How to entertain people

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become More Interesting
Video: How To Become More Interesting


Entertaining people is an art. You don't have to juggle, rhyme, or backflip to truly entertain people. While these things work in small numbers, the best thing to do is capture the mood of the audience and keep them interested in what you are telling. Whether you are hosting guests or simply entertaining at the bar, the most important thing is to make sure that you are worth listening to and make people want to hear even more. If you want to know how to entertain people, check out Step 1 first.


Method 1 of 3: Entertain People Everywhere

  1. 1 Tell funny stories. It is not easy to tell a story that will entertain the audience and make people laugh. Some stories will amuse only one particular person, while others will provide a cheerful mood for even a large, diverse group of people. The key point is that the story should be short enough so that listeners will not lose interest in it, but long enough to contain funny details that make people want to hear as much as possible. Tell the story with a certain charm and confidence, and if you succeed, you can even reconstruct some of the details of the story based on the impressions of the people involved. However, you shouldn't spend the whole evening entertaining people with stories, one or two will be enough. Here are some features to keep in mind:
    • A story that easily and playfully makes fun of a well-known person, friend, or teacher will make the audience laugh, especially if you are able to present it correctly. However, if the nature of the story contains shades of meanness, it will naturally alienate listeners.
    • Get a feel for your audience as you tell your story. If there is eye contact between you, people do not whisper, do not play with phones, and even nod their heads slightly approvingly, then they are interested and want more. But if they shift from foot to foot, looking at each other, or behave like in a dentist's chair, then the story should probably be finished earlier than intended.
    • Be lively with your story. You should not walk back and forth around the room and gesticulate wildly, like Evgeny Petrosyan, but rather, standing in one place, maintain a positive body language, and from time to time it is appropriate to use interesting gestures.
    • Create intrigue. People need a reason to listen to the story to the end. If they feel that they understand how it will end, they will not want to listen to you. Instead of saying that you have a story about a crazy ex-girlfriend who painted your car pink, say: “You will never believe how my ex-girlfriend got revenge on me…”. Now the audience will want to keep listening because they are curious about what happened next.
  2. 2 Learn to laugh at yourself. This is one of the most important parts of being interesting. Artists by nature know how to laugh at themselves, because they confidently know that they are funny, and do not take themselves too seriously. Showing that you feel comfortable joking about yourself and not too proud to admit a bad joke will make people feel more open and at ease in your company. And don't forget, one way people entertain is to ridicule themselves in a reckless, silly, or original manner.
    • Demonstrate your dancing skills if you are sure that you are dancing just ugly. While you are having fun, the people around you are having fun too.
    • Laughing at you together will bring people closer and closer together.This is especially true when you are trying to entertain two groups of people who are completely unaware of each other. At first, it may seem that they have nothing to talk about, but they will feel more at ease when they together poke fun at you because you are madly in love with your cat.
    • You should not humiliate or disgrace yourself for the sake of the entertainment of people. However, if you feel comfortable poking fun at yourself, it will help keep people in a cheerful mood.
