Become a vlogger

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to VLOG - Beginners Guide
Video: How to VLOG - Beginners Guide


Everyone has heard of the term "vlogging" or "video blogging". Many people enjoy making videos on interesting topics, sharing their opinions on certain issues or simply recording their daily lives. In this article, we'll show you exactly how you can become a vlogger yourself.

To step

  1. Think of a topic to vlog about. This can be anything, as long as it's not boring, offensive, or punishable. Get inspiration from the videos of other vloggers such as Enzo Knol, Vloggloss, Dylan Haegens, Kwebbelkop or of course international vloggers such as Casey Neistat or Jenna Marbles. However, don't try to literally copy what they do, but stay close to yourself to make your videos as original as possible.
  2. Create a YouTube account and give your channel a catchy name. Make sure the name of your channel immediately appeals to people and makes people curious. Think carefully about your decision, because with something incomprehensible or a ten-digit code as the channel name, you probably won't attract many viewers!
  3. Make about ten good videos. Make sure you deliver good, interesting content from the start. In the beginning, upload two videos per day and then switch to one video. You can also upload a video every other day or select three fixed upload days every week. However, try to post regularly and do not skip upload moments just like that. This way, viewers know exactly when to expect a new video.
  4. Post a response to a video from a well-known, well-viewed YouTuber. This will quickly attract at least a fifth of the viewers of the original video!
  5. Stay active with your channel. If you regularly don't upload videos for weeks, many viewers will drop out in no time. To rekindle their interest, consider using lots of CAPITALS in the titles of your videos. Try to have fixed days to upload your videos, preferably three or four times a week. If you think this is too much, try to post at least one video per week.
  6. Edit your videos! The quality of your videos can make a huge difference to your audience numbers, so it is wise to get a good understanding of video editing. For example, view tutorials of the video editing programs you use. Windows computers come with Windows Movie Maker installed by default, Apple products come with iMovie, and Android devices let you edit videos with Movie Maker.
  7. In addition to editing videos, you will also need to learn to create thumbnails, a banner, and an avatar. Setting up an avatar might not be that difficult, but to create a banner you will need to learn how to edit photos first. If you are a YouTube partner, you can also set thumbnails for your videos yourself and you will have to create them with the help of a photo editing program. When creating thumbnails, always make sure that your face is clearly visible and that you use a nice background.
  8. Once you have built a good reputation on YouTube, you can try to become a YouTube partner. To do this, your videos must have been viewed at least a few thousand times. YouTube pays vloggers when they place ads for their videos, which can earn you a nice little money! In addition, videos from YouTube partners appear more often in user search results.
  9. Communicate with your followers. Don't ignore them or shut them out. Take the time to respond to their posts and video messages. This way you make a good impression, which your followers will undoubtedly appreciate!


  • In addition to a YouTube channel, create a Twitter profile and a Facebook page. This way you can keep in touch with your followers even better and you can immediately notify them when you have posted a new video. Moreover, you can also share photos with your followers on these platforms.
  • It is generally not a good idea to post your videos on websites where your messages could be interpreted as spam. Ask your friends to share your content and don't send your videos unsolicited to people you don't know.
  • Don't worry if you don't have hundreds of followers in no time. Every successful YouTube channel has started small, so hang on!


  • Don't try to rush! By promoting your videos on all kinds of websites and forums, people are more likely to find you sad than cool. Rather build your channel calmly and wait to advertise until you have some regular viewers.