How to reduce your waist

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Reduce Your Waist With My New 10 Day Workout Challenge
Video: How To Reduce Your Waist With My New 10 Day Workout Challenge


A woman's thin waist, in comparison with other body shapes, looks very attractive. The hourglass figures of many movie stars of bygone eras are evidence of this. Although the natural waist is mostly genetically determined, it is still possible to achieve waist reduction through weight loss, targeted exercise, and the right clothing.


Part 1 of 3: Diet

  1. 1 Eat healthy fats. Many dieters believe that fat should be feared like fire during weight loss. However, consuming some healthy fats is essential for proper nutrition and can even help you lose weight. In fact, research shows that eating a diet high in monounsaturated fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, soy, chocolate) prevents belly fat from accumulating. As a result, from 25% to 30% of the daily fat intake should consist of just such foods.
    • Polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids found in mackerel, salmon, herring, nuts, canola oil, and tofu are another type of healthy fat to add to your diet. They help lower bad cholesterol and improve brain function.
    • Trans fats (found in margarine, crackers, biscuits - anything made from partially hydrogenated oils), on the other hand, cause more fat to be stored in the body, so you should avoid these fats whenever possible.
  2. 2 Eat smaller portions more often. Very often, people who are on a diet starve themselves in between meals, which ultimately leads to the fact that they begin to eat more than necessary when the food is in front of them. The biggest secret to successful diets is to eat more often throughout the day, but in smaller portions.
    • Try eating a little six times a day rather than your usual three meals a day. You can easily stick to weight loss plans in the long term, unless, of course, you eat everything!

    Note: you won't feel hungry if you eat small and frequent meals. In addition, it will lead to an overall decrease in food intakeand also stimulates the metabolism, which triggers the digestive processes that burn calories throughout the day.

  3. 3 Start your day with a healthy breakfast. The best thing you can do to lose weight is to start the day with a balanced and healthy breakfast. A good breakfast will kickstart the digestive process, which burns calories throughout the day. It also makes you feel full for a long time, which reduces the tendency to snack in the morning and midday, respectively, and discourages excessive calorie intake.
    • Try a combination of whole grains and breads, eggs that are high in protein, and fruits that are full of vitamins. All this can add up to a perfectly balanced breakfast. If you're in a rush, make yourself a fruit shake and eat a whole grain bar, it's convenient and satisfying at the same time.
    • You should also drink a glass of clean water before breakfast (as well as before every meal throughout the day); water will not allow you to confuse thirst with hunger and eat more than you should. In addition, water allows you to maintain the body's water balance, which is important in any case.
  4. 4 Add more fiber to your diet. Fiber-rich foods are a must for any healthy diet for many reasons. First, fiber-rich foods improve bowel function and minimize bloating and constipation. Secondly, such products allow you to feel full for a longer time, moreover, they need to be chewed more thoroughly; all this helps to prevent overeating. High-fiber foods are usually low in calories, unlike other types of foods.
    • Try to include a wide variety of high fiber foods in your diet to reap the benefits of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Examples of soluble fiber: oats and barley, peas and beans, apples, carrots, citrus fruits. Examples of insoluble fiber include wheat bran and whole grain flour products, nuts, legumes, and green vegetables.
    • Soluble fiber, in particular, is also known for its ability to lower blood insulin levels, which speeds up the burning of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen.
    • Pure water is the best alternative, it cleanses the body, reduces bloating and nourishes it with life-giving moisture. If the good old water is too boring for you, try adding flavor with mint, lemon, lime or even a handful of frozen raspberries, create wonderful combinations - get creative! Vitamin water or natural-flavored ice tea will be a significantly healthier alternative to soda.
    • Do not use drinking straws. You should avoid them as they suck in more air into the stomach while drinking, which leads to bloating and enlargement of the abdomen. Drink straight from the mug.
  5. 5 Avoid processed foods. Even if you keep a close eye on your portions and exercise consistently, continued weight loss can be strongly influenced by consuming processed foods. This is because foods like these are high in sugar and starch, which limit weight loss and lead to the build-up of harmful toxins.
    • Be especially careful when it comes to foods marked "low fat", such as cheeses, breads, yoghurts, etc. These foods may indeed contain almost no fat, but they usually contain a lot of sugar and simple carbohydrates and have very little nutritional value. or do not have them at all. Some processed and frozen natural foods may not be bad at all. However, do not forget to carefully study the labels and contents of such products.
    • You should also avoid processed foods, such as cooked foods or frozen convenience foods, as they are high in salt. Salt retains water in the body and leads to bloating. Whenever possible, choose fresh foods over long-term frozen foods.
  6. 6 Be prepared to make drastic changes to your diet. To get a thin waist, you need to lose weight, which is not achieved by exercise alone. You will have to follow the rules of a healthy diet and reduce your daily calorie intake if you really want to see results. It takes discipline and dedication. In addition to reducing your overall calorie intake, there are specific foods that can help you achieve your goals.
    • For example, in one scientific study, subjects who ate whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy products, two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry per day) lost more belly fat than the rest of the subjects who ate processed cereal foods. Keep in mind, however, that fruits contain a lot of sugar, so consume them in moderation.

