How to make chubby cheeks

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3mins!! Get Chubby Cheeks, Fuller Cheeks Naturally With This Exercise & Massage
Video: 3mins!! Get Chubby Cheeks, Fuller Cheeks Naturally With This Exercise & Massage


Plump cheeks are popular. Round cheeks make a person look younger, so many thin people try to do everything to make their cheeks look fuller. You can try several natural methods to make your cheeks look fuller, or to actually make your cheeks physically rounder with a cosmetic procedure.


Part 1 of 2: Natural Methods

  1. 1 Try facial yoga. You can do a simple, gentle facial exercise to stimulate blood circulation in your cheeks, making them appear fuller and radiant skin. No extra fat or extra skin actually appears, but your sunken cheeks will look more rounded if you do this exercise daily.
    • Sit up straight. Sit in a chair with your back straight. Pull your shoulder blades down and relax your shoulders completely, straining this area of ​​your body as little as possible. Your chest should protrude openly.
    • Open your mouth slightly. Imagine that you are having a casual conversation with someone in low and moderate tones. Open your mouth in a position as if you were having a normal conversation with someone. At this stage, you should also tuck both the lower and upper lips inward so that they cover your front rows of teeth.
    • At the same time, it is necessary to pull the corners of the mouth back, leading them as close as possible to the molars. The corners of the lips should be pulled back in the same direction and at the same level or vertical position of your face. The chin should protrude slightly forward.
    • Maintain this expression for 30 seconds. You should feel the muscles in your cheeks and mouth stretch. Then, gently return your face to its normal free position.
  2. 2 Pinch your cheeks. Proceed with caution, pinching both cheekbones up and down slightly. This gentle plucking will not make your cheeks look fuller, but it can give your skin a natural glow that will brighten your cheeks. Bright cheeks look fuller to the naked eye than pale ones.
  3. 3 Moisten your cheeks. Apply a moisturizing face lotion or cream to your cheeks after every shower and every time you wash your face. Let it dry naturally and do not rinse it off with water.
    • Find an emollient cream if possible. These creams are specially designed to soothe the skin, they can not only moisturize it, but also repair cracks or damage.
    • Even if you shower in the morning, it is a good idea to apply moisturizer at night, before bed.
  4. 4 Use shea butter and a sugar scrub. Mix 1 cup (250 ml) melted shea butter with 3/4 cup (150 g) granulated sugar until smooth. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator until it is firm. Then apply it to your face after washing with warm water. Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
    • Apply the scrub with gentle circular motions. At the end of the procedure, pat dry with a soft towel.
    • Shea butter is high in fatty acids, which is why it helps to improve the elasticity of the skin on the cheeks. As a result, the skin looks younger and the cheeks look fuller.
    • Sugar is a mild exfoliant, so it can help cleanse dead skin cells on your cheeks that make your cheek look dull and thin.
  5. 5 Try apples. Apples contain many nutrients and vitamins that benefit the skin, so eating them and applying them externally can work wonders. This fruit contains antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, and C, all of which help prevent tissue damage and wrinkles. Apples also contain collagen and elastin, which make the skin look soft and supple.
    • Red Delicious and Granny Smith are the best varieties for this purpose. You can also try "braburn".
    • Cut the whole apple into slices and use a mashed potato or hand blender to knead it well until it becomes a sauce. Apply this gruel to your cheeks with gentle circular motions. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat daily.
    • Another way to harness the health benefits of apples is to make a special apple drink. Combine three apple slices with three carrot roots and 1/2 cup (125 ml) lemon juice. Whisk with a blender until smooth. Drink this juice every morning until you see results.
      • The potassium in carrots helps prevent dry skin. This vegetable also has anti-inflammatory properties that revitalize and tone the skin. Carrots are also high in antioxidants and vitamins A and C.
      • Lemon juice can provide your skin with an extra dose of vitamins A, B, and C, as well as other antioxidants.
  6. 6 Use aloe vera. Apply the aloe vera gel directly to your face, rubbing in with gentle circular motions. Do this for about 30-60 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat daily.
    • Alternatively, you can drink a glass of aloe vera juice (250 ml) every morning until you see results. In this case, the juice must be edible.
    • Aloe vera reduces inflammation and helps to increase skin elasticity.
  7. 7 Prepare a mixture of equal parts glycerin and rose water. This mixture should be applied every night before going to bed. Glycerin and rose water have properties that are beneficial and nourishing to the skin on the cheeks.
    • Glycerin keeps the skin moist and can affect the rate of cell division.
    • Rose water helps soothe irritated skin and moisturize dry skin. It also has mild antiseptic properties that keep cheeks clean and healthy without drying out or irritating them.
  8. 8 Use honey. Honey helps the skin in many ways. When applied topically, honey acts as a moisturizer, attracting moisture and preventing moisture loss. As a result, the skin looks healthier and more elastic. When consumed or applied topically, honey infuses the skin with antioxidants that protect it from harmful emissions and bacteria.
    • One of the easiest ways to use honey is to find an organic or natural mask with honey as an ingredient. These masks can be even more effective if they contain milk, cream and kefir.
    • Another way to use it is to eat 9 tablespoons of honey (one tablespoon contains 21 g of honey) every day.
    • You can make your own honey based mask. Mix 1 teaspoon (7 g) of honey with 1 teaspoon of papaya paste (about 5 g). Apply this mask to your cheeks and leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.
    • Honey can be used for breakfast too. Mix 1 cup (250 ml) milk, 1 teaspoon (5 g) softened butter, 1 teaspoon (7 g) honey, 2 teaspoons (10 u) grated cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon (6 g) oatmeal. Eat this dish in the morning with orange juice.
      • Milk and other dairy products are believed to moisturize and soothe the skin, eliminate irritation and redness of the skin, thereby improving its appearance.
      • Oatmeal can relieve dryness and irritation of the skin.
      • The vitamin C in orange juice helps prevent wrinkles and makes skin look younger.
  9. 9 Add more oils. Your skin produces natural oils (sebum or sebum), and natural oils will help your skin look hydrated, fresh and healthy. Skin on the cheeks, which is characterized by a healthy glow, gives the cheeks a natural plumpness. If your body doesn't produce enough natural fats, your skin will suffer and your cheeks will look skinny.
    • Add oil to your diet. Cook with a healthy and healthy oil like olive oil. You can also eat healthy nuts regularly.
    • If you decide to apply the oil topically, do so by gently rubbing the beneficial oil into your cheeks after washing and scrubbing your face. Use oils such as coconut, olive, almond, or avocado oil.
  10. 10 Avoid bad habits. Namely, you should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol - it is these factors that contribute to the loss of elasticity. When the skin loses its elasticity, it becomes less flexible and more susceptible to environmental influences, which makes the cheeks look even thinner.
    • Avoid any foods containing turmeric powder. Many argue that this spice makes the skin dry.
    • Apply sunscreen to your face to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. The sun can dry out your skin, making your cheeks look gaunt and stiff.