  3. 3 Ask questions. You might get the impression that asking questions is not very interesting, but if you know what questions to ask and are able to keep the person occupied, you can keep people interested because they will be talking about their favorite topic - about themselves. As long as you are really interesting, and not just interrogating people, they will be happy to talk about themselves. Here are some things to ask about:
    • Pets
    • Hobby
    • Favorite music bands
    • Favorite films
    • Favorite TV Shows
    • Favorite relaxing activity
  4. 4 Help people find a common theme. Another way to entertain people is to help them find a common theme. It might seem that being with these people is as exciting as watching paint dry until you realize that they are all avid fans of The Bachelor Show. You can try talking about movies, books, places you've lived or been, favorite sports teams, or another topic that sparks lively discussion and see what people think about it. Very soon, those present will have a more interesting, fun conversation, because you provided them with a common topic for conversation.
    • Sports teams are a good topic of conversation. People are more likely to have their own point of view about teams, but don't have the manic insistence to confront others if they don't like a particular team.
    • Avoid controversial topics. For example, the prohibition of abortion or the possession of weapons. A lively conversation will probably start, but no one will be interested.
  5. 5 Let people communicate. You might think that the best way to entertain people is to joke, juggle oranges, moonwalk and a million other recreational activities, but in fact, you need to constantly pause for others to speak. If you’re too tense or talk 90% of the time, it’s not fun for others. Your best bet is not to try to dominate any conversation, but to leave a strong, interesting impression of yourself when you get the chance to speak up.
    • Do not occupy more than 50% of face-to-face conversation, and more than a third of total company conversation. Don't take too much on yourself or tire those around you.
  6. 6 Dance is another way to entertain people. Whether you are a professional or a complete amateur, if you are ready to fool around, of course, you will be very funny when it comes to performing dance moves. The most important thing is that you are confident and do not worry that you will look like a goof. People will be liberated and cheerful, not even expecting excellent dances from you. Here are some moves to practice before your big debut:
    • moonwalk
    • Helicopter
    • Robot
    • Worm
    • Wave
    • Obscene movements
  7. 7 Grab the attention of others. To entertain people, you need to know how to get their attention. While attention management is a skill that needs to be developed over time, there are some things that can help you understand that people are passionate about you. Here's what to do:
    • Speak with a well-trained voice
    • Create eye contact
    • Exude confidence with your head held high and don't fuss
    • Be respectful of people who listen to you
  8. 8 If all else fails, go for a walk and engage in active entertainment. If you feel that there is nothing else to talk about, find an activity that will help you maintain a good mood. Invite your friends to the skating rink, movie or cafe.Being in a new environment where something interesting is happening stimulates the brain to create interesting thoughts and funny images. When people feel bored or anxious, sometimes the best thing to do is to suggest that they change their environment.
    • Go to the bowling alley, the arcade, or do something you haven't done since childhood. People will have fun and not take themselves too seriously.
    • Play an easy volleyball or basketball game. All participants will be cheerful and active.
    • Go to nature. A short hike or even a walk around the lake in the park will not let people get bored.
    • Who Said You Are Too Old For The Playground? Spend a day of nostalgia with your friends on swings, ladders and carousels.

