How to improve your sex life after childbirth

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 3 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How women can rediscover their sex life after childbirth
Video: How women can rediscover their sex life after childbirth


Having a baby will change your whole life. You will experience a wide variety of emotions, your schedule will change, and you will feel differently in your body. You may be scared to have sex after your baby is born. The most important thing will be to give yourself the proper attention.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the Body for Sex after Childbirth

  1. 1 Give your body time to recover. During childbirth, the body is working to its limit, so you need time to recover. Most experts recommend abstaining from sex for at least 4 weeks after giving birth.
    • It is not safe to have sex in the first two weeks. You will most likely be bleeding, so the risk of bleeding and infection will be high. After 4 weeks, it will be safer to have sex.
    • If you have stitches, you will need to wait 6 weeks and see a doctor.
    • Stitches can be stitched due to rupture, caesarean section, or episiotomy. After these procedures, the healing time is longer.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor. You should refrain from sexual intercourse until your doctor permits it. Your doctor may tell you to stop having sex until he or she decides that you have fully recovered. Remember: these are all important for proper healing.
    • At postpartum checkups, ask your doctor questions. Ask about progress in general, as well as about sex.
    • Prepare a list of questions in advance. This way you can ask whatever you want.
    • Ask what precautions you should take and what to do if you feel uncomfortable.
  3. 3 Follow your doctor's recommendations. You may have to wait for a doctor's approval. If he tells you to abstain from sex for more than six weeks, you may be upset, but you should not ignore the doctor's order.
    • If you had a caesarean section or had a tear during labor, you may take longer to recover. If you do not wait for the right time, you can damage unhealed tissue and cause harm to the body.
    • If the doctor says your body is ready for sex, great! But don't ignore other doctor's advice. If your doctor advises you to take your time, do so. If you are advised to use lubricants, buy a lubricant.
  4. 4 Listen to your body. Only you can decide if you are ready for sex. Even if your doctor says everything is physiologically okay, you may want to wait a little longer. Many women feel unprepared for several months after giving birth.
    • Women often experience vaginal dryness after childbirth, especially if they are breastfeeding. Dryness may persist throughout breastfeeding.
    • Lubricants can be helpful. However, if you feel pain or discomfort, continue to refuse sex.
    • Pay attention to the needs of your body. If the thought of sex makes you nervous, it probably means that you better wait, and that's okay.
  5. 5 Get some rest. After the baby is born, life begins to revolve around feeding, changing diapers and caring for the baby. Both parents are likely to experience sleep deprivation. Everyone knows that sleep deprivation negatively affects libido.
    • Before returning to intimacy, you will need to get enough sleep. It may seem impossible, but without it there is no way.
    • Remember that this relationship is two-way. Sex can improve sleep quality.
    • Even if you are very tired, try having sex if you can physically do it. Sleep will be deeper after sex.
    • As you start to get enough sleep, you will want sex more often. There is a direct relationship between sleep and sex.
    • Try to go to bed half an hour earlier. Give this time to sex.

Method 2 of 3: Accepting Your Emotions

  1. 1 Accept the change. After giving birth to a baby, you will experience many changes, and these changes will not only be physical. Pay attention to emotional changes as well. Your emotional well-being plays an important role in bonding with your sexual partner.
    • Accept the changes that have come. For example, your breasts may look different and not feel the same as before.
    • This is fine.Don't let thoughts of your body influence your desire for sex.
    • You may be worried that your partner will feel differently about your body. It is quite possible that it will be so.
    • Accept that your body has changed and that sex will not be the same for both of you. Remember, this does not mean that sex will get worse.
  2. 2 Remember hormones. Pregnancy and childbirth affect hormones. Chances are, your hormones will only return to normal when your period starts again. Often this happens only 4-12 weeks after delivery.
    • Fluctuations in hormones can affect libido in different ways, but it is more common for women to feel that they are not ready for sex until several months after giving birth.
    • Remember, this is all perfectly normal. Don't worry if you experience sudden mood swings during the week or even during the day.
    • You will be holding and caring for your baby most of the day. When it's time to take a break, you'll want to be alone with yourself, and it's perfectly normal not to want to be touched.
  3. 3 Be patient. Don't think about other people. Your sex life only concerns you and your partner. You should only start having sex again when the time is right. In order for your sex life to be enjoyable after childbirth, you will have to change something, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's best not to rush yourself and your partner.
    • Some couples start having sex again a month after giving birth, others only six months later. Give yourself the opportunity to "mature".
    • If you are worried about sex, it will be difficult for you to get aroused. Wait for the moment when you feel ready.
    • Do not hurry. When you are ready for intimacy, do everything carefully and take your time. This will allow you to get rid of fears associated with possible physical discomfort.
  4. 4 Take care of yourself. It can be difficult to feel sexy if you are exhausted and your nerves are on edge. Taking care of your emotional and physical well-being will improve your sex life. Pamper yourself and you will soon be able to relax and prepare for sex with your partner.
    • Let family and friends help you. Perhaps you feel the need to always be with your baby and not leave him a single step. This is fine.
    • If a close friend or relative offers to help you with your child, do not refuse. You and your partner deserve some personal time.
    • Try doing something with your partner to help you relax. Sign up for a couples massage or dine at the restaurant.
    • Being together will help you bond. This will make it easier for you to return to your sex life.
  5. 5 Get your confidence back. After having a baby, it can be difficult for you to feel sexy. Perhaps you're worried about being overweight or upset with stretch marks. If you don't like your body, it will be difficult for you to want sex.
    • In order to regain the sex life you had before, it is important to regain confidence in your body. Remind yourself that your body is beautiful. Having a baby is a huge achievement!
    • If you feel ready to exercise, start exercising. You can go for long walks or do yoga for childbirth.
    • Exercise will boost your self-esteem. Talk to your doctor before starting sports.
    • Remember to keep your body clean. After a baby is born, it can be difficult to remember to shower and change into clean clothes on time.
    • Dry your hair and wear clothes you like. This will make you feel like you again and get ready for sex.

