How to make lips smooth

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to get PLUMP + SOFT PINK LIPS (lip care routine)
Video: How to get PLUMP + SOFT PINK LIPS (lip care routine)


1 Drink 8 glasses (about 2 L) of water daily. Maintaining water balance is the best way to protect your lips from wrinkles, soften and moisturize them.Plus, drinking enough water provides other benefits, including clear skin.
  • If you notice that your lips are drier than usual, drink some water or smear them with petroleum jelly or a balm based on it.
  • There are also other methods of maintaining water balance. Snack on foods that are high in moisture, such as watermelons and cucumbers. Sports drinks and coconut milk are also good for these purposes.
  • Try not to drink drinks directly from bottles, as this habit can lead to the appearance of fine lines on the lips and around the mouth. However, it is permissible to drink from bottles with a special drinking valve.
  • 2 Take care of lip protection in cold and windy weather. It is best to cover your mouth with a scarf. If the weather is too warm to wear scarves, or you just hate wearing them, consider applying a lip balm (like Vaseline).
  • 3 To combat flaking, cut back on acidic and salty foods. Sour foods include oranges, kiwis, orange juice, and natural lemonade. From acidic foods, lips can not only pinch, but also begin to peel off. Salty foods dry the lips as they leave behind a thin layer of salt on the lips.
    • This does not mean that you should not eat the above foods at all. Once your lips are in order and no longer flaky, you can carefully incorporate these foods back into your diet.
  • 4 Stop biting and licking your lips. The more you disturb your lips, the worse they will look. Biting your lips too often can damage their delicate skin, causing it to crack. Although saliva itself is a liquid, it can cause dryness and flaking, especially if you use a scented lip balm, which can make you lick your lips more often.
    • If you are using a scented balm, try switching to a non-scented counterpart to lick your lips less.
    • You can also use regular petroleum jelly. It is not so pleasant to the taste, so it can wean you from the bad habit of licking your lips.
  • 5 Don't pick on chapped dry lips. Sometimes your hands just reach out to pick out the dry flaky skin of the lips, but this can aggravate the situation and interfere with the healing process. Better just treat your lips with a natural moisturizing balm. Use a lip balm specially formulated for damaged skin.
  • 6 Try to breathe through your nose, not your mouth. This rule is especially important to observe in cold weather. Breathing through your mouth dries your lips just like windy weather. Whenever possible, always try to breathe through your nose, not your mouth.
  • Method 2 of 3: Applying cosmetics

    1. 1 Use a natural moisturizer lip balm with beeswax. Beeswax perfectly keeps the skin hydrated and makes lips smooth and beautiful. If you have very dry lips, look for a balm with glycerin, petroleum jelly, or shea butter.
      • Try an SPF 20 lip balm for extra protection from the sun's UV rays.
      • Avoid using lip balms with synthetic colors and fragrances. They often cause allergies and dry, chapped lips.
    2. 2 Choose a moisturizing lipstick over regular lipstick. Lipstick can add color to your lips, but some types of lipstick can dry your lips. If you use lipstick, opt for the moisturizing varieties. For better hydration and smoothing of the skin of the lips, first apply a balm under the lipstick.
      • Avoid lip gloss - it often causes dryness. If you need to use gloss, apply over lip balm.
      • Use a glitter lipstick, not a matte lipstick. This lipstick tends to moisturize the lips better, whereas matte lipstick tends to dry it out.
    3. 3 Use retinol products to combat wrinkles around your mouth. Wrinkles often appear from smoking, drinking drinks directly from the neck of bottles and from pulling the lips with a straw. Moreover, wrinkles are a natural sign of aging. If you regularly apply a small amount of retinol cream to the skin around your mouth, you can make your lips look more expressive.
      • Use a night cream daily. If you have sensitive skin, do not apply the cream every day, but every other day.
      • These products are usually sold at beauty supply stores. They can also be found in pharmacies.
    4. 4 Use a lip scrub to remove flakiness. Lip scrubs can be purchased at beauty supply stores, or you can make your own using butter, brown sugar, and honey. Consider adding cinnamon to your scrub if you're looking for a volumizing effect. How often you exfoliate your lips with a scrub will depend on how much they flake and how sensitive your skin is. In most cases, one or two treatments per week are sufficient.
      • If you have very sensitive skin, you may only need to exfoliate your lips. once every two weeks.

