How to dance slow dances

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 27 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Easy Dance Moves - I WISH I Knew for SCHOOL DANCES
Video: 3 Easy Dance Moves - I WISH I Knew for SCHOOL DANCES


1 Ask someone to dance. Do not assume that your partner is in the mood for dancing a priori (unless you are the bride or groom at a wedding). Be careful during the dance as well - your partner will probably need breaks to take a breath or for other purposes. If you are the man who asked for a date, you can gracefully give her your hand and say, "Let's dance?" If you are a girl who has made an appointment, then gently take your partner's hand and pull him towards you as an invitation to dance. If we are not talking about a partner, but about a random person, it is still necessary to look him straight in the eyes when inviting to dance; it would also be nice to have a playful smile or grin.
  • Don't worry if you're nervous - chances are, that person is nervous too. Hide your nervousness by smiling and talking with confidence.
  • A potential partner can answer both positively and negatively. In case of refusal, accept it without negativity.
  • 2 Smoothly escort your partner to the dance floor. Once your tempting offer is accepted, slowly and gently escort the person to the dance floor - no need to rush. Don't forget to savor the moment. If you know the person well or you are dating as you head to the dance floor, you can join hands or join your elbows. The man must follow the path to the dance floor and lead the dance itself; so if you are a guy, wrap your left hand around your partner's right arm, lift her slightly, and lead the girl onto the dance floor.
    • Girls, if your partner doesn't know how to lead a girl to the dance floor, take the initiative: give him your right hand, turn your elbow to his elbow and walk onto the dance floor.
    • If you are already on the dance floor, the main thing is stay on it is not an easy task, especially if one or both of you are nervous when it comes to slow dancing. If your partner is nervous, smile and tell him that there is nothing to worry about.
  • Method 2 of 3: Slow Dance

    1. 1 Place your hands. It's important to do it right.For the traditional slow dance position, a man should place his right hand on the left side of his partner's thigh (or on his back - in the middle or slightly higher), and with his left hand gently take her right hand and hold her (hand) approximately at the level of his shoulder (if you are higher; if she is higher, then at the level of her shoulder) so that the arms of both partners are bent upward from the elbow. The distance between you should be between 15 and 30 centimeters - depending on how close the relationship is between you (or how close you want to make the dance).
      • Women tend to place their left hand on their partner's shoulder. This is a traditional position in ballroom dancing (and also a safe dance position for middle school years), the distance between partners should also be about 30 centimeters.
      • If you are in a romantic relationship, you can even get into a position with the guy hugging the girl around the waist and the girl around the shoulders. Often they dance like this in middle and even high school, because it is a little easier to get into such a position, but it becomes more difficult for a guy to dance this way.
      • Do not change the position of your hands. Even if your partner doesn't mind, it can knock him down, and it's also unstable.
    2. 2 Place your legs. Face your partner so that your head is about 30 to 60 cm away from him. The face-to-face position is not optimal - you need to give yourself room to move your legs so as not to bump into your partner's legs. Some couples stand at an angle, with the right leg of each located in the middle of the other's legs; others prefer that only the woman's legs are in the middle of the man's.
      • Your feet should be at least 30 to 45 cm apart so that you can move comfortably from side to side.
    3. 3 Improve your movements. Luckily for you non-dancers, slow dancing is almost as easy as it looks from the outside. Move slowly and smoothly, and you don't need to move too much. (Swaying back and forth as if moving in a circle is perfectly acceptable.) Just shift your weight back and forth — that's how many dance. To change position, move or rotate, slightly lift your non-supporting leg and move it slightly forward, backward, or sideways.
      • Since you decided to improve your slow dance skills, you can master the "side step": just step to the right with your right foot, then move your left; touch the floor, then step to the left with your left foot, the right follows the left; touch the floor again before bringing your leg back.
      • The partners' movements in the side step should be synchronized, even when it comes to light movement of the leg.
      • The partners' hands should remain in place, with the only exception when the guy pulls the girl's hand to lead her in a new direction.
      • If you are close to the person you are dancing with, you can look directly at each other with your faces just a few centimeters apart. Otherwise, the guy can turn his head slightly to the left, and the girl to the right, or vice versa.
    4. 4 Lead the dance (for guys). Traditionally, a man leads the dance and a woman follows his movements. This means that not only the man needs to give signals by which the couple should turn or move to a new position, but the girl should also allow herself to be led. If you are a guy, then you should lead your partner, and not move her to the dance floor like a broom. You need to be confident enough in your movements to show the girl when you want to turn or move in a new direction. Here are some other things to keep in mind when leading a girl:
      • The easiest way to lead a girl is to subtly push or pull her right hand (if you are holding it in your left hand) in the desired direction.
      • However, you need to lead not only with your hands; if you move your body and move your arms differently, you will look awkward or like you don’t know what you are doing.
      • Instead, lead with your whole body: keep your shoulders and elbows firm but elastic, and step in the direction in which you are going to lead your partner.
      • To make the dance more interesting, you can lead your partner in a new direction, while continuing to move around the perimeter so that the dance is interesting.
      • To diversify your movements or find a less crowded area, you can move to the right, left, back or forward.
    5. 5 Be a follower (for girls). As a girl, you probably do not really want to give your partner control in a joint dance, still trust him - let's hope he will do his best. Trying to control him when he guides you can make the dance awkward and awkward. Here are some things to consider as a follower:
      • Hopefully your partner knows how to lead, and even if he does it awkwardly - don't fight him. Do your best to follow him; the clearer you demonstrate that he is in charge, the more he will make an effort to guide you properly.
      • Catch his movements: when he moves his right leg, move his left, and so on.
    6. 6 Move to the beat. Movements should correspond to the beat of the music: beat - step, beat - step. It's not as difficult as it sounds - beautiful slow music is easy to follow. If the rhythm of the song speeds up at some point, speed up the "side step" or swaying leg movements in accordance with the music. In doing so, make sure that you and your partner speeds up and slows down when needed.
      • If the music suddenly slows down, or if you guys are in a playful mood, then you can turn your partner around in the middle of the dance.
    7. 7 Talk to your partner. For most of us, the meaning of slow dancing is more about closeness and getting to know each other than about movement. Feel free to talk to your partner, study their eyes and, if the situation is appropriate, you can even kiss them. Talking to your partner will make you feel more at ease while dancing, no matter how well you know each other.
      • Talking constantly is not necessary, especially if the music is loud enough, otherwise the dance can be disrupted, which will lead to an awkward situation. A few short phrases from time to time will make the experience more fun and comfortable.