Method 2 of 3: Entertain People at Your Own Party

  1. 1 Stock up on alcoholic drinks. This is the # 1 rule in organizing an adult party. Nothing makes a good party worse than realizing that beer and wine are out. Alcohol is the fuel for the party, without which guests feel uncomfortable or even a little bored. Running out of alcohol is a sign that the party is over and it's time to go home, and you don't want your guests to feel that way.
    • When planning how much to drink, always take a little more in case someone unexpectedly arrives at the last minute or guests stop drinking later than you planned. If cost is a big deal, look for drinks in stores that allow unopened alcohol to be returned if you don't intend to finish drinking it later.
  2. 2 Prepare enough food. When it comes to entertaining guests, you don't need gourmet food unless it's a dinner party. In most cases, just enough pizzas, snacks, hamburgers and similar food that fit the party format will come in handy. You can organize get-togethers where everyone brings a dish for the common table, so you don't have to worry about grocery shopping and cooking. In fact, the simpler the food choices are, the better, as there is less distraction for guests.
    • Even if the party doesn't involve treats, it is a good idea to have some snacks ready. Guests should not be hungry and, moreover, a snack is essential when drinking alcohol.
  3. 3 Add fun to the conversation. One way to get guests to talk is to have a few unusual items in stock. Let it be your funny photo in a zebra costume, which everyone will ask about, or such an unusual ikebana that people will want to know where it came from, or a new electronic device that you are crazy about, or, at worst, even your kitten A snowball that always becomes the soul of the company. Although not necessary for the entertainment of guests, this way the guests will communicate, laugh, or ask questions, which will certainly help to maintain a good mood.
    • You can leave a few gossip magazines on the table. Despite the fact that you want the guests to communicate, and not read, if someone leafs through the magazine, everyone together can laugh heartily at the funny story with the participation of Philip Kirkorov. Well, who wouldn't like that?
  4. 4 Spice up the party with a variety of entertainment. Having a wide variety of activities is very exciting, and good for keeping up the fun. While many parties only need a few people to socialize and have fun, having a few board games or entertainment can help people feel the spirit of fun and get to know each other a little better. Here are some things you can do to make guests feel free:
    • Jenga
    • Cards against all
    • Old photo album
    • Videogames
    • Turntable
    • Dominoes
  5. 5 Be a friendly host. Make sure guests know where to put their shoes, where to hang their coats, where to leave the drinks they bring with them, and generally how the house is set up. Beginners shouldn't feel confused or vague at your party.When meeting a new guest, offer them drinks, show them where the bathroom is, and just be friendly and courteous to make the guest feel at home.
    • Don't be too persistent, but almost immediately after the guest arrives, ask if he would like snacks, water or other drinks.
    • Be sure that nothing bothers you or annoys you when throwing a party. Such an atmosphere will ruin the party, and the guests will feel unexpected, which will entail huge inconveniences.
  6. 6 Introduce people. Most of the guests have something in common and will definitely get along with each other. Guests should feel comfortable interacting with those around them, and not wonder who this guy is or where he came from. Quickly introduce guests and even say a few words about them so that everyone understands how the invited people are connected with each other. If there are no more than 10 people at the party, introducing each of them will help create a friendly and cozy atmosphere.
    • You can even get ahead of the action by telling guests that they have common interests. For example, tell Maxim that Anna is also involved in artistic gymnastics.
    • You can also talk about how you relate to the person you represent. Tell Maksim that you were on vacation with Anna at the children's camp, and Anna - that Maksim is your classmate.
  7. 7 Don't start cleaning until everyone is gone. An important part of the entertainment is that guests feel welcome until they leave the house. If you start collecting dishes, taking out the trash, or cleaning tables in the middle of a party, guests will think you want them to leave and that they are inconvenient. Even if you're a cleanliness freak or want to save some time, it's important to let the party end before you clean up so guests won't feel burdened.
    • Okay, if the party is really over, everyone leaves and a few people offer to help with the cleaning, that's okay. Respond to such an offer as you see fit. But the main thing is not to make people feel like unexpected guests by washing every little empty glass of beer half an hour after the party starts.
  8. 8 Consider a theme party. While having a theme is not a necessary part of a party or guests' entertainment, it can help people communicate, have fun, and generally have a good time. If there is a calendar holiday or occasion for a party like New Years, March 8 or Halloween, then you're done. In addition, you can arrange themed parties in various directions: animals, sports, vampires, your favorite films or programs. It is important that the presence of the theme set people up for communication, fun, or even dressing up in specific costumes.
    • Wearing costumes for an evening will naturally encourage people to socialize. They will discuss each other's costumes or ask why this particular outfit was chosen. Plus, it will entail having fun music and props to help people communicate and have more fun.

