How to set goals and achieve them

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Set Goals - Goal Setting and Achieving
Video: How to Set Goals - Goal Setting and Achieving


Achievement of the goal brings wonderful, unique sensations. You will be more satisfied with yourself and more motivated. Before you have time to look back, you will already have luck in your hands that cannot be stopped.


  1. 1 Decide what you really want to achieve. Don't worry about what others want from you. Set goals for yourself.
  2. 2 Be specific and realistic about what you want to achieve. “I want to live in a beautiful home” is a vague dream compared to “I want to live in a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home in the suburbs of my city.” The more detailed you are about what you want to do or have, the better.
  3. 3 Set deadlines for your goals. Your timeline doesn't have to be exact, but it should be the most appropriate option. Timelines should be realistic based on your goals. If you are working part-time for the minimum wage, then don't make it your goal to make a million dollars by the end of the year. Give yourself enough time to get where you set out.
  4. 4 Once you've decided what your goals are and when you want to achieve them, you need to write down your goals. Lay out everything in detail, clearly, and do not forget about the timeline.
  5. 5 Make a plan of action. Think about what you need to do to make this happen. If your goal is to buy that three-bedroom home, open a bank account for your down payment, figure out how much you need, and start saving. Browse real estate websites or inspect homes that meet (or are close to) the criteria you set.
  6. 6 Follow your plan. Nobody else will do it for you. You must act.Without action on your part, nothing you want will get done.
  7. 7 Review your goals daily. Review your goals at least once a day. The more often you do this, the better. Reread your goals when you wake up in the morning and go to bed in the evening.
  8. 8 Always stay focused and never give up.


  • Sometimes you should set smaller goals for yourself before you can move on to bigger ones.
  • Sometimes your goals evolve and change. This is fine. Make the necessary adjustments.
  • Think about the reasons why you want to achieve your goals. Write down as many of them as possible. Reread this list when you feel a lack of motivation.


  • Sometimes it's best not to immediately share your goals with other people. Whether intentionally or not, they can discourage you. Don't give them this opportunity. Let people just see what you achieve.
  • Don't let fear stop you. Make up your mind never to give up, no matter what happens.