How to become a "normal" teenager (for girls)

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
Young Girls Sold for Sex on Part 1
Video: Young Girls Sold for Sex on Part 1


Do your parents constantly tell you that you are behaving badly? Do you yourself want to improve your behavior and become a "normal" teenager? After reading this article, you will learn how to become a "normal" teenager.


  1. 1 There is no template for "normal" adolescent behavior. Just try to be yourself. By and large, there is no such thing as a "normal" teenager; in the context of this article, this expression means to behave correctly in society.
  2. 2 Wear clothes that express your personality. You don't need to look like a model. Develop your own style. If you wear fancy clothes but do it with confidence, you can still be a “normal” teenager.
  3. 3 Remember that there are people around you. It is important to respect other people and not use foul language in your conversations.
  4. 4 Choose good friends. You shouldn't be friends with people who do bad things. If your friends don't treat you the way you deserve, or if they pressure you to do something bad, pick new good friends.
  5. 5 Be proactive. Don't lie lazily on the couch. Make an appointment with friends to go to the pool, play sports or other active activity that brings you satisfaction.
  6. 6 Lead a healthy social life. Many girls limit their communication to email, text messaging, or social media. Do not limit yourself to this. Chat face to face with your friends.
  7. 7 Be confident in yourself.
  8. 8 Refrain from talking about money, or how much your parents make. Believe me, the financial situation of your family will not affect your reputation.
  9. 9 Maintain your hygiene. Take a shower every day and use an antiperspirant. Brush your teeth, use dental floss or mouthwash. Comb your hair. This should become a good habit.
  10. 10 Strive for good grades. If you manage to get excellent grades, that's only a plus. Set a goal to improve your academic performance.
  11. 11 Live a fulfilling life. "Normal" girls have a lot of friends and have fun with the guys.However, be careful not to do something that you will later regret.
  12. 12 Just remember that there is no template for a “normal” teenager. Be yourself.
  13. 13 Find a friend whom you can tell about everything, whom you will trust 100%!


  • Don't let other people rule your life.
  • Be yourself.
  • Find your hobby. This will help you find friends with similar interests.
  • Enjoy! Be yourself, don't let anyone ruin your life. Life is a holiday.
  • Don't limit your social life to the Internet. Meet your friends and chat with them.
  • Play with pets, siblings, friends, etc.
  • Take part in extracurricular activities. You will not only fill your time, but you will also make many new friends.


  • Don't try to be who you are not. Perhaps you want to make friends with people who are not interested in you. However, this is not always a good idea. Be yourself and try to find people who will be close to you. They will most likely become your true friends!
  • Don't take on many responsibilities - relax and have fun!
  • Don't try to be like magazine covers. This is fraught with consequences.

What do you need

  • Reliable friends
  • Favorite clothes
  • Self esteem
  • Confidence