How to count cards

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Count Cards (and Bring Down the House)
Video: How to Count Cards (and Bring Down the House)


Blackjack card counting is used to give the player an edge over the casino. Contrary to popular belief, card counting in a casino does not require any superpower or special qualities from a person, and this is not illegal, but simply disapproving. Therefore, once you start counting cards, you will have to learn to be incredibly careful. Anyone can learn to count cards with a little practice.


Method 1 of 4: Introducing the Game

  1. 1 First you need to master the strategy. First things first, you can't be effective if you don't know all the ins and outs of a basic blackjack strategy. Of course, you can just count the cards, but this will not lead you to victory. Try to learn to walk first before you start running.
    • A casino practice is a must if you plan to do card counting in a casino. Unlike the kitchen counter, there are a ton of other factors to consider. For example, hiding the fact that you are worried from everyone.
    • When you play blackjack with a well-established strategy, you get a 0 advantage from the gambling house. All casino games are biased towards the owners, so 0 is pretty good to start with!
  2. 2 Playing well at blackjack is like breathing. You have to be a machine when it comes to playing, delivering your best decisions in a split second. You don't have to be an open book, you don't need a second to think, and you should be able to take your step even if you have one eye closed and both hands are tied behind your back.
    • Learn the game like the back of your hand. This is the only way you will make money. Counting the cards gives you a 1% margin. If you bet $ 100, that's $ 1 '. The only chance to turn that 1% into a million dollar business is to use the legitimate art of the game to do so.
  3. 3 Get familiar with the concept of card counting for yourself. The general card counting strategy uses the Hi-Lo strategy.High cards are given a certain value (-1) and low cards are given a certain value (+1). When summed up, they become managing the number... The more simple you can behave, the less your brain will want to explode, so think of this simplicity as good.
    • Understand why card counting works. This works because high cards (tens) improve the player's ability to land blackjack, which pays out 3: 2. It also increases the dealer's ability to go bankrupt. Low cards, on the contrary, are bad for the player (who wants blackjack and a broken house), but good for the dealer (they prevent busting 16 or lower).

Method 2 of 4: Use the Hi-Lo strategy

  1. 1 Understand how it works. If the ratio of high cards to low cards is above the norm (that is, there are still many high cards in play), the player can place large bets to increase the amount he / she can win when circumstances are favorable. They keep the number in their head, which helps them decide when to bet, how much to bet, and whether to bet at all.
    • A deck with a positive number is good. The higher the number, the higher you need to place your bet. The higher the number, the more high cards remain in the game.
  2. 2 Explore the meanings. To keep track of the ratio of high to low cards (thus knowing the deck to use the information to your advantage or not), you will need to assign a value to your cards. Start at 0 and so on for each card, adding their value to your count.
    • Cards 2-6 have a value of 1.
    • Cards 7-9 have no value.
    • Cards 10 have a value of -1.
    • Aces also have a value of -1.
  3. 3 Learn how to place your bets correctly. Increase the rates when the counter is positive (that is, +2 or higher). The higher the number, the more bet you have to place, but keep in mind that if you bet too much, you can raise the temperature in the casino.
    • Roughly speaking, if you want to increase your rate by one for each pip, then the count goes up. If you do it more abruptly, you will be looked at like a hawk.
  4. 4 Check yourself. Capture a full deck of cards (with jokers) and track the cards. You should eventually go to 0 if you count the cards accurately. The goal is to go through the entire deck in less than 25 seconds. This way, no dealer gets to you.
    • Start a countdown as you go through the entire deck and eventually go to 0. Although the math is very simple, it is very easy to track from the outside. Don't be surprised if you end up with different numbers first.
    • Take the card and place it face down. Start counting with a deck of cards and see if your card is in the right place?
  5. 5 Draw cards in pairs. If you look at the deck and 4, your thought process shouldn't look like -1 and +1 = 0. It should just be "0". When you see a low card and a high card, they should compensate for each other. With this in mind, it will be much easier for you, since you will determine the value of the cards at lightning speed.
    • Count the cards by memorizing the score. Counting cards must be accurate and fast. A good count is something like cycling, you can go on autopilot without the slightest hesitation. Counting in pairs is much less worrying, making it easier for you and more accurate.
  6. 6 Get real count. Long gone are the days when a casino only worked with one deck (in most cases). It is much more common for you to come across a game that works with 5 or 6. Because of this, your calculations may go astray.
    • To find the real tally, divide your current score by the number of decks waiting to enter the game. If your current count is +4 and there are 4 decks to the left, the correct score is actually +1.
      • To find out how many decks are left, you have to sneak a glance at the deck of the tray.Do it casually when you have some free time.
    • If you work with one deck, you invert and evolve. Let's say you have 3/4 of the deck on the left and the score is +4. Then you have to multiply 4 x 4 to get 16 and divide by 3 (just over 5). Some people prefer to just count based on the values ​​of one deck, but the correct result will always be slightly different (it may be higher).
  7. 7 Practice distractions. It’s all well and good if you can count cards from the comfort of your own home with the door locked and the curtains drawn, and the phone still on the hook. But how do you do this in a casino? There will be a thousand and one distractions happening at the same time.
    • Start by turning on your TV. Then add the radio. Throw in the dogs and a few kids and you're on the same level as any casino. Not to mention the fact that several pairs of eyes will be looking at you, but you will be ready for this and will be precise and discreet.

