Ways to Speak Korean

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learn Korean in 20 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need
Video: Learn Korean in 20 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need


Korean (한국어, Hangul) is the main language of the Republic of Korea, Korea and the Dynastic Korean Autonomous Region of China, and is the dominant language of the Korean community in the world, from Uzbekistan to Japan and Canada. This is an interesting, complex language with controversial origin, rich in history, culture and full of beauty. Whether you are planning to go to the land of Korean, trying to reconnect with your national heritage, or simply interested in learning new languages, follow these simple steps to speak. Korean and you will be fluent in the language soon!


Method 1 of 2: Get started

  1. Learn Hangul, the Korean alphabet. If you are learning to speak Korean, the alphabet is the right place to start, especially if you want to improve both your reading and writing skills later on. Korean has a fairly simple alphabet, although the Korean alphabet can be a little strange to most Vietnamese, as it is completely different from the Latin alphabet.
    • Hangul was established in the Joseon Dynasty (Korean House) in 1443. Hangul has 24 letters, 14 consonants and 10 vowels. However, if 16 double vowels and double consonants are included, the total number of Hangul letters is 40.
    • Korean uses about 3,000 Chinese characters, or Hanja, to represent words of Chinese origin. Unlike Japanese Chinese characters (Kanji), Hanja in Korean are restricted to academic, religious (Buddhist) articles, dictionaries, newspaper headlines, classical Korean literature, and pre-literature. World War II, as well as the part of the person's name. In Korea, Hanja is hardly used.

  2. Learn to count. Counting is an important skill when learning any language. Counting in Korean can be a bit "tricky", as Koreans use two numbering systems depending on the context: pure Korean or Sino-Korean, originating in Chinese and having a few Chinese characters.
    • Use pure Korean count to count the number of objects (from 1 to 99) and age, eg 2 kids, 5 bottles of beer, 27 years old. Here's how to count up to 10 using a net Korean count:
      • One = 하나 read as "ha-na"
      • Two = 둘 둘 read as "dul"
      • three = 셋 says "sế (t)" (the "t" sound isn't coming out. However, be sure to stop the sound completely between the 's' and 's')
      • Four = 넷 read as "if (t)"
      • Year = 다섯 read as "multi-só (t)"
      • Six = 여섯 reads "yo-só (t)"
      • Seven = 일곱 read as "il-gop"
      • Eight = 여덟 read as "yo-dol"
      • Nine = 아홉 read as "a-hop"
      • Ten = 열 read as "yol"
    • Use Sino-Korean numbers for dates, amounts, addresses, phone numbers, and numbers 100 and up. Here's how to count to 10 by Sino-Korean count:
      • One = 일 read as "il"
      • Two = 이 read as "i"
      • three = 삼 read as "sam"
      • Four = 사 read as "sa"
      • Year = 오 read as "cell"
      • Six = 육 read as "yuk"
      • Seven = 칠 read as "chil"
      • Eight = 팔 reads as "pal"
      • Nine = 구 reads as "gu" (Most people read "ku".)
      • Ten = 십 read as "Cyprus"

  3. Memorize simple words. The wider your vocabulary, the easier it will be for you to speak a language fluently. Get acquainted with many simple Korean words in everyday life - you will be surprised to see your vocabulary increase quickly!
    • When listening to a Vietnamese word, you should think of the corresponding Korean word. If you don't know the Korean word, write it down to search later. It can be handy to achieve this goal when you keep a small notebook with you at all times.
    • Attach Korean labels to objects in your home, such as mirrors, drinking tables, and sugar bowls. You will often see these words and not realize you are memorizing them slowly!
    • Learning a word or phrase ‘from Korean to Vietnamese’ is just as important as ‘Vietnamese into Korean’. You will remember how words are said and don't just stop at recognizing words while listening.

  4. Learn basic communication sentences. You can quickly interact with Koreans on a simple level through some basic polite lines. Try learning the following words and phrases:
    • Hello = 안녕 read "an-nhoong" (common way) and 안녕 하 새요 "annhoong-ha-sê-yô" in a formal way.
    • Right / Right = 네 read as "nê"
    • False / Not = 아니 read as "a-ni" (common expression) or 아니요 "a-ni-yô" (formal expression)
    • Thanks = 감사 합니다 read as "Cambodia"
    • My name is... = 저는 ___ 입니다, read as "for-nun ___ imni"
    • How are you? = 어떠 십니까?, Read as "o-to-shim-ni-fish?"
    • Nice to meet you = 만나서 반가워요 read as "man-na-so-ban-o-yo" or "man-na-so ban-ga-o"
    • Goodbye when the opponent is on the other side = 안녕히 계세요 read as "an-nhoong hi ber-s-yô"
    • Goodbye when the opponent leaves or both sides leave = 안녕히 가세요, read as "an-nhoong hi ka-sê-yô"
  5. Understand polite communication patterns. You need to find out the difference between the degrees of formalism in Korean speaking. Korean is different from Vietnamese at the end of verbs, this part will vary depending on the age and rank of the person being talked about as well as social circumstances. It is important to understand how to use formal speech so you can properly guide your conversation. There are three main ways of speaking with varying degrees of formalism:
    • General - Use with people of the same age or younger, especially among close friends.
    • Be polite - Use with people older than the speaker and in formal settings.
    • Honorifics - Use in very formal situations, like in the news or in the military. This expression is rarely used in everyday communication.
  6. Learn basic grammar. In order to speak correctly any language, you need to learn the grammar of that language. There are a few characteristic differences between Vietnamese grammar and Korean grammar, for example:
    • Korean usually applies the subject-object-object-verb order, and verbs always end a sentence.
    • In Korean, it is quite common to remove the subject in a sentence, if both the speaker and the listener already know the object being talked about. The subject of a sentence can be deduced from the situation or from a previous statement.
    • In Korean, adjectives are also used as verbs. Specifically, they are also fungible and have many forms to represent the tense of the sentence.
  7. Pronunciation practice. The pronunciation of Korean is different from Vietnamese, and you need to practice regularly to be able to pronounce vocabulary correctly.
    • One of the main mistakes that Vietnamese people make when learning Korean is that they think that the Latin transcription of Korean words will be pronounced the same as in Vietnamese. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Beginners learning Korean will have to learn the correct pronunciation of words that have been transcribed into Latin words.
    • In English, when a word ends with a consonant, the speaker usually pronounces the letter. For those who do not have ‘earshot’, the sound coming out of this letter is very weak and hard to hear. For example, when English speakers pronounce "ship" a small breath comes out of the word ‘p’ when they open their mouths. Korean speakers don't have that ‘breathing’ sound, because they don't open their mouths.
  8. Don't get bored yet! If you are serious about learning Korean, do your best - the satisfaction you gain when conquering a second language will surpass all the difficulties you have encountered. Learning a new language takes time and practice, and you won't be successful overnight. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Immerse yourself in Korean