    Keep in mind that if you want to lose a pound of weight, you need cut 3,500 calories from your diet... Nutritionists recommend dropping from a pound to a kilogram of weight per week, it is not recommended to starve yourself and exhausting diets to achieve quick results.

Part 2 of 3: Training Regime

  1. 1 Get used to regular exercise. If you really want to reduce your waist, you need to commit yourself to exercising regularly and with dedication. Good results will only come through hard work and dedication, so be prepared for this before you start your journey. On the other hand, if you start training on a too tight schedule, you may become discouraged and frustrated, which will cause you to quit.
    • At some point, you will be able to exercise regularly without feeling bored during the session and not getting tired as much as in the beginning. And your waist, just like your overall health, will only benefit from this.

    Advice: To overcome this, create a training plan for yourself, starting with basic loads, before gradually moving on to more intense exercises. Keep a record of what you do in a notebook, or keep a training diary to keep track of your progress.

  2. 2 Do a lot of cardio. As stated above, weight loss is essential if you are trying to get those extra inches off your waist. Unfortunately, it is impossible to remove weight from a specific part of the body, so the only way out is to lose weight overall. Cardio is an essential part of any weight loss program and is also the best way to burn calories.
    • Running, jumping rope, and biking are great cardio options that don't even need a gym membership. Cheap and incredibly effective at the same time - there can be no excuses not to include them in your training program.
    • Professional trainers recommend tracking your heart rate while exercising. For example, the best way to lose fat is to walk on a treadmill or outdoors while keeping your heart rate low to average. And yes, walking at an average pace is a great cool down option after an intense workout.
    • Aim for 150 minutes of medium intensity cardio and 75 minutes of high intensity workout per week. You can combine moderate intensity exercise with high intensity exercise. For this purpose, devote 30 minutes of cardio four to five times a week.
  3. 3 Work on the right major muscle groups. Many core exercises target the obliques, which run along the sides. Yes, working out these muscles will make your belly flat and embossed, but thanks to this, you will have a muscle corset, and outwardly it will seem that your waist is even wider than before. This is definitely not what you strive for in pursuit of a narrow waist. As you work the main muscles, focus on the rectus and transverse abdominis muscles.
    • Remember to breathe as you work your core muscles. And while it seems obvious, many people forget about it, concentrating on tightening the abdominal muscles, leaving their body tense without oxygen. Instead, breathe in and out, up and down, and so on. If you can't find your rhythm, try yoga or Pilates - they will come to your rescue.

    Note: The transverse abdominal muscles act as the natural corset of the body, so if you strengthen this area, you will be able to achieve a thin waist. Pilates provides the right stress on this area and can be a very effective method for you.

