How to make your dream come true

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Your Dreams Come True in 5 Simple Steps
Video: Make Your Dreams Come True in 5 Simple Steps


It is not so important what exactly you dream about - almost any dream can be, if not realized, then at least brought closer. All you need to do is narrow your focus, fight back negative thinking, and remember to throw fireballs into the firebox of motivation. It's also useful to read this article!


Method 1 of 3: Laying the Basics

  1. 1 Discover something new. We may either not know what you are dreaming about, or we may know, but not be able to formulate it clearly and distinctly enough.And that's okay! Discover something new, meet new people and ideas, this will allow you to take a step towards your dream!
    • Including what you would normally not agree to do. If your perfect day off is at home with a book, then go camping or take a cooking class instead! The more you discover new things for yourself, the higher the chances that you will find your dream.
    • The experience of working as a volunteer will open up a lot of new and interesting things for you, sometimes even when you do not expect it at all.
  2. 2 Think about what is important to you. It is quite difficult to realize a dream without even knowing what you want to achieve. Think carefully about what you like in this life, what inspires you? By the way, for now you can do without specific wording, just think!
    • Think about what makes your life meaningful? Singing in front of a full audience? Rescue whales? Reading? Looking for new folk bands?
    • Consider this: If you had a choice between work or school or something else, where would you be? Where would you go if you are not constrained by various everyday problems and obstacles?
    • Remember that it will be very nice to discover something new for yourself with other people - their opinions about what you might like will be very helpful. However, you can discover new things for yourself in splendid isolation - perhaps this way it will even be easier for you to understand if this is your dream!
  3. 3 Narrow your focus. It's time to move from the general and vague to the specific and specific, in order to be able to understand how to realize your dreams. Consider, the more specific and precise you are now, the easier it will be for you later.
    • Remember, you can always make your dream come true ... by accident. Not as expected and as prepared for. Here's an example: you dream of making music. But instead of rushing to Broadway, you suddenly realize that your calling is to lead a small circle for children from low-income families or play for patients, say, hospices.
    • You don't have to turn a dream into a job. Of course, you can combine - both completely and partially, but there is nothing obligatory in this.
    • You may have more than one dream, but several at once (run a marathon and conquer Everest). And in this you will not be alone!
  4. 4 Study the topic. Now that you have one (or a little more) specific dream, you can start exploring all the options that can be used to realize it. If you throw yourself into the water without knowing the ford, then there is every chance that you will never realize your dream.
    • Chat with someone who has already achieved what you are striving for. For example, if you dream of conquering the mountain peaks of all continents, you should turn to the heritage of those who have already been there. You can even contact them personally to chat about this topic!
    • Consider everything you need to achieve your dreams. Want to run a marathon? You need appropriate physical fitness. Want to run a marathon in a specific amount of time? Likewise. Do you want to become an archaeologist? Learn, learn and learn again!
    • Do not give up and do not give up on the goal, even if achieving it seems difficult, difficult and expensive. Difficult does not mean impossible. The main reason why people do not achieve their goals is, so to speak, “self-sabotage”! worries about spending money or time to achieve a dream.
  5. 5 Set goals for yourself. Once you understand what you want to achieve, you need goals and timelines to help you stay on track, and roughly estimate how much work, money, and time it will take. And fear not - your boundaries and boundaries may well change. You, in general, and need to show a certain flexibility in this matter.
    • Make a list of goals, big and small. For example, suppose you want to become an archaeologist.What then can you set yourself goals? Learn Greek and Latin, enter a university for a relevant specialty, defend a candidate's degree, visit excavations, get a job in a museum ... you can go on for a long time.
    • Set a sequence for yourself to achieve your goals. Consider both big goals and small goals as you tackle them. In the case of small goals, this will, for example, study the topic better, then send your articles to thematic magazines. For big purposes, for example, it will be "go to university - go to the excavation" and so on.
    • Again, keep in mind that everything can still change more than once or even twice. You must be flexible enough in this regard. Maybe you initially underestimate the amount of time it will take to realize your dream. Maybe after a while you will realize that you dreamed of something completely different! And that's okay, because your highest goal is to realize your dream.

