How to become a mature teenager

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Teen Tips | How To Be Taken More Seriously | Personal Presentation
Video: 10 Teen Tips | How To Be Taken More Seriously | Personal Presentation


A teenager is a child between the ages of 9 and 12. Many parents treat their teens like little children. If you do not like this kind of treatment, then this article will be very useful for you.


  1. 1 Do what your parents ask you to do. Treat your parents with respect and remember that they want the best for you. For example, when your mom tells you to clean the room, don't argue - just do it. Also, the next time your dad asks you to do your homework, just do it because he loves you and wants the best for you. If you disagree with your parents' opinion or think that they are unfair to you, calmly express your point of view, but do not shout.
  2. 2 Study well. Show your parent that you are a responsible young person. Your teachers and parents really want you to do well. Here are some tips to help you study well:
    • Prepare for exams and tests. Good preparation will greatly increase your chances of getting a good test grade, and your test grade will affect your final grade. Be sure to review the necessary material before the test. Take your time, prepare thoroughly.
    • Take good notes. By taking notes, you can memorize important information, and this will have a beneficial effect on the assessment on the test. Create a folder for each subject, and put all your notes and notes in it. Also, you can write down all the important information in a notebook. Choose what is acceptable to you, which will make it easier for you to remember the information.
    • Be attentive in the lessons. Once you cross the threshold of the school, remind yourself that you came here to study. Be attentive and diligent in your lessons. Of course, you really want to hang out with friends or have fun instead of listening to the teacher, but remember you are here to study. For example, think about which is more important: your grades or funny jokes?
  3. 3 Be honest. Honesty is an integral part of an adult. Speak the truth, no matter what the consequences. If you do this, others will respect you for your honesty and will treat you like an adult. If you don't tell the truth, people will stop trusting you and treat you like a child.
  4. 4 Exercise good manners. Good manners are a sign of maturity. If it is pleasant to deal with you, then others will be drawn to you. The following tips can help you practice good manners:
    • Look people in the eye when you talk to them. If you look people in the eye when you talk to them, they will see that you are reaching out to them. Also, looking at the person when he says something to you will show that you are listening to the person.
    • Eat with your mouth closed. If you open your mouth while chewing food, others will see the remnants of the food you are eating.
    • Don't talk with your mouth full.
    • Do not put your elbows on the table while eating.
    • Be polite. Always say thank you. Also, use other polite words. For example, instead of saying "May I ____?" say "Can I please ____?"
    • Think before you speak. When you want to say something, think about how your words will be perceived - this will show that you are an adult. If you say something that might be offensive to other people, they might be offended by you.
  5. 5 Be friendly. Few people enjoy interacting with unfriendly people. Strive to be friendly and smile - doing so will increase your chances of having many friends. Every time you meet people you know, do not forget to say hello to them and ask how they are doing.
  6. 6 Instead of asking your parents for money, try to earn it. You can walk your dog, wash your car, and do other little things to make money. This will not only show that you are an adult, but you will also be able to prove yourself as a hardworking person.
  7. 7 Maintain your hygiene. Good hygiene is a sign of maturity. Few people want to communicate with a person who does not take care of himself. The following tips will help you maintain good hygiene:
    • Bathe and shower daily. Be sure to wash your face and hair. Looking clean is especially important in public places.
    • Take care of your appearance. Dress appropriately if you are going to an event. For example, don't wear smart clothes to school.
    • Watch your body odor. Shower frequently, and use soap and deodorant as needed. If you smell unpleasant, then you will not be treated like an adult.
  8. 8 Stop whining. Everyone, even adults, sometimes cries. When we are upset, it is natural that we cry. But if you are in the habit of hysteria, then you will be treated like a child.You will look older if you learn to stay calm and not throw tantrums.
  9. 9 Try to become a leader. Think about the mature people in your life. Most of them are leaders, right? When you acquire the qualities of a leader, you will be treated like an adult.
  10. 10 Watch what you wear. Want to make a good impression on others? Dress nicely. Here are some tips:
    • Try not to wear short shorts, tops, and provocative hairstyles. If you want to look older, wear dark colors. This does not mean that you should wear black clothes. Instead of wearing bright orange clothing, opt for soft orange.
    • If you love wearing bright colors, feel free to wear them. Adults wear these colors! However, don't overdo it; never dress like a rainbow. Instead, wear one bright piece and match other pieces of clothing in soothing colors.
    • When choosing clothes, give preference to fabrics with geometric patterns. Don't choose clothes with funny, immature lettering. If you wear such clothes, you will look like a small child who does not know how to behave.
  11. 11 Monitor your speech. Believe me, the swear words that fly off your lips do not make you an adult; you will look immature and even stupid. Remove all the swear words from your vocabulary and replace them with interesting buzzwords.
    • For example, vocabulary, in short, is the words that a person uses. Look for words that will make your speech smarter. If you have time, read the dictionary. It may sound funny, but it's not difficult to do, it will stimulate your vocabulary. In addition, the dictionary contains factual information that can help you in other areas of your life. Trust me, it's really impressive if a child is reading a dictionary.
    • Be careful, remember that your words are valid. Your words can hurt or heal.
    • Never gossip. Never say anything bad about the person behind their back. Gossip is what uneducated people do. They do it out of idleness. Gossip provokes hatred and distrust towards each other. You don't want to have a reputation for being a gossip. If your friends are gossiping in your presence, try changing the subject. If you can't change your friends, it's worth making new friends.
  12. 12 Watch your actions. Be responsible by acting in one way or another. Be prepared to reap the consequences of your behavior if you did something wrong, and remember to ask for forgiveness. Most people who made a mistake at your age say that they could have avoided it if they had listened to their parents.
    • Try to understand that your parents know your limits. If you are not ready to take on more responsibility, then they are unlikely to give you more assignments. If you want more responsibility, do more. Do housework, wash dishes, remove snow, help with housework, etc., and your parents will look at you with different eyes.
  13. 13 Be nice. If your brother starts crying, don't hit him. Calm him down or just walk away. Talk to your parents if your brother is bullying you, but always remain calm. Screams and tantrums are a sign of a baby.
  14. 14 Treat your parents well. In a dispute, the parents always have the last word. Therefore, you better listen to them.
    • Make smart choices - be calm if disagreements arise. Agree with your parents, don't argue. Even if you do not like this course of events, you should not conflict with your parents. This will show the parents that you can deal with the frustration. Treat your parents with respect and you will certainly be rewarded.


  • Always remember that what you do today will affect your future. Build good habits and treat others with respect.
  • Always ask adults for permission before going out, doing makeup, going on a date, etc.
  • Talk to your friends about serious topics.


  • Don't try to become an adult. While you may be tempted to become an adult, remember childhood - it is the most carefree and fun time. Childhood ends very quickly, so appreciate every minute of this wonderful time.
  • Don't think that you are better than other people. This is an immature look. Remember, each of us continues to learn, regardless of age.