How to keep a guy as a friend

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep Guy Friends in the JUST FRIENDS Zone
Video: How to Keep Guy Friends in the JUST FRIENDS Zone


You met a guy and he is absolutely lovely. Indeed, a very good person. But you have a boyfriend or you are basically not interested in romantic courtship. The problem is that he wants to be more than a friend. This is a guide for an experienced woman who can be friends without hurting anyone.


  1. 1 Remember that he is just your friend. He will always be only your friend: the main thing here is not to forget about it. When he starts hinting at the possibility of a great relationship together, just make it a joke. If he speaks of sympathy for a "girl" who does not notice this, do not nod sympathetically, do not say that this is "nonsense" or "very sorry, but you deserve better." Just change the subject. Fast.
  2. 2 Show him the value of your friendship. Talk about your friend, discuss your problems with him, explain how glad you are that he does not show feelings for you.He will understand that you see him as a friend and will give up the idea of ​​confessing his feelings so as not to destroy what he has.
  3. 3 Show him your negative character traits. This can be a love of gossip, hatred of children, untidiness, or frequent vows not in the business. When guys fall in love, they "like" put the girl on a pedestal. Then they like everything about you. It is necessary to destroy this pedestal and quickly. It could be totally inadequate things like letting him see you without makeup (if you always wear it) or telling the unexpected truth, such as "can't wait to graduate from school / college / work or travel to leave. I don't want to tie myself in a relationship." In fact, you need to say the exact opposite of what you would say to the guy you really fall in love with.
  4. 4 Decline an invitation to dinner or anything that looks like a date with just the two of you. Just say that you are too busy, that you feel bad, or that you already have plans for the day. If he's really persistent, you'll have to be tough to be kind. Tell him you're going out on a date.
  5. 5 Meeting at a cafe after work or class is fine, but don't do it too often. Regular shopping trips or team sports are great - these are things to do with your buddy.
  6. 6 Leadership as an example: be a good friend, but don't go too far. If he is upset, angry, or not feeling well, you may well be able to calm him down. But don't hug or touch too emotionally.
  7. 7 If he does talk about his feelings, be nice, but stand your ground. Say that scary thing, "I only like you as a friend." Let him lick his wounds and proceed to steps 2 through 6. If he still insists, it’s time not to see each other for a while.


  • Google "how to get out of the friend role" and you'll see thousands of articles giving advice to guys on how to break everything you've been building for so long. Read a few and learn to recognize the signs, he suddenly starts spending less time with you, trying to prove to himself-you-know-what, staring at other girls, creating opportunities to touch you, etc. This is how he tries to become more than a friend. Just smile and let him continue. The key to success in this business is repeating basic concepts - you like him as a friend and nothing can change that. Eventually it will come to him and hopefully he will find himself a cute girl with whom you can go on double dates!
  • Remember, repeat, don't forget, boys are stubborn. They constantly need to be reminded. Remind him from time to time that you are just friends. Say simple things "you are such a good friend" or "I am so glad that I have a friend like you."
  • Come up with specific handshakes or act a little kid if you don't already. Guys can be scared by a kid girl, although, of course, it depends on the guy. Pay attention and remember what he finds attractive. The tactic of "becoming the opposite of what he likes" can work.


  • If you have a friend, don't talk bad about him, it will give the friend hope and he will redouble his efforts.
  • Be very careful that your efforts are not considered the other way around - they say, "he is trying so hard, so he wants to have it." This will only pique his interest more. The idea is to be more open than in a romantic relationship. A great way to avoid this is described in step 3. You never let the guy you like see your negative traits, do you? But only when he falls into the trap!
  • Trusting, try not to get too close. He can pervert unnecessary trust.