How to find out how many hours to filter a pool

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Often You Should Run Your Pool Filter
Video: How Often You Should Run Your Pool Filter


Pool owners are aware that these artificial ponds require constant maintenance to keep the water crystal clear and fresh. The purity of water also depends on maintaining its chemical balance and proper filtration. Be sure to use the filter correctly, including for longer periods of time in heat and daytime hours. You can determine the specific duration of the filter operation based on its performance and the volume of the pool.


Method 1 of 2: Calculating filter run times per day

  1. 1 Determine the volume of your pool. The duration of the filter operation will depend on the ratio of the volume of the pool and the performance of its filter.To calculate the volume of the pool, multiply its length, width and average depth in meters.
    • Be sure to make sure that a single measuring system is used in all your calculations (meters, not centimeters, cubic meters, not liters).
    • Calculation example: 5 m * 10 m * 1.5 m = 75 cubic meters. This is a 5m x 10m pool volume with an average depth of 1.5m.
    • If the pool has zones of different depths, calculate their volume separately, and then add up to find out the total volume.
  2. 2 Find out the performance of your filter. When doing this, take into account the resistance of the water in your pool piping system. It is estimated that the resistance of the water supply system can be taken as 13.5 m / kg for small pools and 27 m / kg for large pools and those cases when the filtering equipment is installed far from the pool.
    • The manufacturer of your pool filter can provide you with information on its performance at various resistance values.
    • On average, a high pressure filter is capable of pumping about 0.2 cubic meters of water per minute, which corresponds to about 12 cubic meters per hour.
  3. 3 Calculate the water exchange for your pool. As a minimum, it is recommended to make sure that a complete water exchange is ensured in the pool at least twice a day. Use the following equation to calculate the minimum required operating time for your filter: (Pool volume ÷ Filter performance) x 2 = Filter duration in hours. So you can find out the number of hours that the filter must work in order to ensure a complete water exchange of the pool twice a day.
    • For example, if the volume of your pool is 75 cubic meters and the filter capacity is 15 cubic meters per hour, the calculation would be as follows:
      • (Pool volume ÷ Filter performance) x 2 = Filter duration in hours;
      • (75 ÷ 15) x 2 = 5 hours of filter operation for two complete water exchange cycles per day.

Method 2 of 2: Compliance with basic filtering rules

  1. 1 Roughly, the filter should be turned on for an hour for every 2.5 degrees of air temperature (in Celsius). The general rule, which can be used throughout the warm period of the year, ensures that the duration of the filter operation depends on the outside air temperature. In relatively cool weather, you can turn it on for only 6 hours or less, and in hot weather, you may have to leave it on for 12 hours or more.
    • If the outside temperature is 26.5 ° C or higher, it is generally recommended to filter the pool water for about 10-12 hours a day.
  2. 2 Try to run the filter during the daytime when the pool water temperature is at its highest. It is at warm temperatures that the development of algae in the pool water is most likely. Chlorinate and filter the water at the same time throughout the day to eliminate the possibility of algae in the pool.
    • While it may be more economical to turn on filtering at night in terms of electricity costs, it will not help you in any way to combat algae that develop during the day when they can, rather than at night.
  3. 3 Do not be afraid to quietly turn on filtering for 10-12 hours during the day. Swimming pool filters are typically rated to run continuously for 12 hours in a row. In normal mode, filtration can be started at a low power, and when adding chlorinating or other chemicals to keep the water clean, set a higher power.
    • In this case, you will have the firm confidence that in your pool a full water cycle occurs at least twice a day.
    • If you have a low-power filter, you will need to turn it on for a longer time, depending on how much water it can drive through itself for a certain period of time. Don't worry about filtering too long - it's better to keep your pool filtering longer than not filtering enough.
  4. 4 Clean or replace filter cartridges after a long period of use. When servicing the pool, you will have to periodically clean the filters to remove dirt and blockages. Otherwise, in the end, you will find that to achieve the same effect of purity, you have to turn on the filtration for an increasingly long time.
    • For more information on how to clean your filter, see How to Clean a Pool Filter Cartridge.


  • Examine the water regularly for aquatic insects, plant debris, dirt and other debris. Collect debris from the surface of the water with a net, and clean the bottom and walls of the pool with a special vacuum cleaner.
  • Use pH and Chlorine Test Kits in water to check water readings with an automatic chlorination system installed.
  • Check your pool water parameters regularly. Pool shops have a wide variety of water testing kits and water treatment chemicals. Ask consultants to find the one that best suits your needs.
  • Add chemicals to the water in the evenings when the sun will not break down the chlorine in the water.
  • Run the filter at night to keep it cooler.