How to improve your math grade

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Better at Math
Video: How to Get Better at Math


Some people find math difficult. If you are having difficulty learning math and getting low grades, don't worry! There are some simple ways you can improve your math grades. When studying mathematics, the best way to learn new concepts and concepts is to solve problems. Attend class, ask questions, and try to study with your classmates. This will help you not only improve your grades, but also have fun learning math!


Method 1 of 3: Classroom Activities

  1. 1 Attend all math classes and try not to miss a single lecture. As a result, the teacher will see that you are showing an interest in learning math. Plus, by attending classes regularly, you will spend less time doing your homework as you’ve already learned the new material in class. Finally, you can take detailed notes without having to ask your classmates for it.
    • If you have to skip a class, inform the teacher in advance (for example, by e-mail) and find out what topic was covered. Also ask for the classroom assignments, if possible, so that you can complete them at home.
  2. 2 Be attentive in the lessons and participate in the discussion. Follow the teacher's explanations and what he writes on the board. Be actively involved in discussions so that the teacher can see that you are considerate and are making every effort to better assimilate the material. As a result, you will acquire more knowledge and skills and will be able to do your homework and tests better. Plus, you'll love math even more!
    • Try not to stare out the window, daydream, or think about what to do after class. Also, unplug your phone and laptop during class (unless you are using them while learning math).
    • While these activities may seem more enjoyable than learning math, it's best not to be distracted as this can lead to low grades.
  3. 3 Take notes diligently during lectures. Listen carefully to the teacher and write down everything he writes and draws on the chalkboard. As you study new material, try to write down all the necessary steps so that you can review them in detail later. If the teacher writes examples on the board, copy the problem statements and solutions for later use.
    • Suppose a teacher explains how to calculate the area of ​​a triangle. In this case, you can write something like this: “Area = half base (b) × height (h). If b = 20 and h = 10, area = 100 ". Also draw a triangle with a clearly marked base and height.
    • If you have a sloppy and incomplete outline, it will be difficult for you to remember what was discussed in the lesson. Moreover, your academic performance will decrease this way.
  4. 4 If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the teacher. Students with poor grades often refrain from asking questions in the classroom because they are embarrassed that they do not know something. In fact, it is best to ask the teacher questions - this way you can solve all the difficulties.If you don't understand something, raise your hand and ask a question! It is possible that your classmates also did not understand this topic.
    • For example, you might ask the following question: “I didn't fully understand what you said about the sequence of actions. Should you first perform those operations that are enclosed in parentheses? " You might also ask, "Could you remind me of the difference between mirroring and rotating in geometry?"
    • If you are shy or nervous during class, you can ask the teacher questions after class. You can also contact your instructor by email if you are embarrassed to speak with them in person.
    • If you are in high school and your teacher works during regular hours, visit him in his office during your free time and discuss what you might not understand.
  5. 5 Attend classes with a positive attitude so that you can successfully complete exams and tests. When doing the test, solve the easy problems first. Then, if you have time left, move on to more difficult tasks that you do not fully understand and think about them. Clearly write down decisions and responses received. Review the solutions after you get the job done and make sure you did everything right.
    • Do not rush or get nervous during the test or exam. At the same time, keep track of the time in order to have time to complete all tasks.
    • If the teacher discovers that you have made a mistake, he will point out it, which will help you avoid repeating a similar mistake in the future.

