How to deal with neurosis and obsessive compulsions

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Video: Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


Do you endlessly think about something specific? Does it piss you off and upset your balance? Regardless of what exactly you are thinking, the following steps will help you deal with obsessive thoughts.


  1. 1 Seek help from a specialist. The safest and easiest way to get rid of an obsessional state is to talk about it with a psychologist or counselor. Don't be ashamed; this does not mean that you are not all right with your head, you just have a problem, and you need help to solve it; this is completely normal. The specialist will figure out what is really happening to you, get to the bottom of the reasons and give useful recommendations on how to cope with it. It is a process of self-knowledge and self-understanding.
  2. 2 Do something that distracts you from your thoughts. Draw squiggles, play solitaire, listen to music, dance - your brain will focus on these little things, and you will stop thinking about your obsession.
  3. 3 Try to figure out why you can't stop thinking about something. If it really matters, give it the necessary attention; for example, if you are worried about an exam and all you do is prepare for it and you are worried, do not stop preparing; just don't pay more attention to it than necessary; especially when it comes to examinations, rest is just as important as study. If it is an irrational, harmful obsession, such as hatred of something / someone, it is imperative to solve the problem before it begins to dominate your life. Understand that it hurts in the first place. to yourather than other people.
    • If your obsessive thoughts are guilt-ridden, do something to ease the burden. Ask forgiveness from the person you are guilty to, confess, go to the person's grave if he is no longer alive, or do a good deed to compensate for the bad that you did (for example, volunteer or donate money to charity).
  4. 4 Be more calm and optimistic. Nothing in this world deserves all your attention, no matter how important it may be.Many problems resolve on their own; you don't need to worry so much about them, especially if you are constantly worried about things that do not depend on you, such as a family member's illness or world peace.
  5. 5 Talk to someone who knows you well and who is close to you. Sometimes a friend or family member can understand you better than a psychologist simply because he knows you so well.
  6. 6 Improve something in yourself. Find reasons to be confident. People who are at peace with themselves do not suffer from neuroses. Try to learn something that you have dreamed of for a long time; for example, start learning a foreign language or taking drawing lessons.
  7. 7 Draw how you feel. Drawing is a good way to express your feelings without words; just draw what comes to your mind. It doesn't matter how you paint or whether you have a talent for it; drawing in itself is already useful enough.
  8. 8 Keep a diary. Another useful way to express emotions is to write down how you are feeling. It is also important for thought tracking. Whenever you haven't focused that much on a particular thought during the day, write it down in your journal. This will remind you that you can overcome neurosis and obsessive compulsions.


  • Do not despair. No matter how serious your problem is, suicide is by no means an option. Life is Beautiful; just the fact that you find it difficult to get rid of certain thoughts is not a reason to commit suicide. There is a solution to problems, but no one can bring you back to life.