How to make a rose from duct tape

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
๐ŸŒน How to Make A Duct Tape Rose - simplekidscrafts
Video: ๐ŸŒน How to Make A Duct Tape Rose - simplekidscrafts


There is nothing better than a rose, unless of course it is a handmade rose. You can make a rose out of duct tape and surprise whoever you give it to. You can make a whole bouquet and present it to your loved one or simply decorate the house with roses.


Method 1 of 3: Simple version

  1. 1 Cut a 5 x 5 cm piece of duct tape. It is not necessary for this size to be exactly. It's just so you have a general idea of โ€‹โ€‹the size you want.
  2. 2 Fold the right corner with the adhesive side inward so that there is a little exposed part of the adhesive side on the sides.
  3. 3 Fold the left corner over the tape that has already been wrapped so that you still have a slightly visible, sticky side of the tape.
  4. 4 Take a straw or any other stick and wrap a petal around it. Try to stick it at a small angle to give the impression of an open rose.
  5. 5 Repeat steps 1-4, placing the petals one on top of the other. After a while, you should have a rose.
  6. 6 To make a stalk, wrap the straw / stick with duct tape.
  7. 7 Finally, add some duct tape under the rose to keep it standing.

Method 2 of 3: Medium Difficulty Version

  1. 1 Collect materials. You will need duct tape of any color and some wire to make the stem more stable. You can also use a pen to make a rose from pen and duct tape.
  2. 2 Make a stalk. Cut a piece of duct tape equal to the length of the stem (25 cm is not a bad length) and wrap the tape along its length. If you are using a wire or pen, just wrap the tape all the way around (leave only the nose of the pen outside).
  3. 3 Make petals. Cut off small pieces of duct tape, wrap them with the adhesive side inward, but leave some of the adhesive side visible from the sides. Repeat with a different angle. You should be able to see 1.2 cm of the adhesive side of the tape.
  4. 4 Create a center. Wrap the petal tightly around the stem. The center should be 80 mm lower than the rest of the rose, which should be borne in mind when gluing the first petal. Add a few more petals around the first one, so that they are very close to each other.
  5. 5 Finish the rose. Once you're done with the center of the rose, start making the petals larger and glue them a little higher. Continue until the rose is the size you want and unfold them.
  6. 6 TA-dah! You made a rose out of duct tape!

Method 3 of 3: Advanced version

  1. 1 Gather all the materials for the rose from the duct tape.
  2. 2 Make the petals for the rose that look like a medium sized rose from a medium difficulty rose. Take two 10cm pieces of duct tape and glue the edges together. Fold the top half over and cut the edges to make it look like a rose petal.
  3. 3 Make a total of 5 petals.
  4. 4 Place a coin or any similar object in the center of the tape (adhesive side). Take the shavings of the petals and press down on them. Place a ball of duct tape on top of a coin. Now fold the edges of the tape. You should now have a triangle. Make the top of the triangle sharp and the sides as round and symmetrical as possible.
  5. 5 Glue the sticky side of the base of one petal down to the bottom of the triangular shape. Loosely attach the sides of the petal to the triangular shape, so that the sticky part of the petal sticks out.
  6. 6 Glue the base of the other petal to the bottom of the triangular shape. One edge of this petal should slightly cover the first petal. Loosely attach the cover side closer to the base, and glue the other edge better.
  7. 7 Glue the rest of the petals in the same way.
  8. 8 Cut off pieces of duct tape of the same color.
  9. 9 Use these pieces to secure the petals. Make sure to stick a thin piece of tape over the coin to secure the rosebud shape as you glue the sepal.
  10. 10 Glue the sepal. Cut a piece of square tape and glue the rosebud to the center. Based on the shape of the coin in the bud, wrap a piece of ribbon around the petals. Tape the corners of the tape together and leave them sticking out. The result should resemble a star. Make the edges of the sepals look like leaves.
  11. 11 Take a piece of wire and wrap it in duct tape. Part of the wire should stick out.
  12. 12 Using thin pieces of duct tape, attach the rosebud to the wire. The pieces of duct tape should be the same color as the sepals.
  13. 13 Cut a 10 cm piece of duct tape and fold it with the adhesive side inward. Cut it so that it resembles a leaf.
  14. 14 Make a hole in the base of the sheet to keep both holes together. Use a very small piece of duct tape to glue the bottom of the sheet so that those holes are together and the sheet will bend.
  15. 15 Repeat and make 4 more sheets.
  16. 16 Attach the leaf to the stem with the folded side facing inward.
  17. 17 Attach the rest of the leaves in the same way.
  18. 18 Spread the rose petals apart to bring the rose back to life. Bend the stem of the rose as well so that it looks slightly upward.
  19. 19 That's all! Enjoy your rose!


  • You can use different colors to make your rose even more beautiful.
  • When you cut the pieces of tape, the tape must be tight on the scissors or you will remember it.
  • Try to be creative. When you are done with the basic rose, you can continue to decorate it to make it look better.
  • It's best to make roses on an old table so you can glue the pieces of tape to it while you do something else.
  • It is not necessary to use the classic colors: red and green. You can use any color.
  • When you're done, you can add more details to make the rose more interesting.
  • By using colored adhesive tape, you make your flowers more beautiful. Another way is to spray the roses with a paint spray, just make sure you are in a well-ventilated area.
  • The best way to cut the tape is with scissors.
  • Use a heavy piece of cardboard that you can cut off the duct tape.
  • The best way to measure and cut adhesive tape is to use a custom sized rug.

What do you need

  • Scissors
  • Wire stick 30 cm long (clothes hanger will work)
  • 50 kopecks or similar round object
  • Ruble or similar round object
  • You may need a special cleaner to clean the tape glue from the scissors.
  • Duct tape.