How to make your girlfriend happy

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥
Video: How to Keep a Girl Happy (In a relationship) ♥


Relationships require a lot of effort from a person, but they can also bring incredible joy and a sense of satisfaction. Just taking and making a person happy will not work, but with a little effort and kindness, you can help a girl get joyful emotions from your relationship. You will need to better understand the girl as a person and determine her needs, desires, values. It is equally important to show support and respect for your partner, and find ways to maintain a joyful and exciting atmosphere.


Method 1 of 4: How to give your girlfriend joyful emotions

  1. 1 Say nice things. Everyone is pleased to hear kind words and receive support from their partner. They will help her feel your love and care, which will have a positive effect on the relationship in general. Therefore, if you want to say something nice to a girl, then do not be silent and rather say it out loud!
    • Say the classic "I love you" and other words so that she knows about your feelings. So, you can say: "You illuminate my every day with your light" - or: "I am so happy that we are together."
    • Give compliments like, "You answered great at the seminar!" and "Your eyes are irresistible."
    • Express your gratitude and appreciation in words. For example: “Thank you for coming to my show. You're the best!".
  2. 2 Offer help. Helping is a great way to show your girlfriend that you care and make her feel special. Don't wait for the girl to make the request herself.
    • For example, you might say, “You worked all day. Let me cook dinner tonight?

    Advice: When helping a girl, don't act like you're expecting a reciprocal favor, and don't complain about how difficult it is for you. Doing so can lead to resentment or make your gesture less special.

  3. 3 Give the girl gifts from time to time. Give your girlfriend gifts from time to time to please her and show that you care. Give gifts on a special occasion to cheer up the girl or just like that. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of money on luxurious things - she will definitely appreciate the gesture, even if the gift is insignificant.
    • Gifts will be more meaningful when you consider the personality of the girl or the specific moments of your relationship when choosing. For example, you can give her your shared framed photo or a cup with a girl's favorite quote.
    • Give a gift with the words: "I thought of you as soon as I saw this!"
  4. 4 Spend time together. Being alone with your girlfriend is one of the best ways to strengthen the bond between you and show your love. Make time for dates or similar special gatherings with just the two of you, at least once a week.
    • For example, you can have dinner and go to the movies, take a walk together, or just stay at home and play video games.
    • Take turns taking classes. Let her be proactive to show how much you value her wants and needs.
  5. 5 Demonstrate physical expressions of feelings. Touch is an important aspect of romantic relationships for most people. Hold hands, hug, kiss, or pat her back to express your feelings. The main thing is to make sure that you do not inconvenience her and that you respect her wishes!
    • Sex is another important aspect of healthy relationships for many couples, but use more than sexual touch. The girl will surely be pleasant and comfortable if you kiss and hug her not only as a prelude to sex!

Method 2 of 4: How to Express Love and Support

  1. 1 Be honest and earn the girl's trust. The strongest relationships are based on honesty and trust. So, the girl should feel that she can rely on you - never lie or hide anything from her. Also, keep all promises so she can trust you.
    • If a girl asks to keep information secret, then do not tell anyone about it!

    A warning: Telling the truth doesn't mean being rude or offending a girl. Refrain from inappropriate harsh words called "hard truth" or "harsh love."

  2. 2 Remember about good and respectful relation. It may seem obvious, but a girl will be the happiest in the world if you treat her with compassion and respect. To do this, you need to not only be with her in difficult times and do various courtesies, but also respect personal boundaries, listen carefully during conversations and apologize for your mistakes. Other ways to show respect:
    • do not shout at the girl, do not insult or speak condescendingly;
    • see the girl as an equal person;
    • respect the girl's wishes if she asks you to stop doing something;
    • protect the girl if others are disrespectful to her;
    • give your girlfriend time and space for hobbies and meeting friends.
  3. 3 Be there so the girl can always rely on you. For a happy and strong relationship, it is important to be close to a girl in grief and joy. This means not only comforting her in difficult times, but also sharing the girl's joy when everything is going well.
    • Cheer up the girl in times of difficulty and congratulate on each goal achieved. Show that you are proud of your girlfriend.
    • Express support through words and actions. Ask how you can help.
  4. 4 Listen actively girl if she wants to talk. Effective communication will relieve you of many relationship problems and contribute to feelings of happiness. If the girl wants to talk to you, give her undivided attention and do not interrupt. Show that you want to hear and understand her words because you think they are important.
    • Put your phone aside during a call. Maintain eye contact, nod, and use lines like "Yeah" and "I understand" to express your attention. Also ask questions or rephrase what you hear to make sure you get it right.
    • Resist the temptation to give advice when the girl doesn't ask for it.
    • Don't be afraid to open up to your girlfriend and talk about your feelings. The girl will be able to understand you better if you do not hide your vulnerability.
  5. 5 Admit your mistakes. We all make mistakes sometimes. If you make a mistake in a relationship, the girl may be upset, offended, or angry. In such a situation, resist the urge to shift blame or defend yourself.Just admit that you made a mistake and sincerely apologize.
    • When apologizing, take full responsibility for your feelings and actions. Do not use words that put the blame on the girl.
    • For example, don't say, "I'm sorry you were upset, but I wouldn't scream if you weren't late." Better to say, “Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. I was upset, but this is not the best reaction to the situation. "
    • If you want to discuss the girl's behavior, speak in the first person - this will give you the opportunity to focus on your feelings, and your words will not sound like an accusation. For example, you might say, “When you’re late, I get the feeling that you don’t value my time.”

