How to keep a cut apple from browning

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Keep Apples from Turning Brown in the Lunchbox +  Homemade Apple Cups
Video: How to Keep Apples from Turning Brown in the Lunchbox + Homemade Apple Cups


1 Use lemon juice. Apples turn brown as the enzyme they contain reacts with the oxygen in the air. This process is called oxidation. Lemon juice can prevent oxidation because it contains citric acid, which is an effective antioxidant. You can use freshly squeezed or canned lemon juice.It is best to use this method only on sweet types of apples because lemon juice will add astringency. You can use lemon juice to protect apples from oxidation in two ways:
  • You can apply lemon juice directly to the cut of the apple by sprinkling the fruit slices with the juice and stirring them in a bowl to distribute the juice evenly. You can also use a pastry brush to apply the juice to the incision. Apples will have a slight lemon flavor.

  • You can also save apples from oxidation by soaking them in a bowl of cold water and lemon. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 1 glass of water. Soak the apple for 3-5 minutes, then drain and rinse.

  • You can also use lime juice for this, as it also contains citric acid, which prevents oxidation. Pineapple juice is another good option.

  • 2 Use salt. Salt is a natural preservative and can effectively protect apples from oxidation. Make a solution of 1/2 teaspoon salt per liter of cold water. Place the sliced ​​apples in the solution and let them soak for 3-5 minutes. Remove from water and rinse thoroughly with a colander or sieve. The pieces will not oxidize for a while.
    • Don't worry that the fruit may taste salty, if you don't use too much salt, don't soak the apple for too long and rinse it thoroughly afterwards, the taste of the fruit will not change.
  • 3 Use carbonated drinks. Carbonated drinks containing citric acid can also prevent apples from browning. Lemonade flavored with lemon or lime and ginger ale are the most popular choices for soaking apple slices.
    • Place the apple slices in a bowl of soda for 3-5 minutes, then strain. You can rinse the apple pieces if you like, or you can leave them as they are if you like the extra flavor.
    • If you come across seltzer water, you can also use it to prevent oxidation.
  • 4 Use a fruit freshener. It is a powdered blend of citric acid and ascorbic acid that is specifically formulated to prevent fruits from browning. The manufacturer claims that the product will protect the fruit for up to 8 hours. You can find the powder in the canned food section of most grocery stores.
    • Simply sprinkle half a teaspoon of the powder over the apples and stir to coat the fruit evenly.
  • 5 Blanch the apples. You can blanch apple pieces to prevent browning. Blanching turns off enzymes in the apple and prevents it from reacting with oxygen in the air. Simply place the apples in a pot of boiling water for about 5 minutes, then remove and rinse with cold water.
    • Keep in mind that this will soften the texture of the apple a lot, and you probably won't want to eat it this way. Use this method for fruits that will later be used to prepare other dishes.
  • 6 Wrap in plastic wrap. This is a very simple way to prevent apples from oxidizing; just wrap the cut piece in plastic wrap. This method helps, since the film protects the apple from air penetration, and therefore from oxidation. Try to wrap the apple as tightly as possible without wrinkling the plastic wrap where it touches the cut on the fruit.
    • This method is best used with half an apple rather than slices, as it will be easier for you to wrap one piece with plastic.
    • Remember, if air remains under the film, the apple will begin to oxidize. Since it is difficult to completely remove air from under the film, this method is not the most effective method.
  • 7 Use the rubber band method. This is an innovative way to prevent apples from browning, but can only be used on a whole apple that has been cut into slices. This method works because it completely covers the apple, and its flesh does not come into contact with air.
    • Simply cut the apple into regular slices and then fold it together until it returns to its original shape. Wrap a rubber band around the apple and it looks like no one has ever sliced ​​it.

    • This is a good way for people who like to bring sliced ​​apples to work or give them to their children to go to school.

  • Method 2 of 2: Other solutions

    1. 1 Choose your apples wisely. Research has shown that some apple varieties are more prone to browning than others, so if you plan on slicing apples, choose accordingly.
    2. 2 Store sliced ​​apples properly. The best way (after applying one of the above methods) is to keep the apple pieces in a ziplock bag. Just put the fruit in a bag and try to squeeze all the air out of it. Refrigerate bag before use. The apple pieces will stay fresh and crisp.
    3. 3 Use a clean, high quality knife. If you are using an old knife, it can be corroded by organic acids and leave deposits of iron salts on the cut of the fruit. These salts can significantly speed up the oxidation process, so a clean, high quality knife is essential to slow down the oxidation process.
    4. 4 Disguise oxidation. If it's too late to prevent oxidation this time, you can mask it by sprinkling a little cinnamon on the cut of the fruit. The aroma of cinnamon will not only complement the taste of the apple, but also hide any darkening. Cinnamon also contains a mild antioxidant, so it can prevent further browning.
    5. 5 Use these methods to preserve other types of fruit as well. These methods can be applied not only to apples, but also to any type of fruit that tends to darken, including bananas, pears, peaches, and avocados.


    • These methods can also be used to prevent browning of the potatoes.
    • All these methods will keep apples healthy for only a few hours, for example, if you want to eat them a little later.


    • Don't eat the core of the apple.
    • Be careful with knives. Don't cut yourself.
    • If you swallow the seeds, do not induce vomiting. There is also no need to call a doctor.
    • Chew the apple thoroughly to prevent choking.