How to make a cannon in Minecraft

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft How to: Make a TNT cannon (simple) 1.8.3
Video: Minecraft How to: Make a TNT cannon (simple) 1.8.3


Cannons in Minecraft can be made in various sizes and shapes. They are often used during combat in a multiplayer game. Be careful when building the cannon, you may die.


Method 1 of 2: Mini Cannon

In order to make a compact cannon, you will need 4 dispensers, 2 red dust, 1 red torch, 1 button, 1 water bucket, 1 fence and 4 TNT for shots. The cannon will shoot at short distances and detonate TNT in the air.

  1. 1 Place 3 dispensers opposite each other.
  2. 2 Dig a 1x1 hole in the middle, fill with water.
  3. 3 Press Shift to place the block on the back of the dispenser.
  4. 4 Place the dispenser at the top in the middle (see. drawing).
  5. 5 Place the red torch on the back of the dispenser.
  6. 6 Place 2 red dust on the ground to the left and right behind the dispenser.
  7. 7 Dig a hole in front of the water block, put a fence in it.
  8. 8 Press Shift to place the button on the back of the dispenser.
  9. 9 Place 1 TNT for each dispenser.
  10. 10 Press the button to fire.

Method 2 of 2: Big Cannon

This is a large cannon that works the same way. It shoots a long distance and explodes just before falling to the ground. You will need 8 dispensers, 4 red repeaters, 1 bucket of water, 14 blocks of your choice (sandstone, for example), 1 slab, 1 button, 14 red dust, 8 TNT for shots.

  1. 1 Select a target, place the slab so that it looks in the direction of the target.
  2. 2 Place a row of 10 blocks to the right of the slab.
  3. 3 Place 2 blocks to the left of the back end of the row, and 1 on top of the left block.
    • This shape will look like a large J.
  4. 4 Place the 7 dispensers so that they are facing the left of the cannon.
  5. 5 Place 2 blocks on top of one another on the left front end of the cannon.
  6. 6 Place the dispenser to the right of the cannon wall, on the front side, so that they point towards the stove.
  7. 7 Place 4 red repeaters along the wall, flush with the distributors.
  8. 8 Put the repeaters on full charge.
  9. 9 Place the red dust along the wall of the cannon by pressing the shift key on the dispensers.
  10. 10 Place blocks of water on the back end of the cannon channel.
  11. 11 Place the button on the rear center unit.
  12. 12 Fill TNT Dispensers.
  13. 13 Click on the button to fire.


  • There are many ways to create a cannon, take a look at the Youtube site.
  • Test the cannon before the fight to find out how far it shoots.
  • You don't have to place the cannon in the middle of a clear field, you can build it into a castle wall, for example.