How to compose film score

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Write Music - Scoring Step By Step
Video: How To Write Music - Scoring Step By Step


This article is for composers and music producers looking to create music for silent, animation, documentary, feature films, TV series, video games ...


  1. 1 Dive in. The first viewing of the film will allow you to learn the story, all subsequent ones will help you see different details and feel the rhythm of the film.
  2. 2 Live the movie. Let it play in the background while you do other things (work on your computer, send emails, and so on). Your brain will get used to it even more, which is much more efficient than we think.
  3. 3 Watch a movie without sound. Play it over and over, now mute the sound completely. This will help you discover another dimension. A silent movie will tell you a lot more. You will be able to see much more detail, notice new things that were previously lost because they were too quiet or very fast. The style of filming and video editing will also become more expressive. Your brain will not be distracted by sound (after all, our ears are much more sensitive than our eyes), and this will allow you to focus on the image.
  4. 4 Choose instruments and atmosphere. Actually, depending on the atmosphere, the instruments are selected. Maybe you've never used them before. The video should tell you exactly what you need.
  5. 5 Stick to the rhythm of the movie. Video editing can be fast or slow. Try to catch his "rhythm". The tempo can change frequently (you can see an example in this video created for the European Film Festival: Rhythm and speed change throughout the film, and it's important to adapt to this.
  6. 6 Stick to the plot and what happens in each frame. Watch the video to get an idea of ​​what it means to stick to the story as a whole and to each shot:
    • In the example presented, the music was for a silent movie - there were no other sounds in the movie, which allows the entire sound space to be used.In most cases, the music you write will go along with other sounds (actors' voices, voiceover, other sounds).
  7. 7 Stick to the emotional tone of the movie. Composing music is emotion. Make sure you really understand the mood the director was trying to convey. People experience hundreds of emotions every day, so you need to make sure your music evokes the right feelings (even if you listen to it without watching the video).
  8. 8 Don't expect backlash - it's a double-edged sword. If you are really immersed in the creative process, other people's comments can be helpful, but they can also have the exact opposite effect. You need to have enough confidence to know exactly what you are going to do in terms of emotions, even if you have no idea how to achieve it yet. You can compose music surrounded by people or in solitude. Both options can be helpful.
  9. 9 Immerse yourself in the movie. Let him take over you. You should feel like an actor who gets used to his role and begins to live, breathe, eat, sleep and speak like his character. The looks will inspire you to do the rest.


  • Remember: music is not for you, it is for the film. Your musical tastes may have nothing to do with what is required. Let yourself follow the images: you will be very surprised!


  • Remember: music is not for you, it is for the film. Your musical tastes may have nothing to do with what is required. Let yourself follow the images: you will be very surprised!