How to create a bulk email newsletter

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Bulk Send Email Newsletters In PHP MySQL
Video: How To Bulk Send Email Newsletters In PHP MySQL


Targeted bulk mailing is the distribution of emails that are sent to a mailing list or to a large group of people who are generally considered subscribers. Since targeted bulk emails are often sent to hundreds or thousands of subscribers, the process is usually managed through email marketing software or web applications. When you do targeted mass mailing, you must prepare in advance engaging and relevant content that will win the attention of readers, but you must adhere to the principles and rules regarding spam. You can then use email marketing software or Internet applications to manage your email distribution.If you continue reading this article, you will learn about the steps you need to follow to create and send targeted bulk emails.


Method 1 of 3: Writing targeted bulk emails

  1. 1 Design a title for a topic that will generate interest and grab attention. The subject heading should be intriguing and interesting enough to nudge the reader to read the email.
    • Maintain the relevance of the topic title to the content of the article. This will prevent the reader from feeling deceived if they open the email and find that the contents of the email have nothing to do with the title.
  2. 2 Develop a short, direct message for targeted mass mailing. Readers are more likely to be interested in your message if it is expressed concisely and directly.
    • Present only the main aspects or pieces of information in the email, and add links so that readers can go to your site for further reading or purchase of the proposed product or service.
  3. 3 Explain to your readers why your message is important to them and how they can use it to their advantage. For example, if you are selling products that are currently on sale, then inform readers that they can visit your site and buy holiday gifts for their friends and loved ones at a discount.
  4. 4 Explain to your readers how they can take advantage of the information provided in the targeted mass mailing letter. When your subscribers read the letter, they should have a good understanding of what is required of them and how to use the information provided in the letter in order to contact you or buy your services or products.
    • Instruct readers on how to purchase your product, for example by providing a link to the checkout page, or by providing your phone number, address, or other contact information.
  5. 5 Create a sense of urgency in your letter. If readers are under the impression that they must act immediately in order to use your services or products, they will most likely follow your directions and go to your site.
    • Offer your readers a temporary coupon or promotion code that will incentivize their immediate use to purchase your product or service.

Method 2 of 3: Compliance with Spam Rules

  1. 1 Send targeted mass mailing emails only to your target audience. This practice will most likely lead to an increase in the interest and buying activity of your readers - after all, you are sending targeted mass mailing letters to those who voluntarily subscribed to it.
    • Send emails to those readers who subscribe to newsletters, blogs, updates, announcements and other correspondence only through your site or organization.
  2. 2 Provide readers with a mechanism to opt out of receiving targeted bulk emails. While this practice may not sound good from a business perspective, most countries and regions require you to provide your readers with an opt-out option if they change their minds or no longer want to be associated with your organization.
    • Add a link at the end of your letter to enable readers to opt out of your letters and other correspondence.
  3. 3 Format your targeted bulk emails to prevent readers and email clients from sending your emails as spam. Certain keywords and text formats will automatically be recognized as spam by email clients, or may influence readers' decision to flag them as spam. All of this will prevent your follow-up emails from being delivered and received indefinitely.
    • Refrain from using such formatting methods as: writing words in capital letters, filling the body of the letter with many links, placing photos exclusively in the body of messages and ending sentences with several exclamation marks.
    • Refrain from using keywords that communicate “urgent matters,” money-back guarantees, major “breakthroughs” (in science or technology), and the phrase “click here”.

Method 3 of 3: Email Marketing Software

  1. 1 Find email marketing software or a web application that you can use to do targeted mass mailing. Most of this software allows you to effectively manage the database of mailing list subscribers, as well as provide a convenient mechanism for managing the mailing list.
    • Enter keywords such as "email marketing software" or "mailing list application" into any search engine on the Internet and search for services that target bulk email. Examples of such applications are "Constant Contact" and "Send Blaster".
    • Visit the Email Marketing Software Review website suggested in this article in the Sources section for reviews and comparisons of different types of email marketing software that you can use for targeted mass mailing.
  2. 2 Apply email marketing software for targeted mass mailing. This process will be very different depending on which software or web application you choose to use.
    • Follow the instructions of your email marketing service or software manufacturer to send targeted bulk emails using specific software.
    • To get started with email marketing, you need to follow these steps: 1. Collect contacts using subscription forms to expand your email list. 2. Create your email templates. 3. Create a welcome email series. 4. Use a grammar checker to keep your emails free of mistakes 5. A / B test your subject line to improve your email open rate. 6. Be sure to preview emails across platforms and devices to make sure your email looks good on all devices. 7. Schedule and send your email newsletter at the best time to open emails. 8. Monitor email analytics to improve engagement with subscribers


  • Never attach documents or files to targeted mass mailing letters. Most readers will not open attachments for fear of viruses and other malware.
  • Refrain from purchasing email lists from third parties and from other sources unrelated to your business or organization. Depending on where you live, sending emails to those who have not agreed or subscribed to receive your content is considered illegal activity and often results in your emails being spammed.