Method 3 of 3: Communicating with a partner

  1. 1 Talk to your partner frankly. For sex to be enjoyable for both, you need to be honest with each other. This is especially important after childbirth.Both of you have experienced big changes in your life, which means you need to talk about how your sex life will change.
    • Talk about your feelings. If you are worried about sex, talk to your partner.
    • Say something like, "I still feel uncomfortable. I am a little worried about sex."
    • If it was not you who gave birth, but your partner, you may have your own worries. Try saying, "I'm afraid I will hurt you or feel uncomfortable during sex."
    • Listen to each other's words. By talking to each other, you can bond and show trust.
  2. 2 Strive for closeness. If you are not yet ready for sex, there is nothing wrong with that. You can be closer to each other without sex. Talk to each other and agree on what works for both of you.
    • Massage each other. Light candles, grab aromatic oils, and help each other relax. You can get physically closer to each other without sex.
    • Take a shower together. Let the steam and pleasant smells help you feel close. You can even take a bubble bath.
    • Touch each other. Hold hands, hug while watching movies, kiss each other throughout the day.
  3. 3 Try new positions. You may not be able to immediately return to what you like. For example, after giving birth, many do not fit the missionary position. Try other positions that will please both of you.
    • In postpartum sex, allow the woman to set the pace and intensity.
    • Try the woman on top pose. This will help the woman to control the intensity.
    • You can also try the sideways pose. In this position, the penetration is not too deep, which will not interfere with healing.
    • Talk to your partner during sex. Say what you like and what you don't.
  4. 4 Bring romance back to your relationship. Life after the birth of a child becomes unpredictable. Both of you are likely to sleep a little and are stressed by your new responsibilities. Try to find time to develop your relationship, despite all the difficulties.
    • Go on dates. Ask a relative to be with the child. Go to a restaurant or a movie.
    • If you can't afford to hire a nanny, arrange a date at home. When your child falls asleep, sit back on the couch and watch your favorite TV show.
    • Don't just talk about the baby. Talk about other topics on dates.
    • Talk about your hobbies. After your baby is born, you will be constantly thinking about sleep and breastfeeding, but it is important to remember that you and your partner liked each other for other reasons.
  5. 5 Make sex a priority. Sex is an important part of a relationship. You may have to try to pay special attention to this area. If you find yourself having sex rarely, start planning your time.
    • Plan sex. Try to find time in your sex schedule the same way you find time to see the doctor or pay bills.
    • It's not exactly romantic, but it's worth it. Once you get used to having regular sex, you don't have to make time for it on purpose.
    • You will have to plan for sex, but that doesn't mean that sex itself should be routine. Surprise each other with something new.
    • You will need to learn how to adjust to your child's schedule. At the same time, it is important to never miss planned sex, even if it has to be postponed or rescheduled for an earlier time. It is best not to do some housework if need be.
  6. 6 Support each other. For sex to be enjoyable, it is important to provide each other with emotional support. Parenting a baby is an amazing experience, but it comes with a challenge. You and your partner should help each other.
    • Encourage each other. Tell your wife that she is an amazing mom and deserves love.
    • The more likely you will find that the child strengthens the bond between you, and this will make sex incredible.


  • Don't rush yourself.
  • Use a lubricant. Try different ones to see which ones you like.
  • Take pride in the changes in your body.