How to relieve pain from an ingrown toenail

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Fix Ingrown Toenails Easily
Video: How to Fix Ingrown Toenails Easily


As the nail grows into the skin, the corners of the nail begin to cut into the skin of the toe, causing swelling, pain, and redness.The medical term onychocryptosis is not familiar to everyone, but an ingrown nail is already familiar and understandable to many. Most often, nails grow on the big toes, but in general it can happen on any other toe, both on the feet and on the hands. An ingrown toenail is usually easy to treat. However, the healing process can be very painful. If you have an ingrown toenail, you can use home remedies to relieve the pain. If the pain is severe or you notice a worsening of symptoms, be sure to see a doctor.


Method 1 of 5: Diagnose an ingrown toenail

  1. 1 Look at the toe to determine if there is any swelling on the toe. The most common sign and symptom of an ingrown toenail is a swelling in the corner of the nail. Compare an ingrown toenail to your healthy toe. You will most likely notice the difference.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the painful sensations. The skin around the nail is very painful. Gently feel around the nail with your finger to determine the cause of the soreness.
    • Ingrown toenails often lead to pus.
  3. 3 Examine the nail. If you have an ingrown toenail, chances are you will notice the edge of the nail growing into the surrounding skin, or you may have difficulty finding the top edge of the nail.
  4. 4 Consider chronic conditions when treating. As a rule, this disease is successfully treated at home. But if you have diabetes, you shouldn't treat an ingrown toenail on your own. You should consult your doctor.
    • If you have nerve damage or poor circulation in your legs, a doctor's consultation is necessary as soon as possible.
  5. 5 Consult your doctor. If you are unsure if you have an ingrown toenail, check with your doctor. The doctor will not only diagnose, but also prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  6. 6 Don't let the problem get worse. If you think you have an ingrown toenail, you need to start treatment immediately. Otherwise, you risk exacerbating the problem. Attachment of infection is very often observed.

Method 2 of 5: Use home remedies

  1. 1 Keep your foot in warm water. Use a large bowl or bath for this purpose. Get a bowl or other container in which you can keep your finger in warm water. Dip the affected nail in hot water for 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
    • Add Epsom salts to the water. Epsom salts are known to be anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory. Epsom salts help soften the nail. Add 1 cup Epsom salts to your bathtub filled with water.
    • Massage the affected area gently. This will help the water to penetrate the ingrown nail and help clear bacteria from the nail.
  2. 2 Using dental floss, gently lift the edge of your nail. After you soak your feet in the water, your nails will feel soft. Gently lift the edge of the nail using thread. Do this very carefully to avoid aggravating the problem.
    • Repeat this process each time you keep your feet in the water. Use a clean thread each time.
    • Depending on the extent of your illness, this procedure can be painful. Take pain relievers to relieve discomfort.
    • Don't pick your sore nail. You can introduce infection and aggravate the problem, as a result of which you cannot do without medical intervention.
  3. 3 Take pain relievers. Over-the-counter pain relievers can reduce discomfort. Try aspirin, acetaminophen, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
  4. 4 Use an antibacterial ointment. An antibacterial ointment will help fight infection. You can get this kind of product at a pharmacy and a store.
    • The antibacterial ointment may also contain a local anesthetic such as lidocaine. This will help relieve pain temporarily.
    • Follow the instructions that come with the ointment.
  5. 5 Wrap your finger to protect it. To protect your finger from infection, wrap it up with a bandage or gauze.
  6. 6 Wear loose, open-toed shoes. Give your feet extra space by choosing open-toed shoes. Also, go for soft, oversized shoes and sandals.
    • Tight-fitting shoes can make the problem worse.
  7. 7 Try homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that relies on herbs and other natural ingredients to treat various ailments. To treat an ingrown toenail, use the following homeopathic remedies:
    • Silicea Terra, Teucrium, Nitric Acid, Graphites, Magnetis Polus Australis, Phosphoric Acid, Thuja, Causticum, Natrum Mur, Alumina or Kali Carb.

