How to eliminate an unpleasant smell in the room

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
5 Ways To ELIMINATE Household Odors | Simple Odor Removal Tips
Video: 5 Ways To ELIMINATE Household Odors | Simple Odor Removal Tips


An unpleasant smell in the room discourages being in it and spoils the mood. First you need to get rid of the source of the unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the room. After that, it is enough to eliminate the remnants of the bad smell and use your favorite air freshener to make it pleasant to be in the room again.


Part 1 of 3: Eliminate sources of bad odor

  1. 1 Collect and wash dirty clothes. Accumulated dirt can give off a musty odor that will eventually spread throughout the room. What's more, damp clothing serves as a suitable place for mold to grow. Collect dirty items from around the house, sort them, and wash them in the washing machine.
    • To be sure to kill mold and bacteria, wash your clothes in hot water.
    • After washing, the clothes can be tumble dried or, in case of sunny weather, hung outside.
    • Before washing and drying, be sure to check the tags on your clothes to find out the recommended modes.
  2. 2 Do your bed linen. We spend about a third of our lives in bed, so do not be surprised if sheets, blankets and pillowcases start to smell unpleasant after prolonged use. To get rid of this smell, remove pillowcases, sheets, and other linen from your bed and wash them in the washing machine.
    • After washing, tumble dry the bedding or on a string before re-laying it.
  3. 3 Clean sinks and drains. Mold and debris can build up in sinks and drains in kitchens and bathrooms, and they can clog, which can also lead to unpleasant odors in your home. To clean the drains, add a glass (220 grams) of baking soda to the drains, then fill the baking soda with two cups (500 milliliters) of white vinegar. Wait about 30 minutes for the solution to react with the release of foam and bubbles.
    • When the reaction between baking soda and vinegar is complete, take a kettle filled with boiling water and rinse off any remaining solution.
  4. 4 Empty the toilet. The toilet bowl can also collect mold, dirt, bacteria, and other sources of bad odor. Pour 1 cup (250 ml) vinegar into the toilet. Alternatively, sprinkle vinegar on the outside and toilet seat. Wait five minutes, then wipe the inside of the toilet with a toilet brush and the outside and seat with a rag or paper towels.
    • Flush out the water in the toilet to get rid of any dirt that you scrubbed off the walls.
  5. 5 Remove mold from hard surfaces. Mold has a characteristic odor that can spread throughout your home. It is necessary to remove mold in the shower, on tiles, in sinks and other damp places in the house in time, since it not only gives an unpleasant smell, but is also harmful to health. To kill mold, proceed as follows:
    • Mix 1 cup (250 ml) bleach and 4 liters water in a bucket
    • Wear protective rubber gloves
    • Open windows for better ventilation
    • Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the prepared solution
    • Scrub the affected areas with a brush
    • Dip your brush periodically in a water solution of bleach
    • Wipe cleaned area with a damp sponge
  6. 6 Vacuum the floor and upholstery. Bad smell can come from dirty carpets and upholstered furniture. To remove dust and foul-smelling dirt particles, vacuum all carpets in your home with a wide-brush vacuum cleaner. Use the upholstery nozzle to remove dust and bad odors from upholstery.
    • Better to use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA air filter, which prevents dust and other small particles from getting back into the ambient air.
  7. 7 Take out the trash. It is a common source of bad odors, especially kitchen waste that contains food and other damp waste. If you have a bad smell in the kitchen, tie a trash bag and put it in a trash chute or trash can.
  8. 8 Empty the trash can. Before placing a new garbage bag in the bucket, clean it thoroughly to remove splashes and dirt, which can also cause bad odors. Proceed as follows:
    • Put on rubber gloves
    • Remove large food debris from the bucket
    • Rinse the bucket in the tub or yard with a garden hose
    • Wipe the inside of the bucket well with a dry rag or paper towels
    • Spray the inside of the bucket with a generous amount of all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant
    • Wait five minutes for the remedy to work.
    • Wipe the bucket with a stiff bristle brush
    • Rinse the bucket
    • Dry the bucket with a rag or paper towels
    • Fill the bucket with a new garbage bag
  9. 9 Clean kitchen utensils. Any household appliance that comes into contact with food can create unpleasant odors in your home, especially if it is not clean enough. If you're not sure exactly where the smell is coming from, clean all kitchen utensils, including:
    • Waste disposer
    • Refrigerator
    • Oven
    • Microwave oven
  10. 10 Redeem your dog. It is possible that your pet brought an unpleasant smell from the street. To eliminate the source of this odor, wash your dog with pet shampoo in the bathtub or sink, visit a pet grooming salon, or a dog wash at your local pet store.
    • Wash your dog's bed and clean it properly to get rid of unpleasant odors.

