How to arrange an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Give Your Girlfriend an Unforgettable Birthday
Video: How to Give Your Girlfriend an Unforgettable Birthday


Celebrating significant dates of people who mean a lot to us comes down to one thing: showing attention to them. On the Internet, you will not find a single correct definition of what every girl wants, especially what she wants specifically your girl. Finding the perfect gift or organizing the perfect party can be stressful, but we hope that when the time comes, you can find some ideas here to help you put the effort in the right direction.


Part 1 of 3: Get Smart

  1. 1 Mark the date on your calendar. It is impossible to give a girl an unforgettable birthday if you simply forgot about it. If you still don't know the date, ask her about it.
    • You cannot plan a holiday in one night, and if you do not know the date in advance, you will not even understand that this very last night has come. The necessary preparation should be taken care of in advance.
  2. 2 Listen carefully to what she has to say. It goes without saying when it comes to developing healthy relationships and being a good conversationalist for your partner, and when her birthday is approaching, you should redouble your efforts in this direction. Without making an effort, you risk missing out on the most important clues.
    • When you go shopping together, guess what to look out for? She will talk about what she wants! Keep a list on your smartphone or carry a small notebook with you for this (just make notes without her knowing).
    • Hints can come up when you’re just lying on the couch together, looking for something on the Internet, or watching TV shows out of the corner of your eye. If she is viewing something on her tablet or phone, listen for any comments that are potentially related to the gift.
    • And this one extends not only to gifts. Only careful listening will allow you to grasp, for example, that your girlfriend hates surprise parties because she was brutally ridiculed in high school by one of her best friends for drawing on her pajamas, and thus planning such an event for her would be a terrible mistake. Never imply that she likes something just because you like it.
  3. 3 Pay attention to what she is talking to her friends about. Even if it's a small lunchtime meeting, she may be more inclined to discuss her interests in this circle more freely just because she thinks you won't be listening too closely. Don't miss out on these invaluable gift ideas (or comments that might warn you against bad ideas)!
  4. 4 Ask her what she wants as a gift. Of course, she doesn't have to tell you directly what she wants, but asking directly can be a simple decision that will make life easier for both of you.
    • If she says that she doesn’t want anything, it doesn’t mean literally “don’t do anything”. Even small gestures, for example, cooking a dinner or a hand-made souvenir in memory of this day can be an invaluable gift for her even if she does not want something in particular. If she doesn't feel like throwing a party, how about a quiet evening alone with each other?
    • It is recommended not to ignore the expressed wishes, limiting your plans to a certain amount, especially if you have already asked her opinion. The more expensive the better principle is a common mistake when it comes to gifts, especially in the early stages of a relationship.
    • Despite the fact that the expressed wish can lead to disappointment, if the person still does not receive the desired gift, do not give up if you do not have the opportunity to fulfill this desire. If a girl wants something that is not available to you right now, try to find a gift in a completely different direction. You should not give another model of sneakers instead of the ones that she likes, or the perfume of another perfume house instead of your girlfriend's favorite perfume from the Tom Ford collection.
  5. 5 Take a closer look at what she posts on her social networks. People often post on their social networks what they like. So, if she actively uses social networks, do not forget to look at her page.
    • While online writing can give you good ideas, never use your gift idea search as an excuse to break your privacy. Respecting your girlfriend's boundaries is always important.
  6. 6 Look for a gift that matches the level of development of your relationship. What was acceptable when you asked a girl who lives with her parents and went on a date with you only a couple of times about a gift will not be acceptable for a girl you have been dating for four years and live together in a dorm. And vice versa. When thinking about how to present your girlfriend with a meaningful gift, take into account the length of your relationship and the level of intimacy.
    • Another common mistake in new relationships is too much fuss about the holiday. Organizing an entire event may not be the best choice for newbies, but try to keep in touch and let her know what you think of her throughout the day. A couple of text messages or old-fashioned handwritten notes will help you achieve this goal.

