How to care for a toad

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Take Care of Toads!
Video: How to Take Care of Toads!


Believe it or not, toads are wonderful creatures that will feel great in your home (if, of course, you make an aquarium for them). Toad care will not take long. In this article, you will find some tips for keeping and caring for your toad.


Part 1 of 2: Making a Toad House

  1. 1 Find a container of the right size. For one or two toads, a ten-liter aquarium is suitable. It is best not to have more than three toads in one tank, as toads are sometimes aggressive. You should also not put different types of toads together.
  2. 2 In the terrarium, you need to place different "decorations" for the toad: artificial holes and driftwood in which the toad can hide. Buy the special amphibian moss "Frog moss" from the pet store. This is a natural moss that can be used to upholster the bottom of the aquarium. Buy land, put a small layer of soil on the bottom of the tank, then put moss on top.
    • If you are unsure which moss is best to buy, consult a specialist at your pet store.
    • Never use artificial turf or gravel. It can damage the delicate skin of the toad.
  3. 3 Fill the tank with different pebbles, pieces of tree bark, and driftwood so that the toad has a place to hide. Some owners prefer store-bought fake toad minks or empty coconut shells.
  4. 4 Make a pond for the toad. The body of water should be at least four times larger than the toad itself. Take water seriously; chlorinated water can kill toads. Make sure there is a small slope in the pond so that it is convenient for the toad to get in and out of it.
    • An easy way to make a pond for a toad is to buy a small plastic container, make a hole in the soil and moss, place the container in that hole, and fill it with water. That is, make sure that the container is flush with the soil. Then the toad can easily enter and crawl back out.
  5. 5 Maintain temperature control. The preferred temperature ranges from 18-27 degrees Celsius, depending on the location of the aquarium.
    • It is advisable to put a heating pad under one part of the aquarium. In case the toad wants to lie down in a warm place. This arrangement is convenient in that one part of the aquarium will be heated, and the other will not, so the toad can choose where to sit. If you would like to know more about temperature conditions, please consult a specialist at your local pet store.
  6. 6 The toad needs special lighting: at least 12 hours of sunshine every day. You can purchase a fluorescent or low UV lamp. But first, make sure your toad has enough places to hide.
    • To see how the toad is doing at night, install a red lamp in the aquarium. The fact is that toads do not distinguish red light, so they will think that they are in the dark, and you can see them calmly. They are also most active at night.
  7. 7 Make sure there is sufficient humidity in the enclosure, as amphibians need very humid air. Place a small container of water on the side under which the heating pad is located. When warm, water will evaporate faster, increasing the humidity of the air.

Part 2 of 2: Taking care of your toad

  1. 1 Do not bring home a wild toad that you caught somewhere in nature. Wild animals do not take root well at home. In addition, many species of toads are endangered because humans are destroying their habitats. Wild toads are best left alone, and you can get yourself a pet at any pet store.
  2. 2 Follow the diet of the toad. It includes crickets, caterpillars, flies, and mosquitoes. The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the toad. A juvenile immature toad needs to be fed every day. An adult toad should be fed two to three times a week. It is better to consult a pet store specialist about food.
    • Feed your toad at approximately the same time.
    • Don't feed the toad with wild-caught insects! They can carry pathogens of various diseases. Feed only those sold at the pet store.
  3. 3 Give your toad a vitamin supplement. Add calcium powder and other vitamins to water or food. Calcium can be added with every meal and other vitamins can be added once a week.
  4. 4 Make sure the toad always has water in the tank. Toads are very sensitive to chemicals, so chlorinated water is very bad for the toad's health.
  5. 5 Remove leftover food from the aquarium after each feed. The toads have time to gorge themselves within 15 minutes, so give food, wait 15-20 minutes, and then remove the leftovers. The water needs to be changed every day.
  6. 6 Do not touch the toads often with your hands. It can harm their delicate skin and be intimidating. Toads are those types of pets that are best left untouched at all. But if you still have to take it in your hands, for example, when you need to clean the aquarium, then touch it very gently and carefully. Never abandon your toad and handle it very carefully.
  7. 7 Wear gloves when touching the toad. The mucus on the toad's skin is toxic and can irritate some people.After holding the toad in your hands, wash your hands.
    • As you know, toads can be carriers of diseases, for example, they can carry salmonella, which causes salmonellosis. Therefore, be sure to wash your hands after handling the toad, especially if you are not wearing gloves.
  8. 8 Clean the aquarium as often as possible, ideally 1-2 times a week. Transfer the toad to a deep basin or other container where it cannot escape, then remove the old moss and soil, clean the bottom of the aquarium, fill the aquarium with new soil and moss, change the water and put all the driftwood and other "decorations" back. Don't forget to bring the toad back!
  9. 9 Each type of toad has its own peculiarity. This article discusses the general principles of keeping and caring for a toad, but some types of toads may feel uncomfortable on moss or on the ground. Find information about your species of toad online or consult a specialist at a pet store.


  • Don't catch wild toads.
  • If you have any questions about keeping a toad, be sure to consult a specialist.


  • Frogs and toads can carry bacteria, so be sure to wear gloves before handling them.
  • Touch the toad as little as possible, as this can damage its skin.