  4. 4 Do specific exercises targeting the waist area. Yes, it is impossible to lose weight only at the waist, but you can do a special set of exercises that will give your stomach a relief and flatten the sides.
    • Do the "hundred" exercise. It is performed like this: you lie on your back, your legs are lifted up 90 degrees, your shoulder blades are on the floor. Begin the exercise by moving straight arms along the body, repeat 100 times.Breathe in through your nose for 5 reps, and out through your mouth for 5 more reps.
    • Draw in your stomach. Try to suck in your belly constantly, throughout the day, while sitting at the table, in the car, or while shopping in the store. This will work out your abdominal muscles and will make you look slimmer on the outside. Over time, you will stop noticing that you are doing this!
    • Do torso lifts. Try lifting your torso using a sturdy object such as a yoga ball or the side of a sofa. It is best to lift your torso this way with your arms crossed over your chest. Slowly raise your torso towards your knees, and then gently lower yourself to the floor. Do three sets of 10-20 reps each.
    • Do crunches. Take a supine position, legs bent at the knees, feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, touch your ears, and slowly contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your torso up. When you are at the point where you can no longer climb higher, connect your lateral muscles and curl slightly to the left. Return to starting position. Repeat on the right side. Do a set of 15 reps.
    • Make the bar. Get into a push-up position. Rest your elbows on the floor and look at the floor all the time. Pull in your abdominal muscles as much as possible, while pretending that they are sticking to your back. When doing this exercise, your lower body should be on the floor and your back should be straight. Try to stay in this position for a minute.
    • Make a side plank. Lie on your right side on a mat. Rest your right hand on the floor and stretch your legs, right foot on left. In this position, slowly lift the pelvis off the floor. Continue to keep your weight on your right arm and feet. Try to hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat three times on each side. Try to bring the position hold up to 60 seconds - of course, not immediately, over time.
  5. 5 Build your chest and shoulder muscles. By accentuating your upper body, you will visually reduce your waist, so it is worth incorporating chest and shoulder exercises into your training program. Here are some exercises to try:
    • Bench curls. This exercise trains the arms and shoulders and requires a bench or bench to complete. Sit on the edge of a bench with your feet straight in front of you. Hold the edge of the bench firmly with your hands and slowly lower your torso almost to the floor. Keep your back straight, lower yourself until the angle of your arms at the elbows is 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position and repeat again.
    • Push ups. This classic exercise is aimed at working out the chest muscles. It can be done by balancing on your toes (hard version) or on your knees (easy version). All you need to do is spread your arms shoulder-width apart and raise yourself from a prone position, using mainly arm strength. Lower yourself down again until the elbow angle reaches 90 degrees. Raise yourself to the starting position again and repeat.
  6. 6 Try something new. Your workouts can get bored over time, leading to a loss of focus on the result. This is why it is imperative to shake things up from time to time and try something new, be it a new exercise or new equipment. Here are some tips on how to diversify your workout, which will also help you get inches off your waist:
    • Use a hula hoop. Twisting the hula hoop for 10 minutes daily will not only benefit your waist and hips, but it will also allow you to return to childhood every day!
    • Another way to get and maintain a great waist (as well as the whole body) is dancing! You don't need to take lessons at the dance school, but turn on the radio or player and move actively to the rhythm of the music. Do this every day for 20-30 minutes. Engage your whole body in the dance. Dancing burns a lot of calories and is fun!
    • Use dumbbells. Build a corset of the neck and shoulder muscles by lifting the dumbbells to the sides for weight.Lift 10 times, 4 sets per day. The wider your shoulders and entire upper torso are, the narrower your waist will appear.
    • Consider starting yoga or Pilates; These are great abdominal exercises and are taught in groups for added motivation.
    • Make your workout comfortable: You should have soft mats on the floor, comfortable breathable clothing, water, and other items that help you enjoy the exercise. Background music can motivate too.

Part 3 of 3: Wearing the Right Clothes

  1. 1 Wear belts around your waist. Draw attention to her by wearing a belt that defines your waist. The belt can be wide, narrow, decorated with stones, braided - whatever you like! Wear it over dresses, lengthened tops, or even winter clothes to give your figure an hourglass silhouette.
  2. 2 Wear dresses that flare towards the bottom. Such dresses fit tightly on the hips, but flare down to the hem, creating the illusion of a thin waist. They fit almost any figure, accentuating the waist and hiding all imperfections in the hips.
  3. 3 Avoid low-rise jeans. These jeans are not suitable for those who have at least a little extra weight on their sides, as they create a "saggy side effect". High-rise jeans are a much better option; they cover all the excess weight around the hips and draw attention to the waist. A tucked-in shirt is very suitable for such jeans.
  4. 4 Try tight-fitting underwear. Choosing the right underwear will visually reduce your waist.
    • Try combedress. It can be found in quality lingerie stores. Corrective underwear allows you to visually tighten the figure in several places.
    • Corset. It was worn under dresses to emphasize the figure many years ago, and it is popular today, as it allows you to give a woman's figure sexuality, either under clothes or on its own. Corsets with steel needles (not as scary as they sound - we promise!) Do work, they can visually reduce the waist and can even reduce it physically, provided you wear it for a long time!


  • Eat a lot of protein, vitamins and minerals are also required, it is better not in supplements and tablets, but in natural form.
  • If you have problems with bloating, see your doctor. Bloating can be caused by food intolerances or allergies (grains, dairy products, citrus fruits, etc.), water retention, chemical imbalances, or some medical condition. If it happens regularly, it is imperative that you check with a gastroenterologist. When it comes to food, be aware of which foods you start to bloat after, this will help your doctor determine the possible cause.
  • Don't believe the myth that "lifting weights makes muscles big and bulky." Without deliberately trying to build mass, you will not build it.
  • More repetitions of the exercise will strengthen the muscles, but not build them.
  • Be sure to give your muscles time to recover. Aim for one muscle group 2-3 days a week. Do not overdo it, otherwise such training will not bring benefits.
  • Take your time, especially when introducing a new set of exercises into your workout routine. Also, remember to stretch before exercising.
  • Be aware of the dangers of corsets: they can damage internal organs if they sit too tightly on you. Instead, opt for healthy ways to reduce your waistline, not only here and now, but in the long run.


  • Waist like a Barbie doll is impossible from an anatomical point of view, do not be equal to it. With a height of about 170 cm, she would have a waist of about 50 cm! Be realistic in your expectations and aim for a waistline that's right for you. If nature and genes have not endowed you with an hourglass figure, do not worry and work on what is given to you.
  • Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or workout routine.