How to get a guy to notice you even more

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Any Guy To Approach You With This 1 Simple Trick  (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: Get Any Guy To Approach You With This 1 Simple Trick (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


Okay, there is a boy you like, right? And you think that he notices you a little, but you want him to notice you more (and not the way he did it before). Read on to find out how to get him to notice you.


  1. 1 Make friends with him. Make sure that your chosen one notices you, if he does not notice you, then try to make him notice you. Make a good first impression, say hello to him in the hallway, maybe walk to class with him and talk a little. Create a small shelf with thoughts about you.
  2. 2 Always be close to your chosen one. Sometimes guys can be confusing and sometimes they can be sad. If you see that your chosen one is sad, and he is alone, or he just looks sad, go up to him and ask "Is everything all right?" Show that you are there for him when he wants to talk and that he can trust you. Remember to "Give him some privacy from time to time or if he looks like he wants to be alone. That way he will miss your comfort and think of you."
  3. 3 Give him some cute little tips. In order for a guy to notice you, you sometimes have to act in such a way as to hint to him that you want to be noticed more. If you notice that he is looking at you, make eye contact with him and present a sweet, innocent smile with a closed mouth. Hold your gaze for five seconds and then look away. So your chosen one will be interested in your seductive smile.
  4. 4 Flirt a little. Guys are still guys, and a little flirting doesn't hurt. It's good if you flirt a little, leaving your chosen one with the memory of a beautiful girl who showed interest in him. He'll come back to pay you back someday, and voila - a conversation will start.
  5. 5 Talk to a guy like a guy. Leave girly conversations for your girlfriends! Usually one way to get a guy to notice you is to talk more about German Ask about his game, if he plays sports, or a piece of art, if he likes art, or anything he enjoys. Your partner will be flattered, ready to respond, and may even be a little embarrassed if shy if you ask about his day. He may also ask you a little.
  6. 6 Make him hunt you. A friend is always there, but if you want your chosen one to notice you morethen you need to disappear from time to time. End the conversation and apologize or talk to the other guy. Make him think about your mysterious side.
  7. 7 If you are not necessarily the prettiest girl, ask him what he is looking for in a girl. If he says appearance, then ask him why, and tell him that it is a matter of character, not appearance. Also keep giving him hints.
  8. 8 When the moment is right, bend over and kiss him on the cheek or lips, and quickly pull back and run away so he wants more!


  • Be yourself. ALWAYS. If he doesn't like you because of this, then the problem is it.
  • Leave him something to think about so that he remembers you better.
  • Don't be too clingy because it can annoy him.
  • If he's the type of guy who only likes looks ... then to hell with him! Find a guy who cares about deeper things!
  • Don't ask him out on dates if he continues to refuse you! Forget about him and find another guy. You can make him jealous or you can completely forget about him.
  • If he is starting or is already dating someone while you are in love with him, do not give up hope. Keep your head high and be his friend. Remind him why you would be the best match.
  • Find out his phone number so you can text him.


  • Don't be rude to other girls or speak ill of them. Guys will think you are jealous.
  • Be careful when texting them. Don't text him 20 times a day. Enough of the quick "hello, how are you?" Let the conversation end naturally, and don't try to drag it out. You will seem boring or desperate to him.
  • If he's dating someone, DO NOT blame the other girl because he's with her. It is not her fault that you cannot control who you are attracted to.
  • Don't act like someone else. It won't last forever, and later on he'll think you're a liar.
  • Don't be too girly. But also don't try to be a kid! Guys like feminine girls, not girls who are afraid of everything. This tells him that you don't like taking risks, and guys are taking risks. (Note: This does not apply to all guys).
  • Don't find out what he likes to do and don't start doing it unless you always wanted to try it, but never do anything you never do just to impress a guy. Especially if it's dangerous.
  • Don't show that you care about what he talks to other girls. So he will understand that you are there, but you feel good without him.