      Yuka arora

      Makeup Artist Yuka Arora is a self-taught makeup artist specializing in abstract eye makeup. She has been experimenting with makeup for over 5 years and in just 5 months has gained over 5,600 followers on Instagram. Her colorful abstract looks have been featured on Jeffree Star Cosmetics, Kat Von D Beauty, Sephora Collection and other brands.

      Yuka arora

      For best results, exfoliate then moisturize. Makeup artist Yuka Arora recommends: “A lip scrub will help keep your lips smooth, especially if you moisturize your lips with a mask or balm right after. You can get a noticeable effect if you use a lip balm during the day and apply a thicker product at night before going to bed. "

    5. 5 Change the tools you have been using recently. This includes lipstick, balm and even toothpaste. At the same time, give preference to natural products without synthetic fragrances (natural fragrances are acceptable). If your lips are flaky, it is possible that you are allergic to the lipstick, balm, or toothpaste you are using.
      • There is no need to change absolutely all cosmetics. Replace only what is in contact with the lips in one way or another.
    6. 6 Get a humidifier if your home is too dry. Usually a similar situation occurs in winter, but it also happens in hot summer (it all depends on your geographic location). Use a hygrometer to keep track of indoor humidity. If it often drops below 45%, buy a humidifier.
      • No need for a 24/7 humidifier. It can be turned on at night and turned off during the day.
    7. 7 See your doctor if your lips continue to peel off and all else fails. You may have an allergy that you are not even aware of. And if your lips are chapped, it could be caused by a yeast infection. Another cause of the problem may be the drugs prescribed for acne, high blood pressure or nausea. They often cause the side effect of dry and chapped lips.
      • Do not stop drinking your prescribed medications without first consulting your doctor.
      • Dry lips can also be an indicator of vitamin deficiency.

    Method 3 of 3: Exfoliate Lip Skin

    1. 1 Make and apply a simple scrub with coconut oil, olive oil, brown sugar, and honey. Mix 1 tablespoon coconut or olive oil, 1 tablespoon honey, and 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Rub the resulting scrub onto your lips with small circular motions with your fingers. Leave it on for 1–2 minutes and then wash off with warm water. Finish off with lip balm.
      • If the scrub is too thick, add more oil or honey. If it's too runny, add more sugar.
      • Store leftover scrub in a small jar in the refrigerator. Use it within 2 weeks.
      • Use a scrub before applying lipstick. This will allow you to apply it to your lips with a smoother layer.
    2. 2 Apply lip balm to your lips, then exfoliate with a toothbrush for an even lipstick application. Before using lipstick, apply a good moisturizing balm to your lips. Wait 5 minutes and then gently exfoliate them with a clean toothbrush soaked in water. Rinse your lips after the procedure, let them dry, and then apply lipstick.
      • To exfoliate more effective, work with small circular motions of the toothbrush.
      • You can use this technique even if you are not going to apply lipstick.
    3. 3 Exfoliate your lips with petroleum jelly and a soft toothbrush. Dip a clean, soft toothbrush in petroleum jelly. Then, with small circular motions of the toothbrush, exfoliate the skin of the lips. Wipe off the excess petroleum jelly, leaving only a thin layer of it on your lips to moisturize.
      • Looking for a more exfoliating effect? Add some sugar to the petroleum jelly, then rub it on your lips with your fingers.
      • This technique is similar to using lip balm and a toothbrush, but it allows you to rely more on petroleum jelly, which, according to many people, is gentle and moisturizes the lips better.
    4. 4 Massage your lips with a paste of baking soda and water. Mix enough baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to a clean, soft toothbrush. Massage your lips in a circular motion. Then rinse off the paste and apply lip balm.
      • You can use a clean, soft washcloth instead of a toothbrush.


    • If your lips look wrinkled after applying lipstick, try applying lip balm to them first.
    • Make sure to use a soft toothbrush to exfoliate your lips. Hard bristles can damage your lips even more. Children's toothbrushes are an excellent choice.
    • After applying the lip balm, apply a moist green tea bag to your lips for a couple of minutes.
    • Apply petroleum jelly or lip balm to your lips before bed. This step will moisturize and smooth your lips so you don't have to lick or exfoliate them later.
    • Matte lipstick can be very drying on your lips. Before using it, first exfoliate your lips and then treat with a balm. Then apply lip liner and lipstick itself.


    • Don't overdo lip exfoliation, or the flaking problem may worsen.
    • Avoid using white sugar in lip scrubs, especially for sensitive skin. Use less coarse brown sugar.