How to make your life bright and eventful

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life
Video: 22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life


Making your life richer and brighter means making efforts to make your life as full of meaning, joy and satisfaction as possible. While there is no magical way to instantly change your life, you can do it gradually, step by step, enriching your life with new experiences and knowledge and learning to appreciate what you already have. If you learn to be grateful for all the good things in your life, you can move forward and make your life even more amazing.


Method 1 of 3: Have New Life Experiences

  1. 1 Take risks. If you want to make your life brighter and richer, you have to step out of your comfort zone. You need to take risks, set new goals and start a new game, instead of doing the same thing day after day. It can be anything. You might, for example, ask the prettiest girl in class out on a date. Or send a resume to the job of your dreams, even if you are not at all sure that you can handle such a job.Even if you are just trying to do something new that goes beyond feeling stable, it will help make your life brighter and more interesting.
    • Don't be afraid of defeat. If you never take risks because you do not want to experience the frustration of losing, then you are unlikely to be able to make your life richer and richer. Of course, it's much safer to stay in your pretty good job instead of sending your resume to your dream job. However, in this case, your life will remain just pretty good.
    • Conquer your fear. If you are afraid of water, heights, or new people, try to see that there is nothing intimidating about these things. Conquering your fear will make you more confident and empowered to achieve more.
  2. 2 Make new acquaintances. You cannot predict in advance where and when you will meet people who will have a positive impact on your life and help you become bolder and more confident in yourself. If you never try to meet new people, you have no opportunity to learn something new from them, and this significantly slows down your personal growth. Step out of your comfort zone and take a step towards new people. This could be a newcomer to your school or a new employee in the workplace. You might even try walking up and meeting a stranger in a cafe if you notice he is reading your favorite book. It is impossible to predict how this new acquaintance will affect you and your life.
    • Of course, it is not at all necessary that in every new acquaintance you will find a kindred spirit, and sometimes a conversation with a new person can turn out to be very ridiculous. However, the sooner you learn to meet new people, the higher your chance of meeting interesting and amazing people.
    • Trying to meet new people will make you a versatile person, a person who always knows that there is a lot of new and unknown in life. This is much better than keeping in touch with only a tight circle of the same people you have known all your life and staying in your comfort zone.
  3. 3 Treat other cultures with respect. Another way to make your life more fulfilling is to learn more about another culture and treat it with respect. There are many ways to do this. You can start learning Japanese or go to Guatemala in the summer. You can simply chat with someone who grew up in a completely different environment and learn about their unique life experiences. Studying another culture will help you look at the world with different eyes and understand that your view of the world around you is only your personal opinion, and not the only correct understanding of life.
    • If you have the material opportunity to travel, try to be more than just a tourist. When coming to another country, visit the same places where locals go, and try to communicate more with the people who live in this country. This is much more fun than visiting the standard tourist attractions listed in every guidebook.
    • If you don't have money to travel, watch films from other countries, read books by foreign authors and try to learn a foreign language or learn more about the history of another country. This will help you see the world wider.
    • It is not so important what exactly you study, it is much more important that you move forward and continue to learn something new about how other people live, and better understand the essence of things.
