How to become decisive

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make faster decisions | The Way We Work, a TED series
Video: How to make faster decisions | The Way We Work, a TED series


What is the key to patience? Moving one foot in front of the other will get you closer to the finish line, but there are tools you can use to help you beat challenges, reach your goals, and truly enjoy the process, not just getting to the finish line. Casting out self-doubt, living your values, and nourishing your spiritual side are just a few of the ways that can strengthen your resolve to keep moving forward.


Part 1 of 3: Building Determination

  1. 1 You must know exactly what you want. Maybe your goal is pretty specific - you want to climb Everest, quit smoking, or get a better job. Or maybe it's a broader goal of being a better family member or a happier person. In any case, the path towards achieving your goals will be clearer if you take the time to think deeply and prepare.
    • If you have specific goals, use the storyline from the courses to help you achieve them. Are there any research findings to figure out what steps to take along the way? If this helps you, write a timetable that will help you achieve your goal. Give yourself a time limit to complete each step along the way.
    • Regardless of your goals, set aside time for your goals to work. Developing the mental strength to persevere in moving forward takes a lot of practice, but you can start now.
  2. 2 Get rid of self-doubt. The first hurdle you are likely to face is self-confidence. It's really hard to make progress if you don't believe you can do it. No matter how unreachable your goals are, you may feel like you have the intelligence and strength to achieve them. If your goal is to overcome problems and life's troubles with grace, you can do that as well.
    • Don't compare yourself to other people. This will inevitably lead to doubt. You have the power to persevere in your unique strengths and talents, and your process will be different from the way other people do.
    • If there are things in your life that damage your trust, get rid of them. For example, if you go back to bad habits such as alcohol, drugs, or junk food, it will be much harder to see yourself as mentally resilient and able to persevere. Take action to stop destructive behaviors and bad habits.
    • Spend time doing positive things. Practice your skills such as playing sports, arts, cooking, reading, knitting, or gardening. This is a great way to boost your self-confidence. Spend time doing things that make you feel satisfied and positive.
  3. 3 Practice with a cold mind. A lot of energy is spent on small stressful incidents, the energy from which could be directed towards something more productive. Part of perseverance is dealing with the ability to miss out on little things. This is much easier said than done, but you can start practicing right away. The next time you find yourself in a queue or traffic jam, or you start using energy to judge a stupid comment someone made. The practice of using a cold mind uses the following technique:
    • Think before you speak or act.Give yourself a few minutes to think carefully about your action before starting. Think about how this little question fits into the grand scheme of things.
    • As you think, feelings of anger or irritation move through your body and the tension subsides.
    • Take five deep breaths. Breathe in so that your stomach stretches as you inhale and contracts as you exhale. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
    • Manage your day by keeping your mind cool. If you're in line, wait patiently (and don't scold the front desk person when you get to them). If someone makes an annoying comment, react with a smile and let go of the situation. You have more important things to do to spend your energy on it.
  4. 4 Don't become addicted to mentors. When you walk the path towards your goal or just work hard in your daily life, you may bump into people who tell you that nothing is going to shine for you. Don't let them drag you down. Understand that people tend to be negative because of their own problems and the issues they deal with.
    • If the goal you are trying to achieve is as big as climbing Mount Everest, you will run into people who will tell you that you cannot do it. This is the order of the day. Believe in yourself and think about the future from the moment when you yourself can prove them wrong.
    • If there are people in your life who are particularly negative and seem eager to hinder you from achieving your goal, that's fine, but it's worth either stopping spending time with them or limiting your communication.
  5. 5 Decide on your values. With a good understanding of your personal values ​​that you have decided on, the best way forward in a given situation is to stay in the direction of your goal. What are your core beliefs? What are you worth and how does it affect your life? The answers to these questions are not easy, but with each life experience, you will move closer to understanding yourself and your picture of the world. These things can also help:
    • Read about many different points of view. Even if you feel very knowledgeable about a particular issue, pay attention to a different point of view. Get as much knowledge as possible on topics that interest you.
    • If you are religious, delve deeply into the teachings of your religion. Talk about morality and ethics.
    • Meditate. Get to know your own mind and learn to listen to your conscience.
  6. 6 Find out what you need to enjoy life. Perseverance can mean getting rid of countless hours of painful, difficult, or boring work. However, knowing what you are putting in at this time to achieve your goals, life will have an overwhelmingly positive connotation. You don't just live life, you live most of it. If fear and resentment haunt you and you don't enjoy it anymore, you can change your tactics.
    • This does not mean that your life will not sometimes be disrupted on the way to your goals. Over time, you will learn the difference between temporary disappointment and long-term negative.
    • What tools do you have at your disposal to help yourself feel more positive? For example, you could make a weekly visit to the cafe or make an appointment with your best friend so that someone will listen to you. When things get tough, you might want to schedule a run with your dog to give your mind some relaxation.

