How to judge character

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Judge People’s Character | Robert Greene Interview Clip | The Jordan Harbinger Show Ep. 117
Video: How to Judge People’s Character | Robert Greene Interview Clip | The Jordan Harbinger Show Ep. 117


When we meet, we first of all strive to understand the character of a person. What kind of person is this? How honest is he? This is especially important for a new employee or someone like your brother's new girlfriend. Learning to judge character correctly will make it easier for you to connect with new people. For the correct assessment of character, pay attention to certain traits and qualities. Also, don't ignore the person's actions.


Method 1 of 3: How to measure personality

  1. 1 Consider your communication style. It can be assumed that you are communicating with a new person, or are trying to better understand a person whom you have known for some time. Character assessment will help you find the right approach to the person. First of all, you need to pay attention to the communication style.
    • Rate how much the person is talking. Does he speak more than the others present?
    • If the conversation seems very one-sided, then the person may not be a very good listener.
    • Attempting to control the conversation can also be a sign of being overbearing. Not everyone will be comfortable in the company of such a person.
  2. 2 Pay attention to body language. Body language is an excellent indicator of personality and character. For example, a person may avoid eye contact. This behavior can be due to a number of reasons.
    • Avoiding eye contact can indicate shyness, dishonesty, or self-doubt.
    • You can also judge a person by shaking hands. A firm handshake speaks of confidence.
    • An overly firm handshake may indicate a need to dominate. A very weak handshake usually indicates a lack of interest.
  3. 3 Rate the person's energy. Observe how other people react to the person you are trying to evaluate. Energy allows you to judge important character traits. Pay attention to mood changes when the person enters the room.
    • Is there an abrupt silence and awkwardness in the room? Perhaps this person is causing anxiety in people.
    • Does the general mood become cheerful and joyful? Perhaps, next to such a person, it is easier for everyone else to relax. This may indicate a good disposition.
    • Does a person give or absorb energy? It is always best to share energy rather than feed it off at the expense of others.
    • Think about how comfortable you would be to go on a long car trip with such a person. This will make it easier for you to understand your attitude towards him.
  4. 4 Decide if you can trust the person. Trust is an important aspect of any relationship, personal and professional. When assessing a person's character, try to assess whether the person is trustworthy.
    • Rate his reputation. Past actions often suggest future behavior.
    • You may be considering going on a date with the person who cheated on his ex-girlfriend. No one is immune to mistakes and people often deserve a second chance. In doing so, it is important to take into account all the relevant information if you want to form the correct opinion.
    • Is your employee regularly late for work? If a person is not able to come on time, then it may turn out that he cannot be relied on in more important issues.
    • Give people the opportunity to earn your trust. For example, in the case of a new friend, pay attention to how she reacts to the personal information from your lips. If she is kind to you and listens carefully, then it is likely that the person can be trusted.
  5. 5 Behave properly with impolite people. Unfortunately, not all people have pleasant qualities. Sometimes you have to deal with a deceiver or just a rude person. Learn to properly interact with such people so that you are less likely to experience discomfort in communicating with them.
    • Remember that you are able to control your reactions. If a person behaves rudely, then this is not a reason to behave the same way.
    • For example, if an employee made a snide remark about a mess on your desk, you might respond with an evasive phrase like, "Yes, I've been so busy lately that I just didn't have the opportunity to put the documents in order."
    • Assess the motives behind the bad relationship. Does your sister constantly condemn your decision not to have children? Perhaps she is just jealous that you are more free in your plans.
    • Remember, empathy will always be the right decision. Be kind even when someone is rude to you.

