How to deal with your tallness as a teenager

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 11 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow to your MAX potential height (for teenagers)
Video: How to grow to your MAX potential height (for teenagers)


So, you are a tall teenage girl, and sometimes it is not easy to be taller than all the people around you. However, tall or short is one of those things in life that you really can't do anything about. To come to terms with your tallness, you need to accept yourself for who you are. Enjoy being tall because the day will come when it will play into your hands, and even all these kids who make fun of you every day are really just jealous. At some point in your life, you may find yourself taller than someone you like ... But don't worry - girls go to puberty earlier than boys, who usually grow up dramatically, but later.


  1. 1 Be optimistic. Consider yourself lucky to be tall. There are many girls below you who would love to get taller. Some people are really short because of their dwarfism. Height is a symbol of good health, and you will always be told about it. Look at women who are 173 cm or taller: Cindy Crawford, Miranda Carr, Baty Prinslow, Angelina Jolie, Kendall Jenner, Naomi Campbell, Maria Carrie, Tyra Wanks, Adriana Lima and Heidi Klam. These are some of the most beautiful women in the world. People love them. And they are all tall.
  2. 2 Think about the benefits. You can reach peaks that many people will not see. Your natural height can be beneficial in many sports, such as basketball. You are physically faster and stronger. You have a great chance to make a career as a model. You also most likely look older than your peers, which, in your teen years, is a big advantage, especially when it comes to age determination. People tend to show more respect for those who are taller, and also, tall people get more wages!
  3. 3 Think about the downsides. What do you dislike about being tall. Yes, you often bang your head against something. Your classmates may laugh at you because they are jealous. But, in reality, being tall isn't as bad as you might think. Plus, once your friends hit puberty, the difference in height will diminish.
  4. 4 Accept yourself for who you are. If you haven't done so yet, accept that you are you. You can simply say, "I am who I am." When you say these five words, think about the qualities that you be proud of... Maybe you don't like being tall, but maybe you are really very smart, or know how to listen. If you cannot remember your positive qualities, then you need to work on self-esteem.
  5. 5 Accept that you are tall. Once you begin to accept yourself, you accept that you are tall. How? Since you are who you are and you are tall, then you accept both of these statements. To reinforce this belief, tell yourself, “I accept that I am tall,” and say it sincerely. Don't do this until you truly acknowledge this fact. This understanding may take some time, but eventually you will be able to do it.
  6. 6 Don't worry about it. Take pride in the fact that you are not the shortest child. If you are 14 or so, you will soon stop growing, and you will not be as tall as others who will stop growing later in adolescence. Even if in the end you will be taller than your peers, remember that in your life you will often meet people taller than you.
  7. 7 Play sports in which you have an advantage due to your height. Have you ever thought that the higher you are, the less distance you need to swim in the pool? How about catching a ricochet in basketball, so how can you jump higher than your peers? Consider doing one of the following sports: Basketball, Netball, Cycling, Running, Volleyball, and so on.


  • You are what you think of yourself. You are tall and beautiful. Believe it and others will not doubt it.
  • Remember that tall people are beautiful.
  • Don't slouch! This happens because you are talking to so many people who are below you, or you do it because you want to appear below you. Not necessary! It only makes you look timid, and it also gives you the impression that you are afraid of yourself, which makes you a target for bullying.
  • Be yourself, be friendly to everyone. People are forced to notice you if you are tall, so use it to your advantage and make friends.
  • If your friends make fun of you being tall, tell them to stop. If they don't, then they are not real friends. Find new friends.
  • Remember that tall is graceful.
  • Understand that most people don't pay too much attention to height - be confident. People will notice a beautiful, strong personality; no one will pay attention to the fact that you are too drying!
  • Some teachers will not be able to understand what it is like to be tall and suffer from peer ridicule. Because you are tall, they may not sympathize with you as much as they would tease someone who is short and overweight. Explain that it is just as painful and unpleasant, and cannot help but hurt.
  • Remember that very soon many will catch up with you, and will be about the same height with you.
  • Anyway, you can safely bend your knees a little, but not too much! In fact, it is better for the joints of the legs (knees) to bend the knees a little than to keep the legs completely straight.
  • They say that to be tall is to be graceful. You may be graceful, but if you are not, you can sign up for ballet lessons. Do anything to get graceful!
  • Perhaps wearing flat shoes instead of heels will make you feel more comfortable.
  • Buy items online that match the height. Few stores have pants longer than 89 cm.
  • You may not be able to wear all the latest fashion, but that doesn't mean you can't feel good in the clothes that suit you!
  • Get used to the fact that some jeans don't come in tall sizes. Stores can only make promotions for large collections in high sizes. The assortment of trousers is also limited in colors: black, brown and gray.


  • If you are uncomfortable with your height, high-heeled shoes will only make you more uncomfortable. However, you may remember that heels are a great option for special occasions. They make you even more beautiful - if only you can keep your self-confidence high. Being tall is one of the best things in the world.