How to become a telepath

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Easy Technique to Practise Telepathic Communication
Video: Easy Technique to Practise Telepathic Communication


A telepath is a person who apparently has supernatural abilities in guessing the truth about a person, as well as many facts of his life. A telepath must be strong in deciphering, possess observation skills and have a highly developed ability to see the smallest details. Many people, ranging from criminal trick profilers, use mentalist tactics and practical knowledge of psychology to interpret human behavior. Do you want to become Sherlock Holmes?


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Defining Lies

  1. 1 Try to grab what you weren't paying attention to. Part of this is shaping the mind of the mentalist. Unfortunately, most people have lost their observation skills. Shared and implicit personality assessments provide good background information, but we tend to skip it. For example, are this person's hands soft or calloused? Is he muscular or not? Is the person dressed to stand out or remain invisible? Look at yourself now. What can you find out just by looking at you?
    • There are dozens of common assessments of information items to help you uncover your identity. Think about Sherlock Holmes. He did not have psychic abilities, he just noticed some things. That's all. A slight tan on the left finger on the line of the ring, a pen stain on the left hand. Now he would assume that the person is either divorced or unfriendly with the right hand. Check out these hasty judgments!
  2. 2 Look for physical cues in others. The work of a mentalist is mixing memories and evoking manifestations, even if a person cannot bring this information to mind. This will help you understand what the mind knows but the memory cannot remember. Remember that even if someone says they don't remember something, the brain records everything! Thus, there is information, but it is simply not available to a person at this time. What you need to pay attention to:
    • The pupils of the eyes are dilated or narrowed (dilation is associated with positive emotions, narrowing - with negative emotions)
    • Looking straight into your face
    • Breathing courses
    • Heart rate
    • Relative body sweating
  3. 3 Use yourself as your first guinea pig. It is useless to look for any finishing touches if you do not know what they mean. Each person is slightly different from the other, so inconsistencies may arise. So start examining your face in front of the mirror. Here are a few things you should look for:
    • When you think about positive experiences, your memory needs to expand. When you think about negative experiences, your memory should shrink. Imagine both of these scenarios and see what happens.
    • Think about the answer to this question: Why do you like going to the beach? Once you've come up with your answer, notice what you were looking at. If you visualized something like a fire, you probably visualized it and looked up. If you imagined something like sounds and smells, you probably stayed at eye level. If you imagined sand in your hands, you might have looked down. Visual responses tend to go up, sound levels stay in place, and hands turn memories down.
    • Nervous state. How does it manifest in your body? What is your heart doing? Your breath? What are you doing with your hands? Where does it come from? Sadness, happiness, stress, etc.?
  4. 4 Detecting lies. Most people recognize lies based on external signs. In fact, lying measures blood pressure, pulse, and affects the body's sweating. The higher these indicators, the more likely the person is lying. But you can also recognize lies in other ways when you see people not looking you in the eye, folding their arms, or behaving inconsistently in verbal and non-verbal behavior.
    • A good thing is to master micro-expression detection. These are small flashes of real feelings of a person before he consciously begins to hide them. Very often people do not want to advertise negative and distressing feelings for one reason or another.
    • Pay attention to the position of the body: how many times the person swallows, touches the nose or mouth, what he does with his hands, fingers and feet, and how he stands in relation to you. Does he stand at an angle to the door in order to escape at a convenient moment?
  5. 5 Ask leading questions. Persuading people is a huge part of a mentalist's life. At least you can convince them that you are a mentalist! If a person receives evidence that their thoughts can be read, they will easily confuse telepathy with observation / conviction, which is an easy way to ask leading questions.
    • Many pseudo-magicians start with "I see 19", and no one knows what that means. They start out hazy until someone picks up the hook. Then, when someone responds, he will ask questions such as, "Were you very close to him or not?" And the person responds feeling understood.The pseudo-magician just asks very vague questions, and the person fills in the blanks instead!
  6. 6 Practice is the best way to develop observation. Look for all the details in the environment. Observe the interaction of people, how they are in relation to each other and how they are grouped. Very often, a second inspection of the room can tell you ten times more how everyone present feels here.
    • If you see one or two people at the door, then they are worried. Look at a person whose body language is clearly focused on someone else. He is interested in this person, probably sex drive. And if everyone aligns with one person in the room, then you've found an alpha. And these are just three examples.
    • If you can, write something down. Start with small segments, observations, registrations, look several times to find information that you missed the first time.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Convince Others