Method 2 of 3: Judging Behavior

  1. 1 Pay attention to the person's behavior with strangers. Observing behavior will help you understand important aspects of a person's character. Sometimes it's very interesting to keep track of how people interact with strangers. Pay attention to this point in different situations.
    • For example, let's say you came on a first date. If your companion is rude to the waiters, this is not the best sign.
    • If a person behaves rudely with strangers, then he can be rude to close people. Perhaps he has formed a complex of his own superiority.
    • Let's say you are in a taxi with a new employee. Watch how he communicates with the driver.
    • If a coworker refuses to answer questions or engage in small talk, this behavior may indicate a bad character and an unwillingness to be kind to people.
  2. 2 Rate consistency of character. Watch how the person behaves in different situations. It is important to understand how he reacts to different scenarios. You cannot judge the character after one interaction.
    • Notice patterns in behavior. Is the person constantly rude to other moms in a meeting at school? Such a woman may not be the most pleasant person.
    • Does your neighbor almost always treat you warmly? One rude remark about the volume of the music does not mean that he is a nasty person.
    • Remember that everyone is in a bad mood. It is important to observe the person on different days and under different circumstances.
  3. 3 Watch for danger signals. Understanding a person's intentions is not always easy. It is even more difficult to judge the character of unfamiliar people. Fortunately, there are some cues to help you understand better.
    • Notice when the person suddenly becomes angry or likes to talk about abuse. These signals can indicate an inability to control anger.
    • Notice the tendency to shift the blame onto others. For example, your employee is constantly looking for someone to blame when a customer is unhappy with an offer. This may indicate flaws in character.
    • Notice your lack of empathy. If your friend never gives way to elderly people in transport, then pay attention to such a warning signal.
  4. 4 Rate the level of sincerity. Lying is a generally accepted indicator of a bad character. How do you know if a person is so honest with you? Fortunately, there are a number of signs to watch out for.
    • A person may not be telling the truth if the tone and volume of the voice change abruptly. For example, if in a conversation with a neighbor you mentioned that your watering can disappeared from the garden, then pay attention if the neighbor shrieks: "I have no idea what I mean!"
    • A person who constantly proclaims their honesty may not be completely honest. For example, if your brother's new girlfriend insists that she always speaks only the truth, then it may turn out that she is hiding something.
    • For example, if she often says, “I am a very honest person. Ask anyone! ”, Then you should think about why she constantly needs to emphasize her honesty.
  5. 5 Consider your interests. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how well a person is being guided by good intentions or trying to deliberately hurt you. This is an important distinction. A kind person will never intentionally upset or inconvenience you.
    • Remember your interests. Think about how such a person takes into account your interests.
    • For example, is your mom constantly trying to find you a groom? Perhaps she just thinks that your life will be happier in a relationship.
    • What if a friend constantly criticizes your spouse? It may turn out that it does not come from the best intentions.
    • Ask yourself: “How do I feel around a person? How pleasant is it for me to be with him? "
    • You might also think, "Is the person worried about my feelings?" If the answer is negative, we can conclude that he does not care about your interests.

Method 3 of 3: How to Maintain an Impartiality

  1. 1 Consider your own emotions. Don't jump to conclusions and evaluate your own feelings. If it seems to you that a new girl in yoga class is unfriendly, then think: perhaps you are projecting your mood?
    • Assess your condition. Are you disappointed with your boss's criticism? Perhaps your bad mood affects the person's perception.
    • Is the new employee acting like a know-it-all? Try to assess your own role in the company. Perhaps you are simply afraid of losing your long-awaited promotion?
    • Your emotions undoubtedly affect the perception of the surrounding reality, including judgments about a person's character. Remember this always.
  2. 2 Learn to listen. It is important to maintain an open mind when trying to understand a person. Remember that you may have biases. It is important for objectivity to be able to listen.
    • You may have always thought of your neighbor upstairs as an irritating rude person. After a personal conversation, it may turn out that he is just upset about breaking up with his girlfriend.
    • Eliminate distractions. Have you always found your brother-in-law annoying? Put your phone aside and stop texting your friends about how you don't like it.
    • Take time to listen to the person and don't be distracted by your phone or TV. You may suddenly find that you share his views and values.
  3. 3 Notice the positives. For an open mind, it is important not to dwell on negative aspects. Instead, try to focus on the positive. Change your perspective to see more of the positive.
    • For example, you always pay attention to the impatient behavior of a co-worker. Take a closer look - you may notice that she is always ready to help colleagues who do not have time to complete the project on time.
    • Also, one should not tune in to negative consequences. If you constantly argue with the owner of a rented apartment, then next time try to tune in to the positive and behave with an open mind.
  4. 4 Embrace the differences. An open mind is a willingness to comfortably interact with people who are different from you. Perhaps a new member of your group of friends does not have the best sense of humor. It's okay if two people find different jokes funny. It doesn't make one of you better or worse.
    • It is always important to consider different backgrounds and backgrounds. People with different backgrounds may react differently to the same situation.
    • Accept that everyone is different. If someone is not like you, then that does not make him a person with a bad character.


  • Don't jump to conclusions. Strive to get to know the person as best you can.
  • If you don't care about a person, that doesn't automatically make them bad.