Part 2 of 3: Eliminate bad odor

  1. 1 Open windows. Fresh air is one of the best ways to eliminate unpleasant odors in your home, as the smell can be blown out through an open window, and clean air will come in its place. In the spring, summer or fall, you can open all the windows in the house. To create air flow, open windows that are located on opposite sides of the house.
    • In winter, when it is impossible to keep the windows open for a long time, open one window for just a minute to let some fresh air into the house.
  2. 2 Use fans to speed up the flow and fill your home with fresh air faster. With the windows open, turn on the fans - this will increase the draft and speed up the ventilation of the premises.
  3. 3 Bring in the sun's rays. Sunlight includes ultraviolet radiation that kills microorganisms such as mold and bacteria. On a sunny day, regardless of the time of year, open the curtains and curtains on the windows and let the ultraviolet rays penetrate your home.
    • Sunlight is good for getting rid of unpleasant odors from carpets, upholstered furniture, pet habitats, pillows and curtains, and other home furnishings.
  4. 4 Use baking soda. Baking soda is one of the most popular odor remedies because it is effective and cheap. To eliminate unpleasant odors, add baking soda to several small bowls or saucers and arrange them around the house. The baking soda will soak up unpleasant odors and get rid of them.
    • To eliminate odor, sprinkle some baking soda on carpets, upholstery, mattresses, and other possible sources of odor. Leave the baking soda there for 30 minutes, then vacuum up the baking soda.
  5. 5 Vinegar also absorbs odors. You can also get rid of unpleasant odors in your home with vinegar. Pour vinegar into small bowls and place them around the house in areas that might be causing the odor:
    • In the basement
    • In bathroom
    • On the kitchen
    • In the bedroom
  6. 6 Get rid of unpleasant odors with charcoal. Charcoal is also an effective odor control agent that can be placed in various rooms and inside household appliances. Use clean charcoal, not saturated with any liquid. Divide the charcoal pieces into several plates and arrange them around the house. Coal can be placed in the following locations:
    • Toilet
    • Refrigerator and freezer
    • Living spaces
  7. 7 Get air-purifying house plants. Some indoor plants are known to purify the air and help get rid of indoor odors. For this purpose, the following plants can be placed in the house:
    • Climbing house plants
    • Ivy
    • Rapis (indoor palm)
    • Dracaena

Part 3 of 3: Freshen up the air

  1. 1 Place cloths to soften and scent your laundry near the source of the scent. These wipes add a pleasant scent to clothes and bedding, and they can do the same to the air in your home. To use wipes as an air freshener, place them where the smell is strongest. These could be the following places:
    • Shoe cabinet
    • Bin
    • Wet basement
    • Moldy spots
  2. 2 Boil water over low heat. When you boil water in the kitchen, it evaporates and the steam is carried throughout the house. This method can be used to effectively freshen the air: put your favorite herbs, spices, or citrus peels in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring the water to a boil, and simmer in an open pan over low heat for a couple of hours. The following ingredients are suitable as flavors:
    • Lemon peel
    • Cinnamon sticks
    • Jamaican pepper (pimento officinalis)
    • Basil
    • Ginger
    • Cranberry
    • Orange peel
    • Carnation
    • Bay leaf
  3. 3 Use a commercially available air freshener. Standard air fresheners are specifically designed to give the air a clean, pleasant scent. They often contain substances that mask bad odors, as well as fragrances that give the air a pleasant aroma. Air fresheners come in a variety of forms, including:
    • Sprays
    • Sprayers
    • Gels
    • Candles
  4. 4 Use incense sticks. These sticks come in a variety of shapes and flavors. To light the incense stick, insert the narrow end into the incense holder. Then bring the flame to the opposite end of the stick, wait until it begins to smolder, then extinguish the flame. When burned, the stick emits a sweet-smelling smoke that smells the air in the room.
    • Place a fan behind the burning incense stick to spread the smoke throughout your home. This will create an air current that will spread throughout the house. However, do not place the fan too close to the incense stand, or it may blow away the ash.
    • Never leave burning incense sticks unattended, as this could result in a fire.

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