    Method 3 of 3: Finish Strongly

    1. 1 Thank your partner for the dance. Whether you're dancing with your 60-year-old spouse or with someone you've never met before, thank your partner. You can simply say, “Thanks for the dance,” or, “I hope we can dance some more. Thank you ”to make your partner feel special. If you are a guy and in a playful mood, you can even bow to the girl a little, thereby thanking her, making her feel special and showing how much pleasure dancing with her gave you.
      • If you finish the dance subtly, then the person will willingly dance with you again.
    2. 2 Move on to the next dance or step back gracefully. Once you learn to dance slow dances, you no longer want to leave the dance floor as quickly as possible: one dance is just the beginning. However, if you have already danced enough at this point, you can leave the dance floor. If you didn't manage to dance with the one with whom you wanted, don't worry: you have time to prepare mentally, but for now look forward to the upcoming intimacy.
      • Offer to escort your partner to his table or wherever he planned to go; maybe now is the time to leave the dance floor and retire - follow your heart.
      • If slow music suddenly sped up, try not to get confused.You can continue dancing to the fast music with the same dance partner while both of you are in the mood to dance some more.


    • Make frequent eye contact with your partner as it strengthens the relationship and makes dancing more comfortable.
    • Let the conversation happen. For many people, slow dancing is an opportunity to talk to a person. If the conversation is easy, so be it. Show interest in the conversation and be sincere.
    • Show respect.
    • Try sliding your feet instead of lifting them. This makes you less likely to step on your partner's feet.
    • Staring at your partner is not worth it.
    • Make sure your dance position is comfortable. Position your legs so that the muscles do not tense or stretch during the dance.
    • Don't try to kiss your partner right away. When the dance is over, stretch yourself slowly. If your partner has stepped back, stop. If you bent over or closed your eyes, kiss.
    • If you can dance well enough, instead of making assumptions before making any move, ask your partner directly if he will be comfortable with it. If everything indicates that your partner is as strong in dancing as you are, do what you like and have your partner follow you. Girls, feel free to ask your partner if he can dance. If he can, and you can't, ask him to teach - this way you can get the opportunity to have a few more dances during the evening and a date in the future, if, of course, you want to.
    • Try to learn more about your partner so that the dance is less awkward.
    • When the dance is over, hug him or even kiss him (if everything is conducive to that).
    • If your partner makes mistakes and accidentally steps on your feet, try not to get angry! Slow dance is probably a little scary for him.
    • Girls, if you really can't stand the guy you are dancing with, just say that your legs hurt and gently walk away.
    • Girls, make sure that the guy you are dancing with is not dancing with you just because his friends persuaded him to do so. If you can read in his eyes that he is interested in you, then do not stop.
    • Some girls put their heads on the shoulders of the guy they are dancing with. After the dance is over, you can hug or continue to chat with each other, or even dance side by side to fast songs.
    • Guys, be polite. Girls love it and it's attractive.
    • Sometimes look into each other's eyes to show that you are interested.
    • The guy does not have to invite to the dance. If you are a girl and you see that the guy is interested in you, but for one reason or another does not invite you to dance, do it yourself.


    • If you step on someone's foot, apologize and, for heaven's sake, try not to do it again. If someone steps on your feet and asks for forgiveness, I'm sorry. Most likely, it happened by accident.
    • Talk and look at your partner - not your friend's partner! Peeping over your partner's shoulder at someone else may end up badly.
      • If you hurt her, she will probably not dance with you again and will tell her friends about it, who are unlikely to agree to dance with you after this. In the worst case, she will turn to the guards, and then you will have problems.
      • Remember, women are much more gentle creatures than men. One wrong move and she will get a bruise, which is unlikely to bring a smile to her face.
    • You can only achieve perfection in dance through practice. Perhaps you will never dance together again, or maybe the cutie in the cocktail dress will just notice that you treated this dance like a gentleman ... and will look for opportunities to dance with you again when you are free.