Part 2 of 2: Cosmetics and Cosmetic Surgery

  1. 1 Create the look you want with a shimmery blush. Use a clean, quality brush to apply the shimmery powder to your cheekbones and forehead. Apply it lightly and use it in your usual makeup. When light falls on the blush, it will give the impression that you have firmer and younger cheeks.
  2. 2 Remove makeup every night before bed. Before going to bed, remove all makeup applied during the day with cleansing wipes or other makeup removers. Specialty products for the face or makeup remover are best suited.
    • Try to go without makeup whenever possible. A day or two without makeup gives your skin a better chance of breathing, and as a result, your cheeks are healthier.
    • Likewise, do not use heavy liquid foundations and creams, as they clog pores more than powders or mineral blush and foundations.
  3. 3 Learn about Surgical Fat Transplantation. Consult a professional plastic surgeon about fat transfer procedures from one part of the body to another. Depending on how much fat is found in other parts of your body and the structure of your face, you can quickly get plump cheeks by moving the fatty tissue directly into your face.
    • This procedure is quite lengthy. Typically, only about 60 percent of the fat introduced into the cheeks is engrafted. The fat cells that survived continue to function like any other fat cells in the body, and they behave in the same way as in the former donor area of ​​the body.
  4. 4 Get injections. Fat grafts or Sculptra injections are slightly more time consuming, but less invasive. A small amount of real or synthetic fat is gradually injected into the cheeks using a fine needle. You will need several treatments before you get the plump cheeks you dream of.
    • Sculpting injections are generally well tolerated and have a low risk of complications, while fat grafts and silicone injections may be more risky to health.
    • Note that the procedures will most likely need to be repeated after several years. For example, Sculpture injections must be performed every two years.


  • You should understand that more natural methods will not make your cheeks fuller, but they will make your skin more elastic and less susceptible to the development of wrinkles and tightness. As a result, the cheeks will look more rounded, although they will not actually change.
  • Each type of plastic surgery has risks. Before deciding on cosmetic procedures, make sure you thoroughly understand the risks and dangers associated with them.

What do you need

  • Moisturizing lotion or face cream
  • Shea Butter
  • Sugar
  • Apples
  • Aloe Vera
  • Honey
  • Natural oils
  • Sunscreen
  • Shimmer powder
  • Large makeup brushes
  • Makeup remover