How to say toast in irish

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 26 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Pronounce Sláinte? (CORRECTLY) | Say Cheers in Irish (on St. Patrick’s Day!)
Video: How to Pronounce Sláinte? (CORRECTLY) | Say Cheers in Irish (on St. Patrick’s Day!)


The simplest way to say “your health” in Irish is sláinte, but there are many other words and phrases for toasting. which you can use in Irish. We offer some of the most common ones.


Method 1 of 3: Simple Toast

  1. 1 Say “Sláinte!". This is the simplest analogue of the Russian toast "your health" in Irish.
    • The word "sláinte" is translated into Russian as "health". Accordingly, this toast means that you are drinking to the health of those present.
    • "Sláinte" is pronounced as slOnight.
  2. 2 Say “Sláinte mhaith!". This is a more detailed version of the basic toast from the first paragraph and means "good health!"
    • Sláinte means health and mhaith means good.
    • Literally translated, "good health" or "good health" is obtained.
    • "Sláinte mhaith" is pronounced slOnight va.
  3. 3 Say “Sláinte chugat!". This is a more personal version of the same toast, literally closest to the aforementioned "your health".
    • Sláinte means health and chugat means you.
    • Thus, literally this toast translates as "health to you"
    • "Sláinte chugat" is pronounced slOnche xatha.
    • If you want to address several people at once ("health to you"), substitute "chugaibh" instead of "chugat" (pronounced as NSatgwiv)
  4. 4 Say “Sláinte agus táinte!". This phrase is used to wish all the best to the person in whose honor the toast is being made.
    • Sláinte means health, agus means and, táinte means wealth.
    • Literal translation into Russian: "Health and wealth!"
    • "Sláinte agus táinte!" pronounced like slOnight OextinguishingOnight.
  5. 5 Say “Sláinte na bhfear agus go maire na mná go deo!". This more detailed phrase will be appropriate in the company of friends.
    • Sláinte means health, na means these, bhfear means men.
    • Agus means and.
    • Go means what, maire means to live, na means these, mná means women, go means what, and deo means forever.
    • Fully the phrase means: "Health to these men, and may these women live forever!"
    • "Sláinte na bhfear agus go maire na mná go deo!" pronounced like slOnight on atuhR Ogus go mOyre on mnoo go dieu.

Method 2 of 3: Additional Toasts and Wishes

  1. 1 Say “Croí folláin agus gob fliuch!". This toast signifies a wish for good health and a drink.
    • Literally translated, "a healthy heart and a wet mouth."
    • Croí means heart, folláin means healthy, agus means and, gob means beak or mouth, fliuch means wet.
    • Pronounce the phrase like crui fullOn Ogus gob fluch.
  2. 2 Say “Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bás in Éirinn!". So you wish you longevity, booze, and live your whole life in Ireland.
    • Literal translation of "long life, wet mouth and live to the death in Ireland."
    • Fad means length or long, saol means life, agat means you.
    • Gob means beak or mouth, fliuch means wet.
    • Agus means and.
    • Bás means death, in means in, and Éirinn is the Irish name for Ireland.
    • "Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bás in Éirinn!" pronounced like fod sale, gob fluch, Ogas boss in NSyrin.
  3. 3 Say “Nár laga Dia do lámh!". This toast means a wish for strength and endurance.
    • Literal translation: "May God not weaken your hand!"
    • "Nár" means "no", "laga" - "weakness" or "weak", "Dia" - "God", "do" - "yours", "lámh" - "hand".
    • Nár laga Dia do lámh! " pronounced like nor lbutha dia to lavas.
  4. 4 Say “Go dtaga do ríocht!". With this toast, you wish prosperity.
    • Literal translation: "Let your kingdom come!"
    • "Go" means "in", "dtaga" - "will come", "do" - "yours", "ríocht" - "kingdom" or "kingdom".
    • "Go dtaga do ríocht!" pronounced like yearbutha to pandakht.

Method 3 of 3: Special Occasion Wishes

  1. 1 Say "Nollaig shona duit" for Merry Christmas. This toast is the Irish equivalent of Merry Christmas.
    • “Nollaig shona” means “Merry Christmas” and “duit” means “you,” so it is addressed to a specific person.
    • Nollaig shona duit is pronounced nOlag xOon the dooandh.
  2. 2 Say “Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arís” to wish a Happy New Year. This toast is appropriate on New Year's Eve and is a wish for health and longevity.
    • Approximate translation: "May we be alive at this time next year."
    • This phrase is difficult to translate literally. The first part, “go mbeire muid beo ar,” means “may we live again,” and the second, “an am seo arís”, means “this time next year”.
    • “Go mbeire muid beo ar an am seo arís” is pronounced th mere moandh beoh er he om sho arandNS.
  3. 3 Say "Sliocht sleachta ar shliocht bhur sleachta" at the wedding. This toast is made to the bride and groom as a wish for a happy life for the future family.
    • Approximate translation: "Let the children of your children have children." Basically, you want your future family to grow generation after generation.
    • "Sliocht sleachta ar shliocht bhur sleachta" is pronounced schlacht schlahta er schlacht thief thief).