Method 2 of 3: Doing Homework and Assessments

  1. 1 Do your homework in a quiet place where nothing gets in the way. Do your homework in a quiet place, not in a crowded, noisy room. For example, you can do your homework alone in your bedroom without music or friends. In such an environment, you will better learn the material being studied, and also imbue the spirit of mathematics!
    • Use your notes and textbook for homework. If you run into difficulties, it may be worth brushing up on what your teacher taught in class.
    • Train yourself to do your homework as diligently as if you were solving problems on an exam. You can think of your homework as a "rehearsal" for a test or exam.
    • The more you learn from homework, the higher you can improve your math grade.
  2. 2 Do your homework completely. Solve all the problems each time and answer all the questions asked. Missing just one problem will automatically lower your math score. For example, if you miss two tasks out of 20, the highest possible score is 90% of the maximum. So take the time to complete your homework completely.
    • If you do not know how to solve a particular problem, or are not sure that you did everything correctly, ask your teacher or classmate for help.
    • If you do not have time to turn to someone for help, solve the problem as best you can. Even if you are wrong, the teacher will appreciate the effort you make. He will see that you tried.
  3. 3 Spend extra time studying those sections that are not easy for you. Many students get below average grades because they only study topics that they do not feel uncomfortable with. However, if you want to improve your math grades, you also need to learn what you don't quite understand. Check your notes and textbooks to better understand difficult material. Practice hard problem solving and check your answers.
    • If you have some free time, search the Internet for math problems or check out additional problems in the textbook. Pay special attention to those sections that you do not fully understand or for which you usually get low marks.
    • After you solve the additional problems, check the answers you received against those given at the end of the tutorial.
  4. 4 Explain difficult topics to classmates. This way you will better assimilate the material and will be able to use your knowledge when doing tests and homework. If you explain a mathematical concept to your peer, you will better understand it yourself. You can also share what you learned with your parents, siblings, or even friends who are not studying with you. As a result, you will learn it better yourself and increase your grades!
    • Ask 2-3 classmates if they need help solving difficult problems, and show them how they solve them to improve their skills and consolidate the material they have learned.
    • You can put it this way: “Recently I have solved quite a lot of problems in which quadratic equations are used, and, in my opinion, I have mastered this method quite well. If you don't mind, I could help you solve several problems and show you how to do it. "
  5. 5 Attend a class or math class to learn with your peers. In a group, you will be able to discuss with your classmates the math lectures, homework assignments and the material covered. Collaborative learning is a great way to learn how to solve problems and prepare for tests and exams. Study regularly with peers and classmates to help each other learn math. As a result, you will surely be able to improve your grades for tests and homework.
    • If you are serious about doing more advanced math, find out if your school has a math class. Math Club will help you meet other math enthusiasts and develop math skills.
  6. 6 Study the relevant material 3-4 days in advance to prepare in advance for exams and tests. To improve your math grade, you need to successfully complete exams and tests, so it is very important to properly prepare for them. Spend about 30-60 minutes studying math each day. Reread the sections that will be covered in the test and review your homework to avoid the same mistakes. On the eve of the evening, solve 5-6 problems on those topics that will be encountered during the test.
    • Get a good night's sleep before a test or exam and come to class prepared. The night before, go over your notes again, and then go to bed right away.
    • Contrary to popular belief, cramming is one of the worst ways to prepare for an exam. As a result, you will not only get very tired before the exam, but you will also remember the memorized material for only a few days.
    • Imagine that you got a high mark on the exam. A positive attitude is very important!
  7. 7 Practice math with a private tutor. If difficult math concepts are difficult for you and want to improve your grades, try a tutor. An individual tutor will be able to clearly explain difficult topics that a lack of understanding of which lowers your grades. Perhaps he will do it differently from your schoolteacher, and will also help brush up on forgotten material.
    • Many universities have preparatory courses in mathematics for prospective applicants. Try enrolling in a course like this, or look for a private tutor.
    • If you are in school, talk to your math teacher and ask him to recommend the right tutor for you. It is possible that he knows a teacher who can help you.
    • Try looking for a tutor on the internet.