  4. 4 Find a new hobby. Another way to make your life richer and more fulfilling is to pursue a new hobby that will bring new meaning to your life. You don't have to give all your strength to a new hobby, and it doesn't really matter how good you are at your chosen business. It is much more important that you will have an occupation to which you will not be indifferent and will be carried away for a long time. Even if you take the time to pursue your hobby at least once a week, a new goal will appear in your life.Getting out of your comfort zone to pursue a new hobby will open up ample opportunities for personal growth.
    • Finding a hobby that will be interesting for you to pursue will develop your sense of responsibility and color your life with bright colors.
    • It should be borne in mind that while pursuing a new hobby, you can meet new interesting people. Connecting with such people will help you gain support and see the world in a new light.
  5. 5 Set yourself challenging tasks. You can't make your life richer and richer if you only do the things that you do well. You should try to do something that you did not dare to dream of, if only in order to believe in yourself and feel that it is you who are in control of your life. Do something that requires you physically, intellectually, or even emotionally. The reward for your efforts will be a new, unique experience and the feeling that you have moved to a qualitatively new level of development. Below you can find some helpful ideas to help you:
    • read a book that you until now thought was "too difficult";
    • take up a new sport, even if you have never considered yourself a sports person;
    • Train to take part in a marathon run, or at least half a regular marathon distance;
    • write a novel or story;
    • take on new responsibilities at work;
    • do something that you have failed in the past;
    • learn how to cook a complex dish.
  6. 6 Read more. This is one of the easiest and most economical ways to make your life richer. By reading books, we broaden our horizons and learn to look at the world from a different point of view, and for this you do not have to travel further than to the nearest bookstore. Of course, it's not bad to read a simple story to distract yourself from reality, but reading serious books and magazines will enrich your knowledge and help you see the familiar world in a new perspective. Here's what you can read:
    • biographies and memoirs of famous people for inspiration;
    • non-fiction history books to learn more about the world;
    • serious fiction to take a fresh look at life and relationships between people;
    • books about art, photography or music to broaden your horizons;
    • newspapers to know about the problems of the modern world.
  7. 7 Look for new knowledge. Reading is one of the main ways to make your life brighter, but if you really want to rise to a qualitatively new level of development, look for new knowledge everywhere and always, in any situation. You can talk to people whose life experiences have given them the opportunity to learn something interesting. Go to museums, chat with older people, or go on a journey that will take you out of your comfort zone and give you the opportunity to experience for yourself how the world lives.
    • A person who lives a bright and eventful life is confident in himself and calmly admits that there are things that he does not yet know, and always strives to find out more.
    • When such a person meets an interesting person, he will always find a way to ask about a unique life experience, and at the same time not seem annoying and unceremonious.
  8. 8 Don't spend too much time observing other people's lives on social media. If you want to live a fulfilling life, you should spend more time doing things yourself. You shouldn't waste your time, spending hours tracking on social networks all those interesting and wonderful events that happen to other people. Of course, there is no shame in looking at your sister Maria's wedding photos or reading your former classmate talking about politics. After all, you care about how the people you know are doing.However, it is much more beneficial to stop wasting time and worry about what other people are thinking and how they live. It is much better to spend this time on yourself and make your own life rich and vibrant.
    • If you are addicted to social media, you may not even realize how powerful their negative impact on your life is. Try to spend no more than 10-15 minutes a day on social media. You will be surprised how much happier you will feel, and how much time you have for your own goals and interests.

