How to become an introvert

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Become an Introvert
Video: How to Become an Introvert


Introversion is a basic social temperament that favors self-reflection and loneliness over socialization. Simply put, introverts are focused inward, while extroverts are focused outward. If you want to know if you are an introvert, and how to create a cozy atmosphere for yourself to think, then you can learn to spend a pleasant time alone and use your inner reserves productively.


Part 1 of 3: What is introversion

  1. 1 Distinguish between introversion and antisocial behavior. There are many misunderstandings about introversion, and it is often confused with "antisocial" behavior. To restore strength and energy, introverts need to spend time alone, often it is better for them to be alone with themselves than in a team, because the latter requires significant emotional costs from them.
    • Antisocial personality disorder is more similar to psychopathy or sociopathy and concerns the inability to empathize or connect emotionally with others. Truly antisocial individuals often indulge their own egos and have a superficial charm that is more inherent in traditional notions of extroversion.
    • Introversion is not a deviation, and although many motivational books and tutorials on how to get rich hold that extraversion is the key to happiness and wealth, there is no evidence today that one personality trait is more productive or successful than another. In the right work environment, both personality types can be equally creative and productive.
  2. 2 Distinguish between introversion and shyness. Many people may think that introverts are shy in public, but this is not always the case, so it is important to understand the difference. Introversion is not a measure of shyness, just as extraversion does not necessarily mean sociability.
    • Shyness is a fear of speaking out in public and problems in communicating with others, and the desire for loneliness is just a consequence of such a fear.
    • Introverts prefer solitude because working alone is more stimulating than teamwork, and social interactions are more tiring than inspiring. Introverts may well "not be afraid" to interact with other people, they just don't want to.
  3. 3 Determine what inspires you. Does the thought of being alone charge you positively? Is it easier for you to work alone or in a team? Is it better for you to express your thoughts in front of everyone, or in a private conversation?
    • In essence, you will not “become” an introvert by changing your behavior, because it’s pointless to try to spend more time alone if you don’t like it or inspire you to be creative.
    • Watch your inclinations. If you feel like you’re an extrovert, then you don’t need to try to change yourself. Instead, try to provide yourself with a friendly work environment for greater productivity.
  4. 4 Accept the fact that there is a dichotomy. A person does not have to clearly relate to one or the other "camp".Ambiversion is a term used to describe people who are comfortable balancing between the two extremes of the personality spectrum. A lot of people get a 50/50 score on personality tests.
    • Take the Myers-Briggs Test to find out what type of inclination you are and what traits you need to develop in order to succeed, taking into account your unique abilities and aspirations.

Part 2 of 3: Alone

  1. 1 Solitary hobbies. If you want to experience for yourself how introverts live, then you can take up a hobby that involves spending time alone. Typically, introverts have a preference for the following:
    • Gardening
    • Reading and writing
    • Drawing
    • Golf
    • Playing a musical instrument
    • Hiking travel
  2. 2 Try to stay home Friday night. If you want to know what life is like as an introvert, then try to spend Friday night at home. Introverts often get tired of social interactions, so they prefer to spend a quiet evening reading a book, rather than having fun at a party. Try it yourself to see if it works for you.
    • Have you ever secretly wanted your friends to change their plans so that you could stay at home and watch your favorite TV show? Have you ever regretted accepting an invitation to a party? These are very clear signs of introversion.
  3. 3 Talk less. Introverts are not verbose. To act like an introvert, try to speak less, preferring to listen to others. Ask prompting questions, but don't draw attention to yourself.
    • Talking less does not mean completely withdrawing into yourself. You can listen more than you talk, and you can also reflect on the answers to the facts stated in order to stay in the conversation, while not saying a lot.
    • Do you feel uncomfortable when the attention of the whole company shifts to you? This is also a sign of introversion. If you secretly love being in the spotlight, then you are more of an extrovert.
  4. 4 One-to-one relationship. Introverts are not unsociable loners who are unable to communicate with people, they just get tired of society and prefer loneliness. It is very common for introverts to prefer serious and meaningful one-on-one conversation with a friend, rather than socializing in a large company.
    • If you are not a party guy, then try to occasionally go out for a walk with one or two friends so as not to look aloof or indifferent. Your close friends should know that you just don't like big companies.
    • Are you annoyed by empty small talk at the table? Also a sign of introversion.
  5. 5 Cozy living environment. If you are going to spend a lot of time alone, then you might not hurt to turn your apartment or room into a refuge. You should be comfortable in it. You can surround yourself with candles, scented lamps and your favorite books, or a small refrigerator and a turntable within arm's reach of your favorite chair. Arrange the space according to your preferences.
    • Check out our article on How to Clean Up Your Room.

Part 3 of 3: Productive Introvert

  1. 1 Choose a career and hobbies that don't require frequent interactions with people. The less time you spend in a team, the more your lifestyle will be turned inward. If you think you are enjoying the life of an introvert, then find the hobbies and jobs that allow you to live that lifestyle and be productive. The following activities are good for introverts:
    • Computer programming
    • Writing and editing books
    • Scientific research
    • Forensic shorthand
    • Working in an archive or library
  2. 2 Focus on one thing. Extroverts take on a lot of things at once, while introverts prefer to go headlong into one thing until it's complete. Prioritize so you can focus on each one of the things you need to do one at a time.
  3. 3 Dig deeper. Introverts usually dislike idle chatter, they prefer deep intellectual conversations or talk about the topic of the day. The same goes for work projects, which are preferred by introverts.
    • When completing a work task or homework assignment, do not stop after you have done “enough” or what is expected of you. Move on. Get creative with your problem, and don't be afraid to put in extra effort.
  4. 4 Work alone and take responsibility. Introverts are more comfortable working alone than in a team. If you appreciate the help of others, next time try to complete the task yourself and see if you can get by without help. This kind of work can increase your self-confidence and you can rely more on yourself in the future, even when you have to work with colleagues.
    • Get the most out of your collaboration. Often times, you will need to work in a team, but introverts should not give up the skills and experience of colleagues just because they are more comfortable working on their own. Learn to discuss collective tasks without trying to control every aspect, accept the help offered and share individual powers, so that you also have time to work alone.
    • Learn to be self-sufficient. The less often you need to seek help, the less often you will depend on and rely on other people for help.


  • You cannot change the type of your temperament, only your personality. Temperament serves only as a canvas on which you paint a picture of your personality.


  • Being an introvert can make people feel like you are antisocial.