Method 3 of 4: Understanding What Makes a Girl Happy

  1. 1 Take time to find out about the girl's interests. Your girlfriend is a person with her hopes, fears, desires and needs. The better you know her features, the easier it will be to make her happy. Talk to your girl about her concerns and preferences. Show interest and involvement in things that are important to her.
    • For example, if your girlfriend loves video games, ask her about her favorite games. It may be interesting for her to play with you.
    • If she writes stories, ask her to read her work.
  2. 2 Discuss the girl's wants and needs. It's hard to figure out on your own what a girl wants to get out of your relationship without asking questions. They will not only show you care, but they will also help you support the girl. Encourage her to share her needs with you and ask simple questions:
    • “What would you like to do today?”;
    • "Can I help with anything?";
    • “Do you want to talk about it?”;
    • "Do you like this activity?"
  3. 3 Don't make assumptions. Assumptions are dangerous for relationships. Don't fall into the common trap of assuming you know the girl's feelings, thoughts, or desires. When in doubt, always ask!
    • For example, you shouldn't assume that she likes melodramas, since these are "girls' films." She might think that going to the zoo or taking part in a club quiz would be the perfect date for her.
    • Also, you should not by default assume that a girl is happy in a relationship. Ask her about it periodically. For example: "Maybe you would like us to have dinner in a cafe more often?"

    Advice: also, do not assume that the girl knows your thoughts or desires. If you are thinking about something, share it with your girlfriend in a caring, respectful way.

Method 4 of 4: How to Maintain a Joyful and Exciting Atmosphere

  1. 1 Do things together that bring you joy. Having fun together is a good way to maintain a joyful atmosphere in a relationship. Find activities you both enjoy to strengthen the bond between you and have a great time. Find opportunities to just have fun together.
    • For example, if you both enjoy football, you can attend matches together.

    Did you know? The researchers concluded that the happiest couples find time to play and have fun together!

  2. 2 Try new things together. In addition to the pleasant things you already know, make your relationship exciting by getting out of your comfort zone together. Create vivid shared memories and keep the relationship sparked.
    • For example, you might visit new places together, enroll in courses, or find a common hobby.
  3. 3 Meet the girl's friends and family. The girl will certainly be delighted if her relationship with other people is strengthened when you are together. Show interest in her friends and family so she can see how much you respect that part of her life. Plus, it's another opportunity to be together and have fun! Find activities for the whole company to add to your private meetings.
    • Also introduce the girl to your friends and family. Invite her to joint meetings.
  4. 4 Surprise your girlfriend periodically with romantic or fun events. So, planning time together is important, but unexpected surprises can help keep the relationship exciting. You can arrange a mysterious date, make an unexpected gift for no reason, or surprise a girl with your culinary skills.
    • You don't have to come up with something extraordinary. You can just leave a short love note on the table.

    Connell Barrett

    Dating Coach Connell Barrett is a relationship professional, founder and lead coach of Dating Transformation, his own relationship consulting firm near New York City, founded in 2017. Consults clients based on his A.C.E. dating system: authenticity, clarity and expressiveness. He is also a dating coach for the mobile online service The League. His work has been featured in Cosmopolitan, The Oprah Magazine and Today.

    Connell Barrett
    Dating coach

    Make an effort to make the girl feel special.... Each of us has a deep need to feel special. Many relationships start to slip if one or both partners do not try in every possible way to show how special the other half is for them. Consider how you can show your partner that you love, appreciate, and care. For example, tell the girl that she is beautiful, write playful messages, and show that you are constantly thinking about her in every way.