How to respond to rudeness

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Respond To Rude People - 8 Powerful Comebacks
Video: How To Respond To Rude People - 8 Powerful Comebacks


Sometimes it is very easy to quickly respond to rudeness from another person by saying the same rudeness in response, but this will only exacerbate the situation, and both people will remain resentful at each other. If you want to break this vicious circle and maintain your dignity, it is very important to realize that this is the problem of the one who was rude to you, and you do not need to spoil yourself because of this.


  1. 1 Stay polite. It's not so important how intractable and unpleasant the one who is rude to you is, just answer politely and maintain your dignity.
  2. 2 Your good manners will help you cope with the rudeness of others. Ask those who are rude to you a simple question: “Have I offended you in any way? If so, then I am sorry, I didn’t want to. ” Most people will be surprised by this approach and will quickly begin to make excuses and say that you have not offended them in any way.
  3. 3 Agree with their rude statements. Agree that you pissed off the person out of your own stupidity, that you misunderstood something that you should have dressed decently or come on time. This usually stops rudeness in the bud. It's hard to keep being rude if someone agrees with the reason the person is angry.
  4. 4 Don't answer at all. This will prevent the continuation of the conflict. Just nod and move on with your business. No need to grin or roll your eyes, just walk past the rude person with dignity.
  5. 5 Determine what the other person's rudeness is based on. For the most part, being rude is a sign of insecurity, anger, and jealousy. Accept the fact that all these rude people are overwhelmed with these feelings, and they are trying to take revenge on you. This is a completely unreasonable approach. Rudeness is a mask that hides the inability to behave politely with people.


  • Ignore the brute. If in his own words he wanted to humiliate you, just pretend that you did not hear anything, and do not even look at the one who is trying to offend you. If you were told something and did not receive an answer to their rudeness, they will feel uncomfortable, and they will simply leave you alone.
  • If you're not confident enough, just pretend you didn't hear or didn't hear what was being said. For example, if someone points to your watch and says, "Did you by any chance won your watch in the lottery?", Answer "Ten to five." If someone sarcastically says, "What lovely orange shoes you have!"
  • Breathe deeply and count to 10 before responding to rudeness. This will help stop any rudeness that just wants to fly off your tongue.


  • Do not take to heart the rudeness pouring down on you, despite your politeness and affirmative answers. The rude ones never admit their mistakes and will always stand their ground instead of showing compassion to the other person. Stay away from these people and realize that being rude on their part is just a defensive reaction against a society that has nurtured fear or irritability in them. Let them figure out the reasons for their unworthy behavior on their own.