How to create a comic character

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Comic Character Design Process - Comic Book Character Concept
Video: Comic Character Design Process - Comic Book Character Concept


Comic characters are required for funny stories. You need a protagonist to link individual scenes into a coherent narrative, but if he doesn't have a character of his own, the whole idea will go down the drain. Is it difficult to create quality character? Judge for yourself...


Method 1 of 1: Creating a Comic Character

  1. 1 Find a quiet place full of sources of inspiration. It can be anything - a kitchen, a study, a bedroom, an open veranda. The choice of a place of work has very great importance!
  2. 2 Inspect your surroundings. Are there ideas lurking around? How about a drawing of a cow on a milk jug, or children playing in the yard, or even a bush in the garden? Can you attach a face to it to get a character? We managed to use cats - Cosmo and Tiffany. He is graceful and nimble, but lazy. She loves to grumble and get angry, but she is very smart.
  3. 3 Who is your character? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it a person or an animal, or some kind of living object?
  4. 4 Sketch how the body parts of your character will look in the overall silhouette. Draw the outline of the head, body and limbs.
  5. 5 Use your imagination to give your hero a unique appearance. An interesting hairstyle or a funny nose, or dots instead of eyes, or something else. Try to create your own character rather than copy existing samples.
  6. 6 Describe the character's manner of acting and body movement. What is his job? Or, if it's a pet, what funny tricks are its hobbyhorse? A good comic character must have a sense of humor. For example, Cosmo wears a super hero costume, so his name is Super Cosmo.
  7. 7 Add a voice. Is your character a know-it-all, an idiot, or an awkward goof? Choose the appropriate intonation and manner of speech for him.
  8. 8 Express your character's feelings with passion. Joy, sadness, embarrassment, admiration, enthusiasm, daze, ecstasy, anger, rage, cry to heaven, and so on.
  9. 9 Add setting and plot, and go! Good luck!


  • The work can go hard and it doesn't always work out the first time. Cheer up and don't forget that you are a comedian. Be happy for the character!
  • Use colored markers to color your hero!