Method 3 of 3: Entertain Guests in Your Own Home

  1. 1 Be a good host. Not everyone has this skill. A good host is able to be attentive to the needs of his guests without bothering them. You need to anticipate the wishes of the guests without being too annoying. Be friendly, welcoming, and helpful, and make sure guests feel right at home (without causing you unnecessary disturbance, of course!). Here are some things to do to be a good host:
    • Accept outerwear from the guests and explain where to put the shoes.
    • Take their bags.
    • Familiarize guests with the location of the kitchen, bathroom and everything else.
    • Be hospitable. Provide guests with a place to sleep, pillows, blankets, towels, and anything else you may need to comfortably settle in your home. If you don't want guests to leave you, feel free to open your home for them.
  2. 2 Make sure guests' needs are met. An important aspect of good hospitality is meeting all the needs of your guests.Many guests are very embarrassed to talk about their needs, and your task is to ask them to make them feel comfortable. As much as you do not want to constantly annoy guests, you also do not need to avoid them so that they are not afraid to contact you. Here are some examples of what you can ask guests to meet their needs:
    • Offer a glass of water or drink. Guests may be too shy to ask for what they need.
    • If a longtime friend comes to town and you both enjoy drinking a bottle of wine from time to time, have one ready in advance.
    • Make sure no one is hungry. While you don't want to be too pushy, make sure your guests are full. They may not admit to being hungry at first, so stock up on a few snacks for any occasion.
    • Keep a plate of snacks on the table, like a mixture of nuts, crackers, fruits, and other non-perishable foods that you can always grab a bite to eat.
    • Find out if guests need towels, shampoo, and other shower supplies. Explain what you can and cannot use.
    • Prepare suitable foods in advance. It never hurts to ask guests what they prefer for breakfast, if they are allergic to anything, or if there are snacks that they absolutely love. This way, you can cook whatever the guests like without having to run to the grocery store.
  3. 3 Show guests the sights of the city. If the guests are coming from another city, then you should probably introduce them to the surroundings of your hometown. You may not be a fan of your city's tourist attractions, or think that the city has a lot to see, but if guests have come a long way to visit you, it is worth making an effort to show them the city. Think for a moment and identify the main places that guests should visit, be it the Lenin Mausoleum or the famous little jazz cafe on the other side of the city. Have them visit at least some of these places, and you can demonstrate good hospitality in practice.
    • So, if you live in Moscow and don't want to stand in line for three hours to get to the Tretyakov Gallery, then at least escort your guests there and sit in a nearby cafe until the tour ends. Do not leave guests alone, wandering around the city, especially at first.
    • Showcase major famous sites or quirky restaurants, landmarks, statues, unique shops, ocean views, and absolutely everything your city is famous for.
    • Of course, you shouldn't just wander along the tourist routes. Take guests to your favorite areas of the city, or even your favorite bar or restaurant. Show them what you love about life in your city.
  4. 4 Don't limit the privacy of your guests. It is important to be a good host, to invite guests to feel at home and to ask to understand how they feel when visiting you, but it is also important to give them some personal space, especially if they are staying with you for several days. No need to rush into rooms or rooms where guests sleep without knocking or warning. Do not try to be near the guest around the clock, unless he really needs it. Visiting another person can be compared to a kind of claustrophobia, and you should understand that from time to time a guest may want to be alone.
    • Most people need time to relax, especially after a long day of travel or a long trip to attractions or tourist sites. Give your guests some time to unpack, even if you are very happy with their arrival.
  5. 5 Don't be too pushy. This relates to the topic of providing guests with privacy. You don't need to ask the same question so many times that the person is forced to answer yes. If a guest insists several times that he is not really hungry, leave him alone by telling him that there is lasagna in the refrigerator, which you can treat if you like.You don't have to make guests feel like they have to agree with everything in order to please you.
    • Guests may have their own idea of ​​how they want to spend time with you. If you offer them to do something, for example, go to a pool or water park, and they really do not want to, do not insist, unless it seems to you that they refuse just because it is very burdensome for you.
  6. 6 Provide guests with a list of activities to do on their own. If you are going to entertain guests, then you should also have a plan for resting from these very entertainment. Unless guests are counting on you around the clock, and you are not planning to do so, make a list of possible activities for them while you are at work, relaxing, or minding your own business. Include eating places or tourist attractions such as museums or gardens, especially if there are many in your area.
    • By preparing for all this in advance, you will save yourself from the feeling that you have to be with the guest every second. Without giving him independent studies, you will be forced to roam with him everywhere, instead of your free time.
  7. 7 Fill your home with things that can entertain guests without your help. This way, you won't feel like you have to entertain your guests every second you have. If children are visiting, stock up on some video games, markers and drawing paper, or toy soldiers appropriate for their age. When adults are visiting, pick up gossip magazines or something more serious, a selection of TV shows, or a photo album. This way, you can set aside yourself half an hour to do your laundry without thinking about how to entertain your guests.
    • Board games and entertainment such as Twister or Monopoly will be a fun joint entertainment for you and your guests.


  • Wear interesting things. Cool earrings or unique sneakers can be a great topic of conversation, especially if there is an interesting story behind them. Such things are always interesting to people.
  • Timeliness is most important. A joke will be ten times funnier if delivered at the right moment.


  • Don't go out of your way! Obvious attempts to sound funny don't look good. It is important to always find a middle ground and be tactful when speaking.