Method 2 of 3: Developing a positive outlook on the world

  1. 1 Get rid of the negativity. Negative thinking is the hardest obstacle to realizing your dreams. Constantly thinking that you will not succeed, you will never achieve anything. Ironically, right?
    • Once you catch yourself on a negative thought, heed it and let it go. Let's say you thought, "I will never have time to publish a novel before age 30." Consider this thought and “change your mind” like this: “I work hard to get my novel published before age 30. If it doesn’t work out, then it’s not scary! ”
    • Don't compare yourself to other people, or your dream to strangers. There is always someone who is closer to fulfilling their dreams than you. Respect them, respect their work, but focus on yourself and your dream.
    • Free yourself from the society of people who prevent you from achieving your dreams. All of us are told from childhood that we can and that we cannot. There is no need to listen to the second. If a child dreams of flying into space, he can go there. Yes, he will have to make tremendous efforts to do so - but that does not change anything.
  2. 2 Keep learning. The sharper your mind, the easier it is for you to deal with obstacles and bring your dream closer to fulfillment. By “learn” we mean more than just reading school or university textbooks - whenever you master a new skill, you learn.
    • Free online education will come in handy in this regard, since there are courses for all tastes and interests.
    • Libraries, museums and universities often hold, if not open, then at least cheap lectures on various topics. They are perfect for discovering something new.
    • The sharper and healthier your mind, the higher the chances that you will realize your dream. For those who continue to learn anytime, anywhere, it will be much easier to cope with non-standard problems.
  3. 3 Learn from your mistakes. Instead of thinking that you are stumped by making a mistake, you need to analyze what the problem is. Any mistake, any deadlock is an opportunity not to step on the same rake next time. Mistakes are great teachers! In addition, no one is immune from them, so it is a sin not to use them with benefit.
    • Wait a bit when you decide to analyze your mistakes. The first reaction to a mistake is shame, guilt, a desire to forget or hide everything. Nevertheless, over time, it becomes much easier to look at the error more objectively.
    • Example: you worked hard to get your book published. And so you wrote a book, checked it out, gave it to someone to read, and got their opinion. And after all these efforts, the publishing house ... refuses you. Now let's take a look at your book. Does it fit the publisher's themes? Maybe the synopsis of the piece was ... not very good? Maybe the text of the book can be improved? Answer all these questions when the bitterness of defeat disappears from your soul and you can make the text better.
  4. 4 Work hard. The dream does not realize itself, by the way. You will have to work, otherwise nothing important and valuable in life can be achieved. What is work? Effort, dedication, mistakes and development.
    • Even those who, as it seems from the outside, got rich quickly and unexpectedly, often put some effort into it. He did not dream of the periodic table, as many believe, he had to work hard to compile it, he had to make mistakes and work on mistakes. We do not see much of that which precedes success - but this does not mean that all of this does not exist.
    • Spend time on reaching your goal. However, if one day you catch yourself thinking that you no longer like what you are doing (and achieving any dream has its own difficult moments), then there is a reason to think - are you doing?
  5. 5 Get help. Whoever achieves anything - that person will certainly be helped. Whether with advice, deed, or a kind word, they helped. Therefore, when you are working towards an important goal, do not hesitate to ask for help.
    • Example: A manuscript rejected by a publisher should be shown to someone who can give you an honest and unbiased opinion. Do not be afraid to ask that person to show you any shortcomings of the text, because this will help you write better.
    • Ask for advice from those you admire on how to achieve the same as they did. Many of those who have gotten closer to realizing their dreams can give you valuable advice.

