How to care for flowers

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Care for Your Flowers: Flower Care Tips from Nico De Swert | Pottery Barn
Video: How to Care for Your Flowers: Flower Care Tips from Nico De Swert | Pottery Barn


If you want your bouquet to last as long as possible, but do not know what to do for this, we are ready to help you! In this article, we'll show you what you can do to enjoy the beauty and scent of your flowers for as long as possible.


Method 1 of 3: How to Extend the Life of Flowers in a Bouquet

  1. 1 Change the water regularly. This is very important, because it is in the water that bacteria multiply, which cause rot and spoilage of flowers. Change the water once a day, the water should be at room temperature or warm.
  2. 2 To slow down the growth of bacteria, add two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the water and your flowers will stay fresh longer!
  3. 3 Process the stems. Different varieties have different stems and they all require different processing methods. The easiest and most common way is to cut the end of the stem at a 45 ° angle every day:
    • If you cut the stems at an angle, the suction surface will be larger.
    • Incredible, but ... fry the stems. "Milk" should flow out of them, which harms other flowers in the bouquet. Daffodils also have this "milk", but simple frying of the stem will not help here, so avoid mixing daffodils with other flowers.
    • As soon as the "milk" flows out, it's time to submerge the stem in water. First, cover the stem and the cavity formed in it with your finger, and then sharply lower it into the water and remove your finger. The resulting cavity should be filled with water.
  4. 4 Monitor the room temperature. Flowers wither much faster in too stuffy or, conversely, too cold rooms. Do not place the vase of flowers near a radiator, table lamp, or other heating devices.
    • Of course, some flowers do much better in a warm, humid environment. These are usually tropical flowers, such as the Bird of Paradise flower and the like.
  5. 5 Remove excess leaves from the stem. Leaves that are immersed in a vase are best removed. They increase the growth of bacteria and water decay.
  6. 6 Pinch flowers as needed. As soon as you find dry leaves on a flower, remove them immediately, as they only consume excess moisture and energy.
  7. 7 Purchase special tools from any gardening store. Do not use regular scissors, for example. They are designed for cutting cardboard and paper and can damage the stems.
  8. 8 You can buy special preservatives. For example, "Floral life". They need to be added to the water. They will provide flowers with essential minerals and will significantly extend their lifespan!

Method 2 of 3: How to care for your houseplants

  1. 1 Choose a good pot. The pot should have drainage holes (holes in the bottom so that when watering the plant, excess water is removed through these holes). Clay pots are ideal. Plastic are also suitable.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the mineral composition of the soil. Indoor plants need soil rich in minerals. In such soil, they will grow and develop better. You can use groundbait and fertilizers.
  3. 3 Destroy various pests and molds from plants. Houseplants are susceptible to pests to about the same extent as garden plants. If you notice mold on the soil, immediately carefully remove the top layer of soil and add fresh soil. If you run this business, the plant can get sick and even die.
  4. 4 Make sure the plant has enough sun. Please note that some flowers cannot tolerate direct sunlight! Arrange flower pots so that they get as much sunlight as possible. Then the leaves of the plant will be larger and juicier.
  5. 5 Apply fertilizer to the soil. If the flower grows too slowly, or if you meet all the conditions, and the plant is still sluggish, try fertilizing. To find the right fertilizer, ask your local gardening store for advice.
  6. 6 Prune the plant occasionally. For example, if it grows in the wrong direction. Remove wilted buds from the plant, as they only waste energy and nutrients.
  7. 7 Maintain a watering routine. Water the plant a little, but regularly. The volume of water depends on the room temperature, size and type of plant.
  8. 8 Monitor the growth of the plant regularly. Purchase a larger pot if necessary.Dig up the plant carefully and see if the roots are bumping into the drainage holes? If they resist, urgently transplant the flower into a pot more spaciously!

Method 3 of 3: How to maintain a flower bed

  1. 1 Watch out for the animals! Bright flower beds are a favorite place for cats and dogs. Be careful and make sure that your pets do not trample or damage the plants! And, by the way, you didn't hurt yourself on the thorns and thorns (if you grow, for example, roses). You can grow flowers in a greenhouse. They will definitely be safe there.
  2. 2 Protect plants from excessive UV radiation! Keep in mind that some varieties of flowers cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Plant flowers in an area that is partially shaded. Carefully study the needs of the cultivated flower variety and choose a planting site according to these needs.
  3. 3 Weeds, weeds, weeds! Get rid of them urgently as soon as you notice such a neighbor on your site! Weeds compete with cultivated plants for light and moisture, so it is necessary to get rid of them in time. Be sure to root out the weeds!
  4. 4 Remove wilted and diseased flowers so they don't compete with healthy ones for light and moisture. Then you will get the desired “harvest” faster.
  5. 5 Keep track of your pick-up and drop-off times! If you want to protect your plants from frost and temperature changes, choose the planting time carefully. It is common practice to plant plants in late spring or early fall, while it is not too cold or too hot.
  6. 6 Some plants will flower better when pruned at certain times of the year. For example, summer flowering trees and shrubs are best pruned for winter. Be sure to search the Internet for information on when to prune your plant variety.
  7. 7 Monitor the composition of the soil. Choose soil that is rich in nutrients and minerals. Pay attention to the acidity of the environment, this also affects the growth and development of flowers.
  8. 8 Mix tall and low flowers. If you have an entire garden, of course, you cannot keep track of every single flower. Mix flowers that require extra attention with those that you don't need to look after. Then not a single flower will be left unattended.
  9. 9 Don't forget to water your flowers regularly! No matter how well you take care of them, without enough water, the flowers will fade quickly! But don't overdo it. If the roots of the plant are constantly "floating", they will start to rot and the plant will die.


  • The best way to protect flowers from animals is to enclose them with a fence or hedge. A low fence will look great and your flowers will be safe! In addition, these fences and hedges can be purchased at any gardening store.


  • Water the flowers regularly. If possible, shield them so that neither animals nor a ball that accidentally flew into the flower bed does not seriously damage your flowers.

What do you need

  • Garden
  • Plants' seeds
  • Water and watering cans
  • Pots
  • Love for plants