How to grind flaxseed

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grind flax seeds (and why you should!)
Video: How to grind flax seeds (and why you should!)


1 Flax seeds are easier and faster to grind with a flax mill. A flax mill is a special device, similar to a coffee grinder, that is used to grind flax seeds. Remove the cover from the appliance and pour the seeds into the wide opening. Hold the mill over a bowl or plate. Start turning the top of the appliance clockwise to grind the seeds. One tablespoon (15 grams) of seeds can be ground in less than 30 seconds.
  • Use a mill to grind flaxseeds and use them as a topping for a salad or smoothie.
  • If you rarely eat flax seeds, then buying this device is not advisable.
  • 2 Use a spice or pepper grinder as an inexpensive alternative. Remove the lid from the spice grinder and add approximately 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 grams) of flax seeds. Put the lid back in place and start turning the knob for 1-5 minutes, until you grind the flaxseeds to the desired consistency.
    • Ground flaxseed will spill out of the bottom of the mill, so hold it over food or a storage container.
    • This method is more laborious. If your arm or wrist gets tired, take a break of 30-60 seconds.
  • 3 Use a mortar and pestle to finely chop the flax seeds. Use a mortar and pestle to grind from 1 tablespoon (15 grams) to 1 cup (240 grams) of seeds at a time. Pour the flax seeds into a mortar that looks like a bowl. Then roll the pestle (handle-shaped grind) inside the mortar to crush the seeds. Do not stop pressing on the pistil to grind the seeds. Continue grinding for 3-5 minutes until the seeds are at the desired consistency.
    • The mortar and pestle are usually made of marble and stone. The weight of the stone is ideal for grinding the seeds.
  • Method 2 of 3: Using an electrical appliance

    1. 1 Try grinding flax seeds quickly and efficiently with a coffee grinder. Measure out 1 cup (240 grams) of seeds and add them to the grinder. Turn the grinder to the finest setting and grind the flax seeds for 10-15 seconds. This is an easy way to add nutrients to your food.
      • Remember to clean the grinder afterwards.
      • Do not exceed the maximum permissible amount of seeds. It is indicated by a line inside the grinder. Otherwise, the grinder may break during operation.
    2. 2 If you don't need finely ground seeds, use a food processor. A food processor can grind 1–3 cups (240–720 grams) of flax seeds at a time. Pour the seeds into the harvester, put them on the finest grind and turn on the device for 5-15 minutes until you get the desired consistency. During grinding, remove the lid from the processor from time to time and stir the seeds with a spoon to grind them better.
      • Despite the effectiveness of this method, it takes significantly longer than others.
    3. 3 Use a blender to grind flax seeds. This is an easy method if you don't have any other kitchen appliances. Place approximately 1 cup (240 grams) of flaxseed into a blender. To do this, take a measuring cup or measure the seeds by eye. Close the lid on top of the blender and turn it on to the finest grind setting. Grind the seeds for 3-10 minutes until you get the desired consistency.
      • When the seeds are ground, pour them into a bowl or jar.

    Method 3 of 3: Storing flax seeds

    1. 1 Store whole flaxseeds at room temperature for up to a year. It is much cheaper to buy whole flaxseeds from the wholesale department of a health or grocery store. Store them at room temperature for a year and grind them in small increments as needed.
      • If you only want to eat fresh seeds, change them every 2-3 months.
    2. 2 Transfer the crushed seeds to an airtight container. Place the ground seeds in a ceramic bowl or plastic container. Close the container with a lid so that the seeds do not disappear in the air.
    3. 3 Store crushed flaxseeds in the refrigerator for up to a week. Chopped flaxseeds are best used right away to get the most of the nutrients. They can still be kept in the refrigerator for several days.
      • If the crushed seeds are bitter, then they have deteriorated and should be thrown away. Typically, the seeds have an earthy and nutty flavor.


    • To get as many nutrients as possible, grind your flaxseeds just before eating.
    • Use alternating white and brown flaxseeds when cooking or baking. They taste the same.
    • If you don't eat eggs, replace them with crushed flaxseed and water.
    • You can buy shredded flaxseeds at the grocery store, but it's much cheaper to chop them yourself.
    • Flaxseeds are often added to cereals and smoothies to increase their nutrient content.


    • You won't get all of the nutrients in flaxseed if you don't grind them before consuming them.