Part 2 of 3: Dealing with Obstacles

  1. 1 Face reality. Being able to face life's difficulties is a great advantage, but it can be very difficult to do. When a big problem arises, it is much easier to ignore it, embellish it, or delay making a decision. The practice of seeing obstacles as they are is the best way to find how to get around them.
    • Be truthful to yourself.If you stray from the path towards your goal, honestly admit it. For example, if your goal is to publish a book and you haven't taken the time to write it, face the facts rather than make excuses for yourself.
    • Don't put the blame on yourself if it's not yours. You haven't started to move towards your goal yet because your boss gives you too much work, your kids are around your neck, or it's too cold outside. Does this sound like you? Remember strength, you must take action and use it to move forward, even if you have to start over.
    • Avoid running away from reality. Big problems can lead to the desire to temporarily disconnect from reality with the help of alcohol, TV, drugs, overeating, constant video games, but only temporarily. If you find yourself putting off things until tomorrow because you are too busy, the problem will only smolder and not be solved.
  2. 2 Weigh your options carefully. Making careful, informed decisions, rather than reckless ones, will help you move forward faster. Whenever you run into an obstacle, study the issue from all angles before making a decision. There is always more than one way to deal with a problem, and you want to figure out which is the most sensible way without accepting any shortcuts.
    • Get advice from those who are wiser. Other people can be of immense help when it comes to making important decisions. If you know people who have been through this before, ask them how they dealt with the problems. Just be sure to take other people's advice with a bit of a grain of salt, especially if they are somehow interested in the outcome.
    • It can also be helpful to have multiple role models, people in your life, celebrities, religious figures with knowledge that are as close to yours as possible. Asking yourself what these people will do about the situation can help steer you on the right track.
  3. 3 Listen to your conscience. This is ultimately the decisive factor. Do you think your actions are correct? Acting with your conscience as a guide is always the best solution, even if it leads to sheer failure. When you act conscientiously, you can be sure you did the right thing. If doubts or confusion arise later, knowing that you acted with conscience will help you move on.
    • Sometimes the right path is clear and other times it is hazy. Do what you need to do to see clearly. Consider meditation, a religious service, a magazine article, or some other activity to help you sort out your thoughts.
  4. 4 Cheer yourself up. After you have made a decision that you think is right, support it with all you can. Don't bend over in the face of criticism, deprivation, and doubt. It takes courage to act on your beliefs, especially when they are not popular. But you can draw strength and confidence from the knowledge that you have weighed all the options carefully and acted from your own strong beliefs.
  5. 5 Learn from your mistakes. You won't always find your way on the first try. Wisdom is gained by making a lot of mistakes and trying to do something. Reflect on conflict situations and find out what you can learn from experience, then apply what you learn next time and you will overcome another obstacle to win.
    • Even the strongest people fail. Don't fall for the anguish when something goes wrong. Instead, build a new strategy to achieve your goal, knowing it will come in handy for someone else next time.

Part 3 of 3: Staying communicative

  1. 1 Keep your mind and body healthy. When your mind is clouded and your body is unhealthy, it can be much more difficult to get through tough times and achieve your goals. Take daily steps to stay healthy, get a long way, and get on with it.Here are a few things to look out for:
    • Eat healthy foods. Make sure you get plenty of nutrients in the fruit and vegetable season. Eat whole grains, meat, and healthy fats. Try not to eat too many processed foods.
    • Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping all night can contrast with a bad day. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night whenever possible.
    • Move. This can be walking, yoga, running, cycling, swimming, or some other activity. Move as much as you can. Exercise lifts your spirits and keeps you fit for any life. Trying to exercise for 30 minutes a day is a great start.
  2. 2 Be part of the community. Surround yourself with people who know you and who will support you on your way to your goal. Supporting other people is an integral part of the community. Be someone others can turn to and feel free to reach out to them when you need help.
    • Be a reliable son, daughter, brother, parents and friends. Having close ties with family and friends can help you get through the most difficult times.
    • Get involved in the community where you live. Volunteer to host classes, hold town hall meetings, and support your local team. These are all great ways to feel like you are part of something big.
  3. 3 Keep some methods for the future. Instead of just getting something every minute of every day, look to the future. Know that each challenge ultimately does whatever it takes to get your head through it, so you can be proud of how you did it later when you look back. Understand that while your problems matter to you, they don't matter to others. You have to understand how huge the world is and deal with it as much as you can.
    • Reading books and articles after the news can help you stay connected with the world and put the information you learn into perspective.
    • Try to see things through other people's eyes sometimes. Take your niece for ice cream or visit your elderly aunt at a nursing home.
  4. 4 Patronize your spirituality. Many people find that honing the feeling of being part of something bigger is a comforting relief from the tension. Having a spiritual life can find your purpose again when you don't know where to turn.
    • If you are religious, attend church services regularly. If you pray, do it often.
    • Practice meditation and other forms of spiritual awareness.
    • Spend time in nature and let yourself experience the wonder of forests, oceans, rivers and open skies.
  5. 5 Stay true to your principles. You will continue to confidently move towards your goal if you combine your actions with your values. When something about your life starts to go wrong, make a change. Continue adjusting your course until you meet your goals.


  • Winners never quit, quitters never win.
  • Try to avoid naysayers. They will hinder you for the sake of maintaining their own despondency.
  • Consult with more experienced people and others who are successful in your field.


  • Don't use methods that can hurt you if you have a clear path to improvement.