Method 3 of 5: Take the Necessary Measures to Heal

  1. 1 Soak your feet in the water for 15 minutes. Use warm water and Epsom salts for this purpose. Dip your feet into the resulting solution and support for 15 minutes. This will help soften the nail plate so you can easily remove it.
  2. 2 Lift your nail up. Gently push back the skin adjacent to the nail. This will help you separate the skin from the nail so you can see the edge of the nail. Use a floss or a sharp file to lift the edge of the nail and move it away from the skin. You can start on the side where the nail is not ingrown. Using a floss or nail file, carefully move to the ingrown toenail.
    • Be sure to treat the file with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide before using it.
  3. 3 Disinfect your finger. You can use hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, or another disinfectant to clean your finger. This will prevent bacteria from forming.
  4. 4 Place a piece of bandage under your nail. Take a small piece of the bandage and place it under the nail you lifted. This prevents the edge of the nail from touching the skin. Your toenail will no longer be ingrown as it doesn’t press against the skin.
  5. 5 Apply antibacterial ointment around the nail. After you have placed a piece of the bandage under your nail, apply an antibacterial ointment to the inflamed area. You can use lidocaine ointment, which will also numb the sore spot.
  6. 6 Wrap your finger. Using a bandage, wrap the bandage over your finger. You can also wear a sock with toes to separate your sore toe from the rest.
  7. 7 Repeat the procedure daily. Thanks to this, you can heal the ingrown toenail. As it heals, the pain from the ingrown toenail will decrease and the swelling will subside.
    • Change the gauze bandage daily. This will help prevent infection.

Method 4 of 5: Seek Professional Help

  1. 1 Seek medical attention if three days of home treatment have failed. If your home treatments don't work within three days, see your doctor for help.
    • If you notice red streaks extending from your sore finger, you should see your doctor immediately. This is a sign of a severe infection.
  2. 2 Tell your doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor will ask you when you notice an ingrown toenail, when inflammation began, the toe turned red and swollen. In addition, your doctor will ask you if you have other symptoms, such as a high fever. List all symptoms.
    • A general practitioner can usually prescribe treatment in this case. But more complex cases are handled by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the feet.
  3. 3 Get a prescription for antibiotics. If an infection has occurred, your doctor may prescribe a topical or internal antibiotic for you. This will help reduce the spread of the infection.
  4. 4 Let your doctor try to lift your nail. Your doctor will strive to use the least invasive procedures to lift the nail away from the skin. If he can do this, then most likely he will put a piece of gauze or bandage under his nail.
    • Your doctor will give you clear instructions on how to change the bandage every day. Follow these instructions and you will see a positive result.
  5. 5 Ask your doctor about the need for partial nail removal. If the nail is very ingrown into the skin or is severely infected, your doctor may suggest that you remove part of the nail. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor will make an incision along the edge of the nail and remove the portion of the nail that grows into the skin.
    • Your nail will grow in 2-4 months. Some patients worry about the appearance of the nail after this procedure. But if your toenail grows into skin, it is most likely a very unsightly picture too. Therefore, if the doctor removes part of the nail, the appearance will not get worse.
  6. 6 Ask your doctor about permanent partial nail removal. If you encounter the problem of an ingrown toenail more than once, then most likely you will want to prevent the occurrence of this problem in the future. In this case, the doctor will remove the nail bed. Thanks to this, you no longer face the problem of an ingrown toenail.
    • This procedure is done with a laser, chemicals, electric current, or other surgical techniques.

Method 5 of 5: Prevent Ingrown Toenails

  1. 1 Trim your nails correctly. Very often, the problem of an ingrown toenail is faced by those who do not cut their nails correctly. Trim your nails straight across the nail plate without rounding the edges.
    • Use scissors, which must be disinfected beforehand.
    • Don't cut your nails too short. You may even decide to keep your nails longer than you have done before. This will ensure that the nail does not grow into the skin.
  2. 2 Visit salons to care for your feet. If you are unable to trim your nails properly on your own, you can get the help of a professional. Find out where you can do it all the time.
  3. 3 Don't wear tight shoes. If your shoes are very tight, then there is a high probability that you will encounter an ingrown toenail problem. Tight shoes put pressure on the toes, resulting in an ingrown toenail.
  4. 4 Protect your legs. If you engage in activities that could injure your toes or feet, wear shoes that will protect your feet. For example, wear steel-toed boots on a construction site.
  5. 5 Take proper care of your feet if you have diabetes. If you have diabetes, it is very important to take good care of your feet. People with diabetes face many problems. One of the most common of these is numbness of part or all of the leg. If you trim your nails yourself, you may accidentally trim a lot and not feel it. Therefore, you can ask someone to help you trim your nails, or you can get the help of a professional.