How to retweet

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Retweet On Twitter In 2021
Video: How To Retweet On Twitter In 2021


Retweet is one of the most common tools used on Twitter and is a great way to share an interesting tweet with your followers. Twitter allows you to retweet in two ways: automatic and manual, each with its own merits and demerits. Read on to learn both methods of retweeting.


Method 1 of 2: Automatic Retweet

  1. 1 When is automatic retweet used? Automatic retweet is done by clicking on the "Retweet" button. Once clicked, the retweeted tweet will immediately be shown to your followers, without giving you the option to comment. This method is great if you want to retweet immediately and don't want to add anything to the text of the tweet.
  2. 2 2 Hover your cursor over the tweet you want to retweet. You will see the "Retweet" option in the lower right corner, located between "Reply" and "Favorite". Click on the "Retweet" option.
  3. 3 Confirm retweet. After clicking on the "Retweet" option, a pop-up window will appear displaying the tweet and asking for your confirmation. Click on the "Retweet" button in the upper right corner.
  4. 4 This tweet is now visible to all your followers. A retweeted tweet will automatically be shown to your followers in feeds and in your own as a retweet. The original author of the tweet will be shown above the tweet, and yours will be located below the tweet, next to the retweet icon.

Method 2 of 2: Manual Retweet

  1. 1 When is manual retweet used? Manual retweet, also known as "classic retweet", is simply copying and pasting the text of a tweet into your compose window and sending it on your behalf.In general, this method is the best retweet option, as it allows you to add a question from yourself or comments to the text of the tweet to the author's text (as long as you can fit all the information in 140 characters). Also, when using this option, you have a better chance of tweeting text that you manually retweet will notice the retweet.
    • When using the classic Twitter interface, you need to manually copy and paste the text you want to retweet, and if you are using Twitter on iPhone or using the Classic Retweet extension for Firefox or Chrome browsers, they will automatically copy the text and give you the option to edit it before sending it ...
    • Note that if you manually retweet without adding a comment and specifying the source of the tweet, it will look like a cheap attempt to gain attention, and the author of the original text will not get the opportunity to receive more retweets.
  2. 2 Start a new tweet using the "RT" prefix. This is the abbreviation used for the word "retweet". Place a single space after the letters RT.
    • You can also just write the word "Retweet", but this is not very convenient, especially considering that your tweet is limited to 140 characters!
  3. 3 Write "@" and enter the username of the person you are retweeting. You only need to provide a username, not a username or company name. For example, if you want to retweet WikiHow, you would write "RT @wikihow".
    • This step is necessary in order to pay tribute to the original tweet author and display your retweet on their Twitter feed.
  4. 4 Copy the tweet you want to share with your followers. Paste it into the text box after "RT @ username". Remove extra characters and double-check if the page is available from the link in the tweet (if it is listed there).
    • If the text is too long, then you can use abbreviations and common short word forms to reduce the number of characters. In any case, be careful to change the original information so as not to distort its original meaning or not to miss important details.
  5. 5 Add your comment to the tweet. As long as the tweet is under 140 characters, you can add your comments or questions to the retweet before posting. Usually people write the text from themselves to the abbreviation "RT" at the beginning of a tweet, but you can add text after the copied text.
    • Your comment should not be long or abstruse - it is better to comment briefly with a phrase like "It is worth reading!", "I like it!", "Pay attention!".
  6. 6 Click on the "Tweet" button to post a tweet. Post a tweet. It will be shown to your followers in their tweet feeds, as well as to the person who posted the original of this tweet.


  • An alternative format for manual retweet is the same copying and pasting of the text and the postscript like "(via @____) after the copied text.
  • Some third-party Twitter software (such as TweetDeck) have their own retweet methods and tools.
  • Please note that if you use automatic retweet using the Twitter button, you will not be able to edit the text of the retweeted message.