Method 2 of 3: Develop habits that make life brighter and richer

  1. 1 Farewell. If you want to make your life richer and richer, learn to easily forgive other people. Of course, there are things that cannot be forgiven, but if you constantly cherish your grievances, grieve for hours about defeats and blame everyone and everyone for your failures, your life is unlikely to become bright and eventful. Learn to move forward and accept that everyone has the right to make mistakes. If you think that a person has committed a real betrayal towards you, break off relations with him. If you remember for years all the bad things that you have done towards you, your own life will become hard and depressing.
    • If someone did hurt you, and you need time to accept their apology and forgive, be honest with the person. Don't pretend everything is okay and then complain about the person to all your friends and family. Nothing good will come of it.
    • You can forgive the person, and even then keep a certain distance before you start communicating with the person again. If every time you are around a person, you feel angry or resentful, you should not force yourself to communicate with him.
  2. 2 End unhealthy relationships. Do you spend a lot of time with people who make you feel worthless and do things that you would never do yourself? Are any of your friends embittered and hated by the whole world? It's time to end this relationship or keep communication to a minimum. Are you friends with people around whom you feel insignificant? After such communication, are you always depressed and in a bad mood? Does their influence only make your life worse? Everyone can have difficult moments in life, but if such a friendship only brings negative energy into your life, it's time to think about whether you need such a relationship.
    • Sometimes it’s impossible to end an unhealthy relationship entirely, especially if you have to deal with the person on a regular basis. Try to do your best to reduce the amount of communication with the person, and do not let him hurt you if the conversation cannot be avoided.
    • Think about the people with whom communication inspires you and makes you believe in yourself and love the world around you. Try to spend time with these friends more often.
  3. 3 Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, balanced meals three times a day, allow plenty of time for rest, and exercise regularly. Following these simple conditions will make you feel happier and more energized. If you feel like being too busy leaves you no time to take care of yourself, then chances are that you will be too tired and less motivated to make a major difference in your life. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, follow these tips:
    • Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. You can go jogging, swimming, cycling, walking long distances, or playing team games with friends. Yoga classes will also help you feel new strength in yourself, both physically and spiritually.
    • Be more active. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Instead of driving, walk.Don't be lazy to walk to a colleague across the office instead of emailing him or her. When you're on the phone, do some stretching exercises or walk around the room instead of sitting in one place.
    • A night's sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. Try to stick to a certain routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time. This will help you fall asleep faster and wake up more easily in the morning.
    • Your diet should be a smart mix of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, and protein-rich foods. Avoid eating too fatty foods that create a feeling of lack of energy. Make your own smoothies with a variety of ingredients more often - discover a new way to enjoy your favorite vegetables and fruits.
  4. 4 Do not hurry. Give yourself time to go through the next phase of your life and plan new steps. It will help you live a brighter, more meaningful life. If you feel like your life is like a continuous jump with obstacles, try to slow down the pace, otherwise you will never be able to appreciate the good things in this life. Make an effort to have time to rest as you move from one activity to the next. Have some time to unwind before bed, or take a quiet walk and think about your plans when you have an important decision to make. The less you rush and fuss. the richer and richer your life will be.
    • Meditate. Just find a quiet corner, sit back and try to relax your muscles and focus on your breathing. Just 10 minutes of meditation every day will make you feel refreshed and easier to focus on doing your daily activities.
    • Don't try to do several things at the same time. It may seem to you that in this way you will quickly complete everything planned, but in fact, in such conditions, it is much more difficult for a person to focus on one specific matter.
    • Keep a diary. This is a powerful way to let you slow down, stop, and reflect on your day. Give your brain the ability to organize and process the experience. Sometimes it's enough to give yourself time to write down what happened before moving on to a new task. You will be surprised how many new ideas and thoughts will come to your mind.
  5. 5 Take time for yourself. If you want your life to be brighter and richer, learn to be a little selfish. If all your time is devoted to helping others or performing work duties, you will not have a minute left for personal growth and development. Try to have at least half an hour every day and a few hours a week that you can only spend on yourself. It doesn't matter what you do: learn French, improve your pie baking, or just lie on the couch with an interesting book.
    • You don't have to spend time for yourself doing something useful. Sometimes you just need to unwind and take a break from business. And you have every right to do so.
    • Make time for yourself inviolable. Don't let unexpected plans or momentary interests invade and change your schedule.
    • Try waking up in the morning half an hour before getting up. This will give you time for yourself before your normal day begins. This will help you get rid of the feeling of endless rush and hustle and bustle in a series of endless everyday worries.
  6. 6 Volunteer. Volunteering is a good way to get out of your comfort zone and benefit your community. Such activities will not only be useful for those around you, but will also make your life happier and more harmonious - you will learn to look at life in perspective and appreciate more the good things in your life.In addition, you will have a new opportunity to interact with different people, and this interaction will be useful both for them and for you.
    • You can help at charity events for children and adults, work in a homeless shelter or a free welfare cafe, or find something else you like.
    • Making it a rule to volunteer several times a month can help you learn to empathize with people and become less obsessed with yourself.
  7. 7 Minimize the amount of household waste. Another way to make your life richer and more vibrant is to minimize the amount of household waste. Use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Try to dispose of household waste whenever possible. Use reusable cloth instead of paper napkins and handkerchiefs. Do not use too many paper towels, do not use plastic dishes and other disposable products if you can use reusable items. Walk or ride a bike instead of using a car. Trying to keep your household waste to a minimum can help you become more conscious and responsible for your environment.
    • When we waste less, it gives us the opportunity for spiritual growth. By spending efforts to harm the environment as little as possible, we begin to value and respect the world around us more.
  8. 8 Show your friends and family how important they are to you. It has been proven that by maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family, life becomes more fulfilling and fulfilling. Having loving friends and family can help fill your life with meaning, relieve feelings of loneliness, and help you feel supported when making important life decisions. It doesn't matter how busy you are. Find an opportunity to spend time with loved ones on a regular basis and let them know how much they mean in your life.
    • Send thank you cards to friends and family to let you know how much they mean to you.
    • Call your parents and grandparents regularly. If you don't live together, try to get into the habit of calling loved ones just to talk, even if you don't need anything specific. This will help maintain close family ties and make your life richer and more fulfilling.
    • When you are with friends and family, try to be genuinely interested in their affairs and inquire about their lives. You shouldn't just talk about yourself all the time.