Part 2 of 3: Planning a Party

  1. 1 Make a plan and stick to it. Waiting until the very last moment to buy a gift or reserve a restaurant table, or planning to take time off from your boss early to meet her at the movies on the last day, you cannot avoid the stress and potential risk of changing all your plans at the last second. An unforgettable birthday for a girl does not tolerate procrastination.
    • If you are planning a surprise party, notify all guests in advance so that they have time to set aside time for the event in their schedule.
    • A good option is to visit the museum on your birthday. The main thing is to find out in advance all the information about the museum rules, ticket prices and opening hours. Do not expect that everything will be open just because “it seems like it should be”, otherwise you have every chance to ruin the whole holiday at the last moment.
  2. 2 Buy a postcard, buy flowers, or both. Despite the fact that not all girls prefer such gifts, the idea itself is quite sensible. Little attentions that show that you think of her even when she's not around can mean a lot. A homemade card is much better than a store-bought card, no matter your level of creativity. A couple of markers, glitter and glue are enough.
    • Flowers always evoke emotions, both of the giver and the giver. With the help of a bouquet, you give yourself more than you think! Even one simple flower, plucked for her and presented without much pomp, can make her blush with pleasure.
  3. 3 Understand not only what kind of gift you need, but also where you will buy it. Online retailers take time to deliver an item, and smaller businesses like Etsy or Ebay may have completely different shipping policies than you expect and may also take longer to process.
  4. 4 Explore your city. The various events in your city can make some pretty unexpected adjustments to your birthday plans, so it will be better to browse the information online even if you already have something planned. Various festivals, concerts and visits to the city by noble people can knock all plans if you are not ready for this, so always plan an alternative route to the restaurant.
    • Likewise, follow the forecasts of weather forecasters. A storm warning can ruin your picnic, while a starfall can be the perfect end (or start, if you're partying at night) to a party.
  5. 5 Move the wallet away and take the picnic basket. No one claims that an unforgettable birthday must necessarily result in a pretty penny. A good picnic for two is always a pleasant and affordable pastime for a couple, especially somewhere near the water or in the forest, although sometimes just a glade in the park is enough, where you can retire and spend time together.
    • Even if you're not too keen on cooking, a couple of soda bottles and chicken nuggets are just what the doctor ordered. Do not hesitate to ask loved ones to cook a couple of snacks, or you can just take bread and various cuts with you: meat, ham and cheese.
  6. 6 For the best gift ideas, refer to your experience. If you've been together for a long time, then potentially you have a lot of gift ideas. Sometimes your shared interests, ideas and places you have been can be directly used as a gift!
    • Game hunting for items can be a fun way to present small gifts (in case of a tight budget) in a playful way. Write clues in verses with hints of events that are meaningful to your relationship, then hide them in different places at home and at school (preferably, there is nothing there that could embarrass her), or in some meaningful place for her. You can involve her family in the game, so that, for example, the first clue is waiting for her, tied to the lamp in her room, at the very moment when she wakes up!
    • Scrapbooking is a very cute and inexpensive idea. You can reflect on all of your positive memories by pasting and captioning photos. You could even include a couple of ideas for your future together in such an album. And if you are embarrassed to engage in such creativity, listen: there is nothing shameful in preparing a really good gift for your girlfriend.

Part 3 of 3: Congratulate your girlfriend

  1. 1 Throw a pebble at her at night. It's not trite, it's a classic. Throwing a couple of small - attention: small - pebbles at her window at midnight, even just waving a hand if there is no way to communicate - this is a very significant gesture that everyone can do.
    • You can earn bonus points by taking a present with you at midnight: I couldn't wait until morning to give it - or a poster "Happy Birthday!"
  2. 2 Move your phone away. Now we always and everywhere take our phone with us: to lessons, meetings, to the bathroom, to bed. So, don't pick up your phone for your girlfriend's birthday. It will distract you and prevent you from properly dedicating your full attention to her alone. The best gift is undivided attention.
    • Please note: Do not confuse “undivided attention” with a good birthday present.
    • You may need to have your phone close at hand if you are organizing a party. However, do not focus on it, do not check every second, but rather keep it in your pocket all the time while the hero of the occasion is with you. This is the only way you can prove that you are present with your mind and heart next to your partner.
  3. 3 Give gifts that are meant only for her. It's much easier than you think to confuse a great gift for you with a great gift for your girlfriend.
  4. 4 Give a gift that only you can give. Despite the fact that, first of all, your girlfriend is in the spotlight, a gift that no one else would give her, except you, can play a special role.
    • If you are planning to dine together, don't just go to the most popular place. Take her to a pizzeria if, for example, you recently discussed the prospect of going to study in Italy.
    • If you want to give her a book or any piece of art, you need to be sure that she will like this gift. This thing will be associated with you. Give her a music collection and she will think of you whenever she listens to these songs.
  5. 5 Get creative. If you are a musician, learn a special song and perform it for your girlfriend! If you do not own a musical instrument, secretly take a few lessons from her and learn something for her. Even if it turns out completely nasty, it will be something absolutely sincere and only from you (and perhaps also a funny memory at which you will later laugh together).


  • Don't forget to remove all price tags!
  • Don't just give money or a postcard. So the gift often leaves a feeling of indifference and impersonality.