How to maintain a slim figure

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Diet Habits To Stay Slim │NO MORE KPOP DIETS
Video: 7 Diet Habits To Stay Slim │NO MORE KPOP DIETS


A lean figure and weightlessness are important for overall health, wellness and self-confidence. You may have spent a lot of effort in order to achieve harmony: diet and exercise regularly. Now that you have achieved your goal, your diet and exercise routine may be different from what you did during your weight loss period.However, you should continue to monitor your diet and exercise to maintain your physical fitness.


Part 1 of 3: Controlling Weight and Maintaining Motivation

  1. 1 Weigh yourself regularly. There are many ways to maintain a slim figure, but in any case, you should regularly weigh yourself.
    • Many studies show that it is important to weigh yourself at least once a week to maintain optimal weight in the long term. For those who weigh regularly, it is easier to control their weight and maintain it at the proper level for a long time.
    • If you weigh yourself once a week, try to do it at the same time and wearing the same clothes. This way you will get more accurate results.
    • Determine for yourself the interval in which you will maintain your weight. You should not expect your weight to remain constant from day to day for weeks or months. As a rule, the weight of each person fluctuates within certain limits and can increase or decrease by 1–2 kilograms.
    • Record weighing results in a diary. If your weight starts to increase or decrease, you can determine it in time and take appropriate measures to prevent unwanted changes.
  2. 2 Take other measurements once a month. Another way to keep track of and control your weight is to take regular measurements.
    • The most common measurements are the circumference of the waist, pelvis, hips and arms. Enter the measurement results in a diary and keep track of their dynamics.
    • Like regular weighing, systematic measurements will help you keep track of your weight and muscle mass.
    • You will not be able to detect any noticeable changes in the measurement results for several days or even one week. In order to detect possible changes, it is enough to take measurements once a month.
    • Whether you're building muscle or shedding excess fat, measurements can help determine how well you're progressing towards your goal.
    • If you find unwanted changes, review your diet and exercise plan and adjust if necessary.
  3. 3 Keep a diary. Even if everything is going well, a diary will help you make sure of it and will be of great benefit.
    • You can write a lot of different things in a diary. With it, you can keep track of your food intake, calories, exercise, and weighing and measuring results.
    • If you notice changes in your weight, measurements, or fitness, you can review your diary and identify what exactly might have caused the change.
    • Journaling will also help you control your fitness over the long term. The diary not only helps you maintain optimal weight, but also allows you to keep track of it for a long time.
  4. 4 Set new goals. Once you reach your earlier weight and fitness goals, you can set additional goals to help keep you motivated.
    • New goals can be very different. For example, you might want to keep losing weight or improve your fitness.
    • You can set more ambitious goals for yourself. For example, you might plan to run half a marathon or take part in a mini triathlon. Goals like these will help you stay highly motivated and stay active in sports.

Part 2 of 3: Nutrition

  1. 1 Keep track of calories. You should still keep track of how many calories you consume and burn each day. If you want to maintain your current weight, you need to strive to ensure that the number of calories consumed is equal to the number of calories spent through daily activities and exercise.
    • There are many online calculators that can help you accurately calculate the number of calories you need to consume to maintain your optimal weight.
    • Typically, women should consume about 2,000 calories daily and men should consume about 2,600 calories daily to maintain body weight. However, keep in mind that the exact number of calories depends on heredity, level of physical activity, age and current weight.
    • Once you've calculated your daily calorie intake, start tracking your calorie intake and weight. If you start to lose or gain weight, adjust the rate up or down so that your weight does not change.
    • Try to keep track of your calories and write them in your diary. If in the future you notice unwanted changes, you can refer to your notes and find out what led to these changes.
    • Plan compensation days. For example, if you're planning on having a big dinner with friends on Wednesday, try to eat fewer calories on Tuesday or Thursday.
  2. 2 Eat enough protein. Protein is not only important for weight loss - it is even more important for maintaining optimal weight (especially if you are monitoring lean muscle mass). Eat a high-protein diet to stay in good physical shape.
    • According to many studies, a high-protein diet is better for losing weight and maintaining an optimal weight than a low-calorie diet.
    • On a high-protein diet, you should eat at least one lean protein meal at every meal, and include 1–2 high-protein snacks in your daily diet.
    • Lean protein foods are relatively low in calories, which is important when losing weight or maintaining an optimal weight.
    • Try to have 85-110 grams of protein each main meal and 30-55 grams for snacks.
    • Eat a variety of foods that contain lean proteins and healthy fats. These include poultry, beef, eggs, dairy, legumes, tofu, seafood, and lean pork.
  3. 3 Choose the right carbohydrates. To maintain an optimal weight and a slim figure, you should consume the appropriate type of carbohydrate. The type and amount of carbohydrates are determined by your goals.
    • Research shows that if you want to stay lean, you should eat a low-carb diet. Such a diet will help prevent weight gain.
    • In addition, a low-carb diet prevents fat build-up and promotes muscle growth.
    • Carbohydrates are found in many foods, including starchy vegetables, fruits, dairy products, legumes, and grains.
    • Starchy vegetables, legumes, and fruits are also high in other nutrients such as fiber, protein, vitamins, and trace minerals. Don't limit your intake of these healthy foods because they contain carbohydrates.
    • At the same time, you can limit your intake of grains, since the nutrients that make up them are found in other foods. Eat whole grains as long as you stick with carbohydrates. The volume of one serving is 1/2 cup (about 30 grams).
  4. 4 Eat plenty of vegetables. Regardless of what shape you strive for and how much weight you want to maintain, you should eat enough vegetables daily.
    • Vegetables contain very few calories, but at the same time they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and microelements. Vegetables are a great addition to your diet and provide most of the nutrients you need.
    • Try to include vegetables in most main meals and use them as a snack. When doing this, measure out 1 cup of dense vegetables or 2 cups of leafy vegetables.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of fluids. If you are trying to maintain a slim figure, you will most likely need to exercise. When exercising, you should drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
    • It is generally recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. However, if you exercise regularly, you may need up to 13 glasses of water a day.
    • Keep in mind that not all drinks are equally good at providing fluid to your body. Plain or flavored water and decaffeinated tea and coffee are best suited for this.
    • In addition, electrolyte drinks, coconut milk, and low-calorie drinks can help you maintain electrolyte balance and replenish fluid loss after exercise.