Method 3 of 3: Realizing Your Dreams

  1. 1 Look for like-minded people. People striving to fulfill their dreams always have a lot in common. Such people will always help each other, prompt, cheer up. It will be much more difficult for you to achieve your goals without the help of like-minded people.
    • A lot, a lot can be achieved by working together. So you can find a job, you can push a book into print, you can discover a lot of new things. For example, if you dream of becoming a journalist, and a congress of journalists is taking place in your city, then go there and make new acquaintances!
    • Each new acquaintance of yours is a new opportunity. Which one? And nobody knows. It will come to light by accident and suddenly. The girl you flew with in neighboring places can become your boss! Connect with people, show interest in them, and listen to what they have to say to you.
    • Create, so to speak, a community. With a strong support group around you, it will be much easier for you to walk the road to your dream. In other words, work not only to make your dream come true, but also to grow new connections on a personal level.
  2. 2 Fight back challenges and obstacles. None of those who achieved their dreams will tell you that his path was smooth and easy. There will always be problems. There will always be obstacles. What conclusions can be drawn? You need to be prepared and not forget about flexibility.
    • One of the obstacles that can get in your way will be perfectionism. Alas, he sharply reduces the chances of achieving anything at all. Moreover, perfectionism is often nothing more than an excuse for procrastination. "I will wait until they raise ...", "First, let the children grow up ...", "I will not start until I understand what to do ..."
    • Another obstacle is fear. The fear of being wrong, the fear of being disappointed, the fear of losing your face ... How to deal with this? As well as from the desire to control everyone and everything. We cannot control what people think of you. We have no control over how we feel throughout the year. We have no control over the future. When you are overwhelmed with such fears, just start thinking about what you were thinking about before.
    • There will be other obstacles that you cannot foresee. Think about what you need to cope with them? What if you fail? And then, already trying to cope with a specific problem, think about what caused it and how you can solve it if you were not limited in anything? This will allow you to find a way to solve the problem.
  3. 3 Be realistic. It was a realist, that is, no one allowed you to start thinking negatively.These are two different things, for that matter! Thinking negatively won't help you get things done. A realistic approach will allow you to understand that it will take some time to achieve the goal, and everything will be associated with certain difficulties.
    • Example: you don't have to quit your job and leave for the capital to become an actor, at first will. First, sign up for acting classes, go to the relevant seminars to understand if this is your business. Then work a little more to save money for the move and the early days, so you can prepare for potential problems.
    • A realistic approach does not give you the right to use obstacles or perfectionism as an excuse to procrastinate. This is where your goals come in handy. Let's take the example given in the paragraph above: the question is not “well, when there is enough money, then I’ll move ...”, but much more specifically, “I’ll earn x money and move to the capital to study y, and until then they will attend courses acting where I live ”.
  4. 4 Don't forget about motivation. Another problem on which people do not achieve their goals is banal burnout, when motivation suddenly ends and you don't want anything. But it is motivation that can make a person not give up even in the most difficult moments!
    • Focus on small things. There is no need to aim at a large one right away, it is very difficult and difficult. Let's say there is a dream - to become an archaeologist. But that's thousands of hours of work! Therefore, in order to make things easier for oneself, one must concentrate not on the final goal, but on intermediate goals (go to university, go to excavations, graduate from university, and so on).
    • A plan for when the level of motivation begins to decline will also come in handy. There is nothing defeatist in this, mind you! While you are on the way to achieving your goal, you probably need once or twice (or even more) a kind of "refueling" of motivation. Think about what you will do in such moments (take a vacation, think about your ultimate goal, try to look for inspiring examples).
    • Think if this is what you really want. Sometimes we lose motivation because we just changed and our dreams also changed. And that's okay - it's just time to take a new direction.
  5. 5 Take risks. Who does not take risks - he does not drink champagne, and does not achieve his goals. Give your best, work, plan, develop a flexible approach, do not give up and do not be afraid of risk. Even if you don't succeed, you at least tried!
    • Do not postpone the realization of your dream on the back burner, even if you dream of something small. There are no “right moments”. If you want to run a marathon, you need to start training now!


  • Keep your dream in mind while trying to make it happen. Everything changes, you change, dreams change, so you need to be sure that you are working precisely for the sake of what you strive for.
  • Your dreams are your dreams. Do not listen to what others say about your dream, especially if they say something bad. Only you know what you are dreaming about, only you know what will make you happy.


  • Do not hurry! Sometimes you need to advance without haste, otherwise the risk of burning out and abandoning everything increases significantly. Do not rush, do not rush things, then you will have time.