Method 3 of 4: Learning Other Styles of Card Counting

  1. 1 Consider other types of card counting. The Hi-Lo method is the most popular due to its good overall results and ease of learning. However, there are a number of varieties.
    • In KO, the difference is that 7 is worth +1.
    • In the Omega II, 4, 5, and 6 cost +2. 10, Jack, Queen and King are worth 2 and Aces are worth 0.
    • In halves 2 and 7 cost + 0.5. 5 costs 1.5. 9 costs - 0.5.
  2. 2 Check out the statistics for each species. Statistical analysts did not analyze these numbers and it is not easy to understand whether the system is working or not. There are a number of factors to consider:
    • When it comes to correlation rates (BC), halves have the greatest correlation. This is used to predict rates.
    • Hi-Opt II and Omega II have the highest game performance (PE). This determines the decisions and deviations (when moving from the basic strategy) in the game.
    • Hi-Opt II has the highest insurance correlation (IC). This can tell you when is the best time to buy insurance (which is why Hi-Opt II has an additional Benefit).
      • As you can see, Hi-Lo is not mentioned anywhere. This is because it sits in the middle of the pack for each factor. Hi-Opt II has an additional Advantage, the halves are just tedious (adding further distraction), and the Omega II's performance doesn't match the bet correlation. If you are not the best blackjack player then stick to Hi-Lo.
  3. 3 Learn the countdown - "wonging". It's called "wonging in," where you stay away from the table and don't join the game until it's hot enough. When the table is "cooled", you are "wonging out". This is usually done on large decks, otherwise you will get up from the table as soon as you sit down.
    • Many casinos have banned footwear from entering the middle of the hall for this very reason. If you are considering doing this, know that it looks suspicious even to the untrained eye. How else will you know when to swoop in for your loot if you haven't counted the cards?
      • The suspicions you have avoided change at your rates. When you are wonging, you are betting the same exorbitant amount every time.

Method 4 of 4: Masking Your Strategy

  1. 1 Act like a tourist. Card counting people are known to be able to play blackjack for hours, often without the food and delights available at the resorts. Acting as a tourist, you are looking for something simple that can deflect suspicion from you.
    • You shouldn't come to the casino and draw too much attention to yourself with the Armani troika. Leave the Italian suede at home and act like a normal person.
  2. 2 Let your rate advance if you need to increase it. Dealers are taught to shuffle the deck if there is an unexplained increase in the bet. For this reason, operate at low speeds and do not focus on any points in the game.
    • This may seem like a great way to make money, but if you get kicked out, your chances are nil. No, card counting is not illegal, but it is frowned upon and you may be asked to leave the casino and never return.
  3. 3 Pretend that you are interested in something other than the game. That's why you need to train on TV, radio, and a few grimy, noisy kids.If you are so busy counting that your lips are involuntarily moving, then this will not go away. Move on, have a drink, make small talk. Enjoy!
    • The people doing the scoring have a zonal reputation in the game. They remain fixated on their cards while everyone else stares at the gorgeous girls.
    • You must be skilled enough in counting to be able to carry on a conversation. Talk to the dealer about how his day is going. If the boss comes, talk to him too.
  4. 4 Check with your dealer. Many dealers know how to count cards. The dealer who likes you will be more loyal to you, he will wait before shuffling the deck at favorable times and will shuffle earlier if the deal is bad.
    • The dealer can help or harm you. Get the dealer to be on your side. The same goes for the entire team. Place them towards you. This is not a very heinous crime, and they can fall for this bait.
  5. 5 Watch who looks at you. At any time, hundreds of cameras in the casino are watching you, as are the eyes of a dealer, and the security service is also on the alert. If they spot a waitress serving a customer every 20 minutes, they will certainly be interested. Therefore, it is very important to behave correctly.
    • If the casino suspects you of counting, they probably won't come and tell you straight. They may start talking to you to distract you, assign you a high-speed dealer, spontaneously shuffle cards, or change the betting rules. If any of this happens, back off slowly but immediately.
  6. 6 Do everything slowly. When you're done, stay at the table. Why did you leave? And when you take some steps at this table, think a little about them. Normal blackjack players haven't spent the last three months looking at black and white. Everything you do should be casual and casual.
    • Do not rush to run from table to table every time the deck "spoils". This will lead to increased attention from the casino staff. Place your minimum bets until the deck gets “richer”. Increase the rate unobtrusively because you are doing well, not because you know that victory is about to come.


  • Start counting when the deck is shuffled.
  • Remember that the importance of counting changes depending on the number of cards left in the game. A 6 with only two decks is much more beneficial to the player than a 10 when one deck has been used (five decks left).
  • If the pit boss or shift supervisor asks you to leave because they suspect you are counting, you should leave. This is a legal requirement in most areas of gambling. The easiest way to stay unaffected is to simply say "OK", grab your chips and leave. Cash them out tomorrow.
  • Act legally. Talk to the dealer jokingly about your wins and losses, and most importantly, talk about things outside the casino (even if you have to be creative). This is much less suspicious than a nervous person silently staring at cards and doing mental math calculations.
  • Some players keep track of how many aces there were. Do this first if you are comfortable with card counting.


  • Although the game is going in your favor, it will take about six hours of play for the guaranteed odds to be realized. Remember, you can always lose money. A card counting system will help you get the edge in blackjack. The advantage doesn’t play, it’s just on your side.
  • Counting the cards draws attention! Counting the cards can end up drawing the attention of another player and this can lead to problems.
  • Do not try to count cards in a casino unless you have practiced enough at home to be able to count cards without moving your lips or acting as if you were counting. Counting cards is legal, but casinos may prohibit you from playing blackjack if they think you are calculating.You can even get a lifetime casino ban.
  • Don't play with money if you cannot afford to lose, especially while you are studying. The difference can lead to losses, even if your strategy is perfect. This article is a great introduction to card counting, but if you want to become a pro in the field, you need a lot more knowledge.

What do you need

  • Complete deck of playing cards