Unripe Pineapples

  1. 1 Be careful with unripe pineapples. Very young, unripe pineapples can be toxic. Eating them can irritate the mouth and throat and have a serious laxative effect. Most of the pineapples sold in stores are partially ripe, even if they look green.
    • Even ripe pineapples can damage the oral mucosa and lead to bleeding. The following techniques will help prevent this unwanted effect.
  2. 2 Slice the pineapple. Cut off the base and top of the pineapple. Then place the pineapple on a cutting board and cut off all the peels, cut out the "eyes". Then cut the pulp into slices or cubes.
  3. 3 Grill pineapple. Grilling the pineapple will caramelize the sugar accumulated in the fruit, which will add softness and flavor to the underripe pineapple. High temperatures also neutralize bromelain, an enzyme that can cause pain and bleeding in the mouth.
  4. 4 Bake pineapple slices in the oven. This method has the same effect as grilling: you end up with a delicious and sweet pineapple. If the fruit is very hard and unripe, you can sprinkle the pineapple slices with brown sugar before baking.
  5. 5 Cook pineapple pieces. While this will not caramelize the sugar in the fruit, boiling will help neutralize the bromelain. Try this method if pineapple irritates your mouth:
    • Cut the pineapple into slices and place in a saucepan along with any juice that comes out of the slicing.
    • Add water - it should cover all the pineapple pieces completely.
    • Bring to a boil over medium to high heat.
    • Reduce heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes.
    • Drain and refrigerate.
  6. 6 Sprinkle sugar over the pineapple slices. If the pineapple is unsweetened, sprinkle sugar on the slices.Eat pineapple immediately or store in the refrigerator, covered with a lid.


  • Don't put pineapple in a paper bag. This method helps to speed up the ripening of pears, bananas and apples, but not pineapples. Perhaps the pineapple will turn yellow-golden faster in a paper bag, but this will not affect its taste and aroma in any way.
  • Summer pineapples are usually sweeter and less acidic than winter pineapples.


  • Storing pineapple in the refrigerator will slow down the softening and discoloration process. The cold can cause the pineapple to darken, but this usually only happens when you store the pineapple in the cold for a long time, rather than a couple of days.