Method 3 of 3: Explore New Horizons

  1. 1 Be patient. There is one reason why people do not allow themselves to consider their life bright and eventful. You may feel that you are not working hard enough because you have not achieved your goal. Maybe you think that the expected reward for your work will not get you soon and it is impossible to be completely happy until you find a better job, meet your soul mate, or build your dream home. Trust me, you can get what you want and achieve your goals if you continue to work hard to achieve them.
    • Pay more attention to your achievements, even if they are not very big. It depends only on you when you feel happy and successful. You should not consider yourself a lazy and a failure if you have not yet reached all the desired heights.
    • List all of your achievements that you are proud of. It will show you how hard you have worked to make your plans come true and give you every reason to feel happy and proud of yourself.
  2. 2 Be grateful. If you try to be grateful for all the things that you have, your life will become richer and brighter. Appreciate all the good things in your life.We take so many things for granted so often that we forget to be grateful for what they are. Appreciate your friends and relatives, appreciate your good health, and in the end, be grateful to fate if you live in a fertile climate. This may sound trite, but you should often think about how many people are around who are not as lucky in life as you are. Be grateful to fate for this, instead of regretting what you don't have. Be grateful and you will feel that your life has become much happier, richer and brighter.
    • Make a weekly list of things that you are grateful for. List everything, even the smallest and most insignificant things, and then pin it above your desk or fold it and hide it in your wallet. In times of despondency, reread this list and remind yourself of all the good things in your life.
    • Take your time and thank everyone, from the cafe waitress to your mother, for the good they did for you. Find a way to express your appreciation and show people how much you value what they do for you.
  3. 3 Stop comparing yourself to other people. Your life will never become bright and eventful if you spend all your time comparing yourself to others and trying to be no worse than others. Do not try to compare your relationship, your appearance, your home, or anything else with what others have. You cannot win this endless competition. There will always be people who have achieved much more than you - and people who have achieved much less than you. You can never live by your own rules if you worry about how successful you are compared to the people around you.
    • Remember, what's good for your neighbor or your best friend isn't necessarily good for you. Focus on what will make your life better, and learn to ignore the opinions of detractors.
    • If you spend a lot of time on social media, you may have a feeling that your life, relationship, vacation, or family is far from ideal and does not match the level of other people. If social media makes you doubt your own success, limit your time on those sites.
    • If you are in a serious relationship, you need to work hard to make it progress at the rate that feels right for you. You shouldn't come to live together, announce your engagement, or get married based on the standards set by other couples.
  4. 4 Stop worrying about what others think of you. Of course, this advice is much easier to give than to follow it and completely stop worrying about the opinions of others. However, you can start by doing what is good for you and not worrying if people think you are successful, wonderful, smart, and interesting. After all, the best thing you can do is make your life happy, and then you can always silence spiteful critics.
    • The best way to make your life rich and vibrant is to develop and consider your choice the only right one. When you do this, it doesn't matter what other people think of your success.
    • Learn to listen to your heart. If you want to become an actor, and not a lawyer, as your parents insist, you should learn to accept the fact that only following your dreams will make your life rich and bright.
  5. 5 Avoid perfectionism. Another way to live a fulfilling life is to stop thinking that any task must be done flawlessly. You must learn to calmly accept that everyone can make mistakes and learn from their own mistakes and do not have to achieve absolute success on the first try.Of course, your life will be much calmer if you always choose the easiest path, where it is impossible to stumble. However, your life will become much more successful and brighter if you give yourself the right to sometimes make mistakes and make the wrong choice, knowing that you can always make another try and find the path that leads to success.
    • If you are too fixated on always being perfect, it is time to stop and start enjoying life in all its manifestations and with all its imperfections. When you learn to accept the fact that you cannot do the right thing in all cases, you will be surprised how much more interesting things and actions you can do.
    • If you want to maintain close and complete relationships with people, give them the opportunity to see your true face, get to know you with all your advantages and disadvantages. If you want people to consider you a perfect person without any weaknesses, it is unlikely that others will treat you with all openness and trust you.
  6. 6 Live in the present. If you spend your whole life making unthinkable efforts to achieve your goal, you will not be able to appreciate all those happy moments and joyful moments that will be along the way. And even if you achieve your goal, for example, by becoming a full partner in your law office or getting married, you will still feel disappointed. If you want to live a vibrant, eventful life and enjoy every moment of it, stop your run to success and often remember that you need to be proud and respect yourself for every, even tiny step you take along the way.
    • You hardly want to look back one day and wonder what all these years have been spent on. Try to live in the present instead of thinking about the future, and then you can live a richer and more joyful life.
    • Try to do something "just like that" as often as possible. Don't expect every step you take and every person you meet to help you become more successful. On the contrary, if you never do anything for nothing, you will never know how many wonderful new opportunities in life you may be missing out on.
  7. 7 Find a purpose in life. This is probably not so easy, but if you want to live a rich and vibrant life, you cannot just live like that and go with the flow passively. You must find some purpose that will give meaning to your existence, for which it is worth living. You should not choose such mundane things as building a successful career as your goal. A real goal in life can be helping other people achieve their goals, raising children in a welcoming environment, or even writing a novel. Even if achieving your goal will not bring you wealth, just do it with your heart.
    • If it seems to you that you are just going with the flow and do not even know what the real purpose of your life is, it's time to stop the meaningless race. Stop and try to look deep into your heart. Try to find something new, real, to help you find purpose in life. Remember, it's never too late to do this.
    • Do not despair if you have not been able to find a global goal for yourself that will immediately fill your life with deep meaning. Even if you just try to change your priorities and spend more time on what is important to you, it will be good.


  • Learning new things always enriches our lives. When we get rid of stereotypes and look at the situation with an open mind, we see how multifaceted and complex the world around us is, and this makes us better.
  • Deep down, every person is a poet and thinker. Sometimes it is worth giving freedom to the poetic impulses of your soul or reflecting on the essence of being. You will be surprised how positively this will affect all areas of your life.
  • Find your way in life, learn to trust yourself and listen to your heart - this will help you make your life brighter and richer.


  • All people are different, and what can enrich the life of one person, for another will turn out to be banal and boring, and maybe even harmful. Don't let other people force you to follow their ways to improve yourself and improve your life if you feel like it's not for you.