Part 3 of 3: Physical Activity

  1. 1 Continue to do aerobic exercise. Regardless of which figure you are aiming for (large and muscular or lean and fit), continue aerobic training to help maintain optimal weight, as well as maintain your figure and fitness.
    • Generally, it is recommended that you devote at least 150 minutes a week to moderate vigorous aerobic exercise. This is the minimum level that is usually required to maintain optimal weight and cardiovascular health.
    • Depending on your goals, you may need to increase your training time or increase the intensity.
    • For example, if you are going to run half a marathon, you should improve your fitness level and do regular long-distance jogging.
  2. 2 Choose appropriate strength exercises. If you have been lifting weights or exercising on strength machines in order to lose weight and improve your figure, it is advisable to continue these workouts after you have reached the optimal weight.
    • Engage in strength training at least 1–2 days a week. As with aerobic exercise, this is the minimum level required to maintain health and fitness.
    • The type of strength training depends on your body shape and what you want to achieve. Some exercises help build muscle, while others are designed to build strength or definition.
    • To maintain a slim figure, it is necessary to engage in exercises with weights. If you notice that your progress has slowed down or your figure begins to change for the worse, adjust your workouts.
    • The type of exercise and the number of repetitions is determined by your goals, as well as your experience, past injuries, and current fitness. If you haven't done any strength training before, start lightly and do the first few sessions with an instructor to help you plan your training.
    • If strength training isn't working as expected, there are many ways to tweak and improve it. You can change the exercises, the speed of their execution (the proportion of plyometric and isometric exercises), the method of execution (for example, a bottom or top grip), the number of approaches and the number of repetitions in one approach, the weights used, the schedule and type of training.
    • In order to keep your muscles toned, you need to vary the weights and the number of repetitions. For example, you can use the pyramid method. It consists in the fact that at first you do fewer reps with more weight, then more reps with less weight, and then again fewer reps with more weight. That is, upon reaching the top of the "pyramid" (the largest number of repetitions), you should again go down (to the smallest number).
  3. 3 Provide rest days. If you are doing intense workouts to maintain a slim figure, you should take care of your body and give it enough time to rest.
    • Fasting days are necessary for everyone, regardless of the level of physical fitness. They allow your body to rest and gain strength for subsequent workouts (both aerobic and strength).
    • Fasting days are especially important for muscles. It is during rest that your muscles grow and strengthen.
    • As a general rule, it is recommended to rest 1-2 days a week.
    • Practice outdoor activities. Instead of just sitting at home, do something that doesn't require a lot of physical effort. For example, you can do yoga, or go hiking or cycling.


  • Maintaining optimal weight and fitness can be as challenging as achieving them. Maintain high motivation, diet, and exercise regularly to maintain a slim figure.
  • If you find it difficult to achieve your goals, try consulting with a dietitian or personal trainer - they may be able to suggest other ways to help you maintain a slim figure.