  1. Find a local. One of the best ways to improve your new language skills is to practice speaking with native speakers. They will easily correct your grammar or pronunciation mistakes, as well as teach you how to speak more naturally or more colloquially that you cannot find in books.
    • It's great that you've got a Korean-speaking friend willing to help! If not, you can advertise in your local newspaper or online to find Korean-language communication groups in your area.
    • If you can't find Korean speakers in your area, try searching on Skype. They will be willing to exchange 15 minutes of Korean speaking with 15 minutes of English speaking, if you know English.
  2. Consider signing up for a language course. If you need more motivation or feel like you will do better in a serious study environment, try signing up for a Korean course.
    • Look for language courses advertised at your local college, university or community center.
    • If you are worried about enrolling by yourself, invite a friend to study with. You'll have more fun and practice between sessions too!
  3. Watch Korean movies and cartoons. Look for Korean DVDs (with subtitles) or watch Korean animation online. This is an easy and entertaining way to get a feel for the sound and structure of Korean.
    • If you feel particularly "energetic", try pausing the video after a simple sentence and repeating them. Your Korean pronunciation will be somewhat more realistic!
    • If you can't find a Korean movie, rent it at rental stores because they often have foreign films. Alternatively, you can go to your local library to inquire about Korean movies or ask them to buy them for you.
  4. Look for softwares designed for Korean children. Translate the phrase "alphabet learning" or "games for babies and / or children" into Korean, and cut and paste the phrase in Hangeul into AppStore's search bar. The softwares are simple enough for small children to use; Therefore, you don't need to know how to read or speak Korean to use them. This is also cheaper than buying a DVD. The above software will teach you the correct way to write Korean letters; the majority of them have Korean songs and dance accompaniments; At the same time, you can also participate in quizzes and play games to learn daily vocabulary in Korean. Be careful because you may mistakenly buy a software designed for Korean children to learn English.
  5. Listen to Korean music or radio stations in Korean. Listening to music and / or listening to Korean radio is also a great way to immerse you in this language. Even if you do not understand everything, try to find keywords to capture the basic content delivered.
    • Korean pop music is mostly sung in Korean, but there are also a few English words in the lyrics. Korean music fans often write down the English translation of the lyrics, so you can also understand the conveyed message.
    • Installing Korean radio software on your phone will help you listen to the radio anytime, anywhere.
    • Download Korean podcast shows to listen to while exercising or doing chores.
  6. Consider a trip to South Korea. Once you have mastered the basics of Korean communication, consider a trip to Korea. What could be better than immersing yourself in Korean on a trip to the country of its origin! advertisement


  • You have to practice. Practice a little bit every day, even if you're learning by yourself.
  • Try watching Korean movies and listening to Korean music. Just by listening to Korean, you will become more familiar with the language and realize that you already understand a bit of the conveyed content.
  • Make sure you are pronouncing correctly. If you are unsure of your pronunciation, you should search for it online.
  • Review the language learning materials from time to time. This will help you not to forget your knowledge.
  • This may sound weird but you can try thinking in Korean. When you think of a topic you know, think in Korean without translating from Vietnamese to Korean in mind.
  • You can try to install software Phrasebook; This software will provide you with simple vocabulary, greetings as well as Korean dictionary.
  • Take pictures of the lyrics you love in Korean songs, try to rewrite these sentences and memorize them.
  • Watch Korean shows or listen to Korean music without subtitles. After trying to translate a sentence, check that the answer is correct.
  • Download Korean language learning software to your computer or phone. That software can help you learn Korean as well as learn more about Korean culture.
  • Take lots of notes! When learning a new word / sentence, rewrite the meaning of the words / sentences that you have learned. Also, try writing in Korean letters, this will help you improve your reading and writing skills. Watching YouTube videos to learn Korean words and sentences is also a great way.
  • Watching a Korean movie can be of great help. Try downloading the software "Viki" to your device, this software will provide you with many Korean movies with subtitles (CC) under each video to help you learn vocabulary and speaking styles.


  • Korean can be a difficult language for English speakers, as it is completely different from other Indo-European languages, such as Spanish, German, Irish, Russia and Greece. Don't give up when learning becomes more difficult. Think of learning Korean as solving a puzzle and enjoy it!