Method 3 of 3: Mastering Mathematical Concepts and Concepts

  1. 1 When solving problems, write down each step on paper. Think about what actions you need to take to solve the resulting math problem. Write down each step on a separate section of the sheet and solve each problem sequentially.Don't try to solve problems in your head and just write down the answers. Also, avoid the temptation to use a calculator instead of writing down each step of the solution. If you are faced with more complex actions than multiplication and division, you can easily skip some steps and make a mistake, which will give an incorrect result and lower the overall score.
    • Suppose you want to find the area of ​​a circle. First determine the radius of the circle and multiply it by 2 to get the diameter. After you calculate the diameter, multiply it by pi (3.14) to find the area. Write down each step separately!
    • Writing down all of your calculations on paper can help you get the right answers and improve your grade. In addition, it will help you see the entire sequence of steps required to solve the problem. As a result, mathematics will seem less capricious and mysterious to you.
    • It is best to write down the solution with a pencil rather than a pen so that you can easily erase any mistakes if necessary.
  2. 2 Solve additional tasks to make sure you have learned a topic well. After you complete the required homework, solve a couple of additional tasks to consolidate your knowledge and skills. Then check if you got the correct answers. Most math textbooks have answers to some or all of the problems they contain at the end. If you get an incorrect answer, try to solve the problem again or ask the teacher to explain the unclear points to you.
    • Suppose you are studying algebra and you are having trouble adding and multiplying negative numbers. Take the time and solve 2-3 problems on this topic, and you will begin to understand it better.
  3. 3 Apply math to real life to make it easier to understand. Mathematics can seem too abstract and out of touch with everyday life. Nevertheless, it is applicable to many everyday issues and phenomena. For example, the Pythagorean theorem helps to establish a relationship between different sizes and shapes, and using a mathematical constant e you can better understand the growth processes. Find applications of mathematics in everyday life, and it will become much more specific and interesting.
    • Even those branches of mathematics that seem completely divorced from reality, such as negative numbers, find their application in quite prosaic things. For example, negative numbers are helpful when looking at things as important as financial debt.
  4. 4 Become familiar with the basic concepts you need to learn more advanced concepts. These basic concepts in mathematics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You need to have a solid grasp of these ubiquitous arithmetic operations before moving on to more advanced topics such as algebra or trigonometry. Make sure you are fully proficient in them.
    • If you are having a hard time learning any other foundational math skills, there are many math education sites on the internet.
    • Try also to search the Internet for specialized forums where mathematics lovers communicate.
  5. 5 Be sure to grasp the current topic before moving on to the next new material. When studying mathematics, knowledge gradually accumulates. You will not be able to understand the more complex sections unless you have mastered the basic concepts and concepts first. Read and re-read the examples in the books, watch the instructional videos on DVD or on the Internet, and when you have difficult questions, ask the teacher for help.
    • Let's say you are learning how to find the area of ​​various geometric shapes. Master this skill well before moving on to more complex topics such as rotating and flipping shapes around axes, otherwise you will not have a solid foundation to understand more complex issues.
  6. 6 Identify your weak points and improve them. None of the students are proficient in all areas of mathematics equally well. Perhaps your rating is not high enough due to the fact that you are poorly versed in some topics! Review the results of the control and homework assignments and determine which sections you received the worst marks. Reread these sections in the textbook, solve a few additional problems, and talk to your teacher about how you can improve your knowledge. Your grades will be higher soon!
    • Suppose you are having a hard time with trigonometry. To master this section, learn how to calculate angles in different types of triangles. You can also make flashcards to help you memorize basic concepts like "sine" and "cosine".
    • Don't excuse yourself with phrases like "I think long division is too difficult for me" or "trigonometry is beyond my comprehension and nothing can be done about it."
  7. 7 Finding out the learning style that suits you will help you understand math better. Think about situations in which you are best memorizing new learning material. For example, think about when you were most satisfied with your classroom experience: when you solved problems on your own, listened to the teacher, worked out problems with classmates, or reflected on them in the abstract? The more fully you can use the learning style that suits you, the better you will grasp math concepts and concepts and thereby increase your grade.
    • If you enjoy solving math problems and puzzles, search the internet for them.
    • There are free tests on the Internet that you can use to determine your learning style.
    • The main learning styles are visual, verbal, social, auditory, physical (kinesthetic), logical and solitary.


  • Talk to your math teacher and see if he could give you additional homework assignments and advice on how to improve your math skills.
  • Studying math can be quite tedious. If you feel tired in the middle of doing your homework or reading study material, take a five-minute break, take a short walk, and get some fresh air.
  • To re-energize your lesson, take a bottle of water with you and sip it every five minutes if you feel tired and lose concentration. You can also use healthy snacks such as nuts.