  1. 1 Remember basic human behavior. This means how a person usually acts in certain circumstances. Since everyone is different, you will be much more effective in your testimony if you have basic knowledge and know how receptive people are towards you!
    • A simple example is to think about the natural coquetry of people. Whenever they need to, they can touch, laugh and poke in the direction of people they find attractive. Other people perceive this as a violation of personal space. They feel the same way, they just show it in different ways.
  2. 2 Rest assured. 99% of getting people to believe / agree with you is confidence (statistics have yet to test this). Which politician will be chosen? What makes a salesperson effective? Who will get the lady? We may think that he can do something with the mind or with the appearance, but it really only boils down to trust. When you are confident enough, other people will follow your opinion.
    • If you are preoccupied with following your path as a mentalist, you must give up this bad habit! What you are really selling here is yourself. People are looking for you to make sure you are right, but they do not pay attention to the most accurate or logical information. When you realize that this is not what you say and how you say it, a lot of pressure subsides.
  3. 3 Listen. It is a fact that people tell us the information they need more often than we think. If we had listened better, a whole new world would have opened before us! Our memories allow us to improve, and we would have done this earlier if we had pulled the necessary information from memory. This is - to be a mentalist!
    • An important part of listening and being an effective mentalist is reading between the lines. See what people really mean when they speak. If your friend came up to you and said, “Oh Lord, I worked so hard today!”, He is actually saying, “Please pat me on the back and tell me I'm in great shape.” This is the main text that will be the key for you when people begin to understand that you are wiser than any of them.
  4. 4 Behave naturally. It all comes down to the fact that you shouldn't be doing a show. So instead of pretending to be playing a dramatic scene, just be yourself! Genuine you will be more convincing than everyone else.
    • Anyway, be a little funny. Think of those actors who give interviews with a constant slight smile on their faces and are prone to small bouts of low laughter. They are completely relaxed and it seems cool. Be that guy!
  5. 5 Be an inspiration for the idea. As it was in the amazing film with Leonardo DiCaprio "Inception". While you cannot implement dreams, you can still implement ideas. Let's say you want to get someone to think about the word and that word is "watch".Insert this word into your conversation in advance, pay attention to it "accidentally" (at least a little), and then ask to think about something, such as an accessory. Boom. Stay tuned!
    • Start experimenting with this on small levels like in the example above. Invite a friend or a few friends to see how a few scenarios of your choice develop, where they do not know that they are receiving ideas embedded in their brain by you. After you've come up with half a dozen words or so, you can impress someone at any time.
  6. 6 Don't tell your secrets. If you've ever wondered how a magician does one of his tricks, you've seen that he never says anything! He doesn't even have to explain the trick, any magician does (or you'll have to kick him out). You must be the same! If someone asks you how you do something, just shrug and be surprised with him.
    • Don't give away your secrets even with a casual look. "Ah, I see you looked up and to the left" breaks the rules even if you don't tell them what it means. You want to be thought of as psychic, you want to be mysterious. You will only increase the intrigue in this way.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Do Your Best

  1. 1 Read, read and read, and then learn as much as you can about mentalists and how they work. There are many books, interviews with people capable of even the slightest movement of the face and body, mentally manipulating people. Annemann's practical mental effects and 13 steps to mentalism Corinda are a good starting point. As well as Mind, myth and magic T.A. Watres. No one can teach better than a pro!
  2. 2 Learn in different but related areas to build credibility and because it's fun to take risks in other related areas. Think about dream interpretation, tarot cards, astrology and telepathy, telekinesis, just to name a few. You might be good at recommending yourself.
    • Also consider learning new skills. Turn to hypnosis, palmistry, and learning other people's skills. Then you can always honestly say, "I could hypnotize you, but I shouldn't."
  3. 3 Train your mind. They are actually muscles. If you don't use them, you will atrophy them. So start playing chess, doing sudoku and guessing riddles or crosswords. Spend your free time reading and doing your own projects. Draw (this is a good way to notice details). Take acting classes (this is also a good way to detail emotions). All of these things can help increase your mental strength.
    • Use the Internet. Logical reasoning and critical thinking are two skills that don't have to be used as a mentalist, but they do gain skills that make it much faster to use! Sherlock may be able to notice the lack of a wedding ring, but if it took a day and a half to put it all together, Watson would have died by then! So be mentally nimble and stay at the top of your game.
  4. 4 Find a job where you can use your skills. If you want to be a magician, or have criminal profiling, or be a TV star, why not make some money from your insanely observant reading skills? You will hone your methods and learn even more tricks.
    • If you haven't thought about it before, get started! Read how to become a magician, FBI agent, detective, or even how to get on TV.


  • Become a reliable mentalist by constantly learning. This process is neither quick nor easy, since there are thousands of components in human behavior. It is a multidisciplinary field that strives to understand advanced psychology, advanced persuasion skills, and countless hours of observation and interpretation.
  • Be prepared that skill development can take years. This is not something that anyone can learn in a week or two.
  • Using your skills, start small. It is better to take a measured step towards success than to fail without achieving what you are capable of.
  • Use skills incrementally to reinforce what you already know.


  • Be careful when you use whatever mentalist skills you have developed. Like most things, they are neither good nor bad. They are used, however, do not determine the social significance of things.
  • If you are using friends to help you develop your skills, ask them ahead of time if appropriate. During the first few years, mistakes can be very costly in terms of human